Hi, I bought It one month ago and I m really loving it.
I bought also the connection for an old never used bubbler for the Tera (the vaporizer that I loved more before to discover tm).
But normally I use it with a 15cm bamboo straw took in a vietnam trip

Next week will arrive me a short wood stem made by a nice Austrian artist that I can suggest. It's nice because at the end I can also fit a short glass pipe to have a more fresher puff. I m a bit scared because I will not be able to use the cu on it.
Can you give me any suggestion to improve the quality of the usage? Like fix and mods for a more fresh and clean puffs.. But also if there's a speficific way to use it (I normally do 20seconds shot and keep it for 10seconds)?
About the quantities, I use a small amount (0,2) with basket screen and I make 5-6, shots in total (starting from number 2 then 4-6-8-10). With a nice weed I can get stoned three times with a so small quantity!!

An important thing to solve, often the weed is cooked only in the center area, there's a way to vaporize it all without opening it and mixing it? I tried to not pressing it but it doesn't change much.
Thanks and enjoy