@Unklmark68 for sharing his cool discovery!
Get an Ispire Wand everyone, smash one of the buckets and put that ring round your beloved most tasty one. Just a firm finger pinch to one end and it will embrace your Vaponic nicely and will be giving back the love big time.
10 blinks Heatup or some more - a few terpy tokes - rinse, repeat and enjoy!
Really, get that thing! Great alternative to the Mistvape Vaponic heater if you didn’t have a chance to get one.
EDIT: If you happen to own a MAD heaters magnet (for the DV), it is a perfect fit and holds the whole unit nice and secure - even upside down! Also, it helps to define a “default” ring position (a bit like the Epic tool does for the enano )- to start science from or just so it wouldn’t expose the glass dome and protect it.
This one is not gonna win a beauty contest (attached magnet with blutack to the wand body) - but it’s really everything you would need in a super capable setup.
Would anyone be concerned about putting a (pretty strong) magnet there? I couldn’t feel anything magnetic underneath so I thought I would give it a try - but certainly I don’t wanna risk things… Any opinions?