The pockety has true 3dHe is saying 3D, and 5D, do not describe what you just described above... They're just brand marketing attempts, not accurate descriptions of the tech in play? (Like when movie theaters used 4D as a thing after 3D, but so like 5D is not a thing, there are not actually five dimensions, it is nonsense lol)
He said 5d as the puffco lied and said their 2d is 3d
Also everyone has discussed this a few times saying what the side heating vs side and bottom heating does
I agree puffco said BS and then to try to relay that upgrade in his jcvap says 5d (remember the language barrier too)
If you have read this thread you would have seen a number of us discuss this and break it down that we also think puffco is talking shit and their 3d is actually 2d (side only)Yeah, that’s all I was saying. When we start discussing the merits of fifth dimensional (spoilers: IT’S LOVE) heating, we’re no longer talking about the real thermodynamic processes that shape the performance of our vapes, and that obscuring of the actual reality at hand benefits no one but unscrupulous businesses. I get why they’re doing it, but let not encourage them, right?
Apologies if my comment came off as aimed at anyone in particular; that definitively wasn’t my intention.
The pockety is true 3d but with a language barrier and puffco already BSing they went with 5d to try to explain what theirs did different (he says side/side/front/back/ bottom
But really the 5d is the true 3d
Either way - a few is us already discussed and mentioned this a few times and at this point in time it's easier to say "3d" and "5d" than keep repeating and typing "side walls and bottom heating" everytime
Myself and @chillmike usually type saying "3d (really 2d)" anyway so we have already addressed your point a couple of times
Half the vaping worlds terms are not accurate and are silly or made up slang names
This is another to delineate between two different things - even if the names are a little incorrect
We have certainly already broken down the correctness of the terms prior to your comment so everyone understood what was what and we now had a two letter descriptor as opposed to "side walls and bottom heating"
Puffco advertised 3d, so I get why he advertises 5d. I get the technicalities but I don't think it's that serious. Companies do marketing gimmicks a lot. If you go to the site he does explain what his version of "5d" means
On another note, my second pockety came. I had to order another one while it's on discount, I couldn't resist. Especially considering the one I got was the beta version. Super excited to come home from work and try!

Now onto the honesty and bug finding
There has been the reset bug happened to me once and to @80Sixed once
Last night I did some extensive testing of my device and found another bug
It does not stop the device working in any way at all and I am still happy with my unit
And tbh most first release have bugs and if these are the only ones that the pockety has I am more satisfied with it than first releases that have bugs that stop you using the device
I went to try @80Sixed higher temp one shot dab (at 579 my sized dab still needs a few draws and will not one hit, but I'm happy with that as discussed earlier, just thought I'd try for science sake)
At 580 the unit started to hunt for temp on the screen (the dish seems fine and still dabs as usual)
The session timer also does not turn off at this temp, I had to double click the button to end session
It functioned perfectly normal in relation to having the dab
But the screen hunted for temp and session timer does not timeout
I decided to go through the entire degrees from 350 to 650
I found these temps have the issue
And every other temp is perfectly fine
396 397 398 407 513 514 515 516 558 580 581 582 583 623
Those 14 temp settings have this bug
Again - the device still works perfectly but won't turn off at 60 seconds
I had never used any of those temps before so had not found the issue
When I went to copy 80sixed one hit and I tried 580 I found it and clicked to 581 and it was there but not on 579
So I went through the lot and found those numbers are buggy
I mentioned this to John at jcvap as he was already trying to find the reset bug
He has held back the recent purchases so that they can fix the bug
It is a software bug that can be fixed
So all recent purchases over the last couple of days will receive a patched copy
For those of us with current units I suggest we just don't use those temps (although it seems to still function at said temps)
If anyone has any issues with their device not functioning or heating properly I would contact jcvap directly as they have always been very good with CS and assisting customers with issues
So far it is just an on screen bug and does not affect the function of the device at all
He gave a few units (like 28) to beta testers apparently before I got the half off codes
He says only one gave him feedback and none tested enough to find this bug
Too many greedy people wanting shit for free these days but won't do the work they promised
They just promote a product and don't test it
Then that company gets the bad name and we buy shit that may have bugs
Arseholes who ripped jcvap off like this
Well I bought mine and I tested it
As has @chillmike so the feedback is now happening
He knows for future purposes that he should get us vapers to test for him and not IG influencers
My unit still functions absolutely fine and I still love it
But am sharing the honest feedback
John is fixing the issue now so everyone who hasn't got theirs yet will have a fixed screen
If your unit stops working at any point in time contact him and they will sort you out I'm sure
In the meantime avoid the above temps (unless you are all going to try now and see hahaha)
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