My Dabpress showed up yesterday evening, so after some family time I cleaned it, set it up, and got to pressing! This is a really solid looking unit and I think my only complaint so far is the magnets (which I expected) and they'll work fine until I make something a little easier to grab.
I used some of my home grown gorilla glue (curing 8 months now) that I didn't think would yield the best because it was not very frosty. All my flower is kept with 62% Integra Boost or Bovida. I had a 13% return on my first press (bottle tech) and 16.5% on the second (chottle tech) with 4.24g of flower used for each. This was using a 90 micron bag with my plates set to 220°F top/212°F bottom with a good 10 minute warm up. The 2"x4" bag on end had a surface area of (π x r²) and I was aiming for 1500psi which worked out to 2655 (=1500psi x so with the effective cylinder area (2.75) I should have been reading 965psi on the jack.
For the first press I compressed the puck halfway down (no reading on gauge), waited 30 seconds and then started increasing pressure until I hit over 1000psi (I was up to probably 1100-1200psi) and stayed there for 4 minutes.
On the second press I did the same process except, when I started increasing pressure I did it much more slowly, only pushing the pump as I could feel the resistance drop. I believe it was about 1.5min before I had reached max pressure and then I stayed there for another 2.5min.
The rosin came out darker which I was expecting using older flower and a higher temperature (that does effect Rosin color iirc?) on the plates, but it looks great to me. It's sure different than the live resin I'm use to; that stuff crumbles whereas this is like taffy and is sticky af. It makes a mess of my B-2 SiC dish much faster than the live resin so my wife is going to start wondering where all the q-tips are going

. What impresses me so much is how much more I enjoy the rosin than I do the flower that it came from. This GG needed a long cure before I didn't mind it, but the rosin is really good.
By the end of it all I took a few more hits than I normally do and I was right fucked. I came inside the house and made a full breakfast because I was munching out so hard, followed by an amazing sleep.