Hi there. John here. This one has some information and some editorial so buckle up.
We have already made a new screen design with a central slot that has a removal tool. It looks like a screwdriver blade with notches. slide it through the slot, turn 90 degrees and pull. By the time any of us need new screens I'll have this perfected and on the site. In the event that anyone needs a new screen in a pinch you can simply grab one of our competitors which are pretty ubiquitous. That's what we did. And yes - there isn't anything wrong with building on other folks good ideas.
Let me share with you one of the key secrets of R and D. A lot of Research and Development is really just "Rob and Duplicate". If a competitor has a component that we can use both legally and successfully then we feel no obligation to start from scratch. Thats called not re-inventing the wheel.
We didn't rank removable screen as high priority because the Betas just haven't gotten dirty. Yours likely won't in the month this will take either.
I think you'll be impressed at how clean the Anvil herb chamber stays. Because the temperature sensing is on the herb chamber - and not the exterior oven - the addition of even the slightest energy from the convection air stream causing the vapour to literally jump off the plant material and evacuate the chamber. Thats why your rig is white-walling right away. You just don't get big sticky buildup in the chamber. For this version I made the condenser tube full length to keep the Anvil itself cleaner. I do have a version of the condenser that stops halfway and dumps the vapor into the body but that got the body dirty. I only wanted one part to clean. If you decide that the long condenser isn't the way to go I can update you with a short one - but that is not going to be until early February after everyone has given it the old college try. It is a good practice to debowl when hot using the magnetic holder. This further reduces the need to clean too often.
Also just so you guys know we are not taking any new orders until we have perfected as many of these issues as possible. Anvil is the device that I, and my Beta Team, wanted to build. We have made our best guesses as to what will ring true. You guys are the first group to test drive this little beast. If there is a better way to do things I will implement it and get it to you free of charge. But not willy nilly. We'll coordinate an update mailing at the end of the month and we'll get everyone up to the best revision level we can muster.
You guys took a chance with Anvil. I KNOW this little beast delivers the performance but I am learning things about form, fit and functional use that we didn't consider as intensely as some of you would have wanted. Tube aside because that just hurts

No one who bought in the Launch is stranded. And we will NOT be delivering features to our next group of customers until you guys have them first. I appreciate you. I can't say that LOUD enough. If we are successful with Anvil in the big market it is because you guys all become advocates on our behalf.