Abysmal Vapor
Supersniffer 2000 - robot fart detection device
@Greenleaf88 Maybe use a shorter/smaller flame or increase distance from flame . Sounds like you experience the thermal lag and half way through your hit it gets up to combustion temp. I imagine the Anvil is like riding a car without brakes,if you speed too much it will definetly crash into combustion zone
People that have experience with the supreme vaporizer might be better at mastering the anvil, cause they are used to seeing temp rising after they stop heating, the bigger the flame, the higher the overshoot.
If there was a way to stick thermocouple inside ,it might give some answer of what exactly is happening on the reheat and how much is the lag.

People that have experience with the supreme vaporizer might be better at mastering the anvil, cause they are used to seeing temp rising after they stop heating, the bigger the flame, the higher the overshoot.
If there was a way to stick thermocouple inside ,it might give some answer of what exactly is happening on the reheat and how much is the lag.