I should look into the full Xmax range more.
Hi, there is a lot of interesting words in your post although I noticed your wish to see a stealth mouthpiece option using better quality materials as the main stuff.
Thought I'd check back in on this. Sad to see mouthpiece cracks on some units.
I'm still using mine every day and it's as good as new.
FWIW, I don't ever iso the outer mouthpiece, I just soak it in dish soap and rinse. The metal and ceramic get an iso soak.
I feel my technique is yielding great results. Session mode, max temp, four pulls held down, followed by a fifth long draw and I get huge clouds. Very happy with it
I think you get the hang with your Xmax V3Pro, not only about the vaping technic but about the cleaning technic also!
The more I use my V3 Pro, the more I like it
V3 Pro is a surprisingly good fit for me
Thank you for the very kinds words! Yes, simplicity and efficiency are our mains goals along with portability and low pricetag.... but without sacrifying the quality!
Perfectly put. It's not a trailblazer but the joys of it's consistency and simplicity sneak up on you.
Great, great, great (triple great!), I'm so glad you like it too!
Ceramic used in the vapor path is basically inert as glass, if you’re talking bowls you might have a possible argument about degradation or surface wear, ceramic bowls are pretty common and probably safer than metals imo. Any microscopic particulate will most likely get stuck in the thin film of reclaim that coats the vapor path in the mp when vapor changes direction, at least that’s the theory S&B use for their certified medical devices.
Interesting, I already heard that theory, I'm agree with it but user may be still exposed to that microscopic particulates... for the first sessions at least so it may be still a concern for some peoples... But, from my understanding the ceramic maze consists in glazed ceramic, this ceramic is supposed to avoid the micro particulates issue, my two cents
Lol you want to argue your own narrative go ahead.
The manual is not clear at all, nowhere does it say the mouthpiece cannot touch iso.
Ok, I understood your concern and we'll try to add a third warming to avoid such issue to repeat. If it's a big concern for you (I can understand that!) you can still contact our support team... let me know if you want the email adress.
Here are 2 underlined spots where it states to not use iso on the plastic mouthpiece
Thank you for noticing and sharing the 2 "warmings" in the user guide... although I'll suggest to add a third one!
I wonder why the plastic in mp is not more like the stuff Might/Crafty cooling units are molded from. That stuff can be iso soaked. I think it's called PEET?
Here my two cents... like you know Mighty/Crafty are very expensives units, the TopGreen point of vue is to offer affordables devices in order to help everybody to put a first foot into the vaping scene... without to break the bank. That's why we can't use the sort of plastic S&B use but we are using high quality food-grade plastic.
got mine coming the mail, good thing now i know not to use ISO on the mouthpiece!

, feel free to share your experience, I would be glad to know your thoughts about the V3Pro... in Kiev!
but maybe it is possible that some of the coating in the chamber is falling off while stirring the herbs.
I don't understand that sentence... did you speak of the V3Pro? there is no coating in the V3Pro chamber, it's only stainless steel!
I noticed yours/others peoples concerns about the stock mouthpiece... will transmit!
Yes, i'm okay too with the OG mp.
I have the wpa too. It's fine with a Jhook. But it's not really more tasty than the OG. And flavor is my Holy Quest.
V3Pro is a real achievement.
It's every thing i wanted when i started vaping 10 years ago, with a MFLB.
I would love a sexy-woody version, eventually. But i'll never pay twice as much for this fantasy.
Congrats, Xmax !
Yes, by the past I suggested to TopGreen to release a high-end unit in the 200$ range ( I said that cause I noticed most budgets in reddits are in this range) but now I'm thinking there is already so much devices with that pricetag and not so much quality devices under 100$... this is where we shines, maybe we have to be humble and to continue to deal with the thing we are able to build... and to sell!
On top of that I think we are helping a lot all the others vaporizers manufacturers cause offering such low priced quality vaporizers, when peoples like them they will quickly buy another... and another...and... (you know, that's called VAS

, I'm deeply affected myself!)
We have a mission....