Cheap High Quality Bubbler

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
Oh I actually found a store with all sizes of those u turn adapters! Here

Trying to decide which size and style would be the most useful for me actually...

Also fuck me, because they have these heady drop-down adapters, even if they are the other worser style, I think I have to get two for like $9 each, white orange striped 14 to 14 and blue purple striped 18 to 18...

Finally decided, so I ordered 14 female to 18 male and 18 male to 18 male curved u-turn adapters, along with 14-14 orange white stripe drop down and 18-18 blue white stripe drop down adapters... The seller was very responsive, quick easy communication to work out the order, excited for this one!

Also decided I'm sick of waiting for kokokoko to come through, refresher I ordered from them the small rainbow male heady rig and larger male tentacle rig on July 18, got tracking soon after though it was never scanned... After a month I reached out to them, because soon after I ordered their store was also emptied completely, they told me to be patient they were getting it back up, a couple weeks later it did go back up, my tracking never updated so I followed up again after another couple weeks, told to please be patient... I follow up again another month later, they say one of the items was not in stock and that's why it hasn't shipped, I asked which item, saying that maybe I'll just take a refund on the other item, hoping that it was the small rainbow rig that could be shipped now (and I could get the tentacle rig elsewhere, the rainbow one is fully unique though) So then I follow up again after this holiday, because they did not respond after another couple weeks before the holiday, and I ask again which one is ready to ship now, if it is not the rainbow rig I think I'm ready to cancel the whole order at this point... They again just tell me to please wait patiently, so I replied I have been and I think I'm out of patience, if they cannot ship the rainbow rig now I am going to request refund for everything... Today I see they read the message, no reply, yeah I don't even care about the rainbow rig anymore and I'm probably going to cancel regardless of their reply, but I'll give them a chance once more :rofl:

Already decided to order the tentacle rig with the pink and purple from DJsmoke instead, they were super quick to respond to my questions, telling me they had it in stock to ship now, and they even adjusted the price slightly for me because I did not need the combustion bowl, I really like these colors:

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
Thanks goes to you for turning me onto these.
The one on the left has been Mrs.arbs piece for years now.
She has 5 of them and has turned her nose up at every piece I have presented her since.
She saw that yellow recycler tried it and hasn't used her regular since.
I am using the blue one and call me impressed probably the best made glass we have from the gate.
Meanwhile I think I am actually ready to pull the trigger on the little rig from tobaccoglass in the middle below, largely out of boredom wanting something else, while still waiting for other stuff, but also because of what arb said about it and it just looks nice, uniquely colorful!


So yeah pretty much decided I'm going to pull the trigger on that for $36 despite all reason,

All right we finally have a matching pair together now! as my little multicolor pillar recycler just arrived finally (ordered 8/27 so a month longer than my first order back in the summer, longer than other things I ordered after it in my last recent spree)

and now again wondering if this green fountain incycler from ggsmoker (no reviews on this specific piece though) is at all worthwhile, as I think I'm looking for something larger and just love colored glass, opportunity to get a piece like this in green color like this, however I'm just not sure if this piece is going to have good function and airflow etc?? Might be okay, mouthpiece is the biggest risk of sucking perhaps lol
And still not sure about the green fountain incycler, coupon brings it to $40, just cannot decide if I really only want it for the green glass itself, I mean perc function could be good and fun for a while? Oh Lord :lmao:
Just a little intermission as I was collecting the quotes since this^ was part of the post, want to mention that this green fountain recycler has been a phenomenal edition, love it as my main herbal recycler despite the imperfections on the outside of the glass, the function is just so great, it does fantastic vortex cyclone in the center like no other!

That's a nice little piece and my wife won't give it up.
I found both that one and the blue one to be really well made and as soon as its safe I will probably grab a couple other pieces of theirs.
Thanks bud, yeah looks like you ordered from the same link I am going to then! Sounds like you should get one from the other link I posted to have another color for her so you can justify more for you too...

Anyway back to the multicolor pillar recycler, here is mine with and without flash, love all the different colors in the glass, and the silver fuming in the amber makes for such a cool blue purple color changing effect:


So this one has an inline perc beneath the four pillars with five holes facing down, instead of four slits facing up like in the other silver fumed pillar recycler, nice extra justification for having both lol also finally this one does not have a flared mouthpiece at all! Unique and comfortable... Function is quite nice indeed, smooth flavor with Halo!

Also found this was in those posts, the one with that unique perc I was talking about:
Disregarding the egg, one of the reviews on this purple tall tube claims the side flared tree type perc is very rare, and apparently quite cheap:
Back on topic, did not notice before that Yingmin had this type of perc actually, remember how someone else had said it was rare on that tall purple fab egg one someone else here ordered...? Anyway, it has TAG branding for some reason, but seems pretty nice and unique:

^that also seems to be here...
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Well-Known Member
Anyway back to the multicolor pillar recycler, here is mine with and without flash, love all the different colors in the glass, and the silver fuming in the amber makes for such a cool blue purple color changing effect:


Did yours just come in? I ordered Sep 3 and received Sep 27.

It's a cool little vape, but has sat in a cabinet after initial use.

I have way too many glass pieces and this piece is too small/unbalanced for my heavier vapes (vrod, log) with a drop-down or ash catcher.

Disregarding the egg, one of the reviews on this purple tall tube claims the side flared tree type perc is very rare, and apparently quite cheap:

And this tall modular double honeycomb is also very cheap:

Still waiting on delivery of both of these. Last update was Sep 20 that it's in Suzhou.

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)

Did yours just come in? I ordered Sep 3 and received Sep 27.

It's a cool little vape, but has sat in a cabinet after initial use.

I have way too many glass pieces and this piece is too small/unbalanced for my heavier vapes (vrod, log) with a drop-down or ash catcher.

Yeah haha mine took much longer and I ordered before you, you never know how it's going to shake out... Yeah it's pretty and it works well, just used with FW7, but you are correct about the balance with a drop-down, and a vape attached, worked well with the drop-down I was using with Halo though! But yeah it would be cool if it was just a little bit bigger, better balance and comfort, but there's a lot to like about it, this small it can be used with one hand, and at the very least it is very pretty to put out lol probably a nice little dab rig though!


Yeah I'm surprised how long the large RBR is taking, I just got hit with a lot of bad luck after a lot of good luck, I mean some of my recent stuff came quick, it's all over the map when you buy as much as I have these past months I suppose!

Oh by the way, people are saying there's a new version of the Hyperion Core coming out soon, we never did find a fifth person in order to order the original from that DH gate seller...

Edit: speak of the damn devil, here is the big green RBR at my door unexpectedly! Ordered 9/10 so about a month shipping from SmokingBong, last time they were much faster and seemed to be normally for this piece, again just random luck lately, did not know this was in the country let alone out for delivery yet by the tracking lol so you just never know @xer0 did you get yours??


The quality is very solid, just cleaned it and going to use it, did a test run to see what the water level should be like, nice and simple feel right to the green, smooth enough for that anything attached and a lot of diffusion, nice little vortex action... Yeah there could be some chug, to get it going especially with a vape attached depending on its restriction... Oh it's also smaller in person than I expected, always hard to imagine, it is a nice size actually, very nice, and for $28 I'm already plenty satisfied! Now to test...

Edit Again: Okay with vape you actually do need to load more water, in order to get it to function properly reaching the vortex, and then yeah you end up with a lot of restriction and chug, also blow back after the fact... I may like using it with less water better even though you don't actually get the recycling action, then it's just a matrix rig with an interesting design? Ehh we'll see!

Oh and apparently it is only 10.3 inches so I guess I was correct feeling like it was smaller than I expected, listing says 12.2 inches! And yeah the tracking never updated, since 9/15, odd one, but I am releasing the funds to them its still a solid piece overall...
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Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
Well I'm getting used to it, you definitely need good airflow, the RBR works well with Tetra, I got it good with Halo and clean screen... Unfortunately with the water level so high, testing it again, got a lot of water in my mouth haha, it's a tricky thing, and the chug the pull, when you are hitting it with this much water the whole thing vibrates like a turbulent machine and it is pretty cool, but I don't know if it's really the best thing, more of a novelty?? With less water and no vape it's still functioned and seemed better, maybe that can be done with a different vape, but also it does work fine as a regular interesting matrix I suppose?...

Speaking of water level, using the aquatic rig, I finally just changed my water, and once again started off putting less in, just enough to cover the slits of the perc, which is only half of the perc and only a tiny bit into the bottom of the 14mm joint... This seems perfect, minimal diffusion, but some nice little bubbling, and then it has such a nice big wide chamber, yeah excited to try it with more (started with FW7)

To get the perfect water level in the green fountain recycler, I fill to the uptake tube, with a meniscus just there, to get that perfect vortex cyclone action, damn the function of this piece was such a nice surprise! All around great performing piece I am so happy I picked up, again despite the stuff on the outside of the glass and green being far from my favorite color lol

Meanwhile orange GooRoo is the other main three rotation piece from the recent acquisitions and in general, because of how well it works with Halo, the water level there too is tricky, it was a little too low when I had swapped recently, after having a little too high, getting that just in between is nice for less draw restriction and the amount of chamber you are filling... Again having a clean screen in the vape bowl change these things a lot! My screen was so dirty and the draw was so restrictive, that it was hard to judge before. I mean I should be working more vapes into the rotation, for the sake of all the glass lol obviously more coming!

And just to justify the double post, I mean not really, way past edit time, but I keep going back to back in here lol Anyway check out this wild ash catcher:
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Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
That's the 50mm can, right? I would like to try that...

Yeah, all the color ones are, since they had this one custom made, when he mentioned it I thought maybe it would have been a yellow HD3! I can contemplate a potential future with an aqua blue HD3 or custom large inline for myself...

GlassManufacturers came through, I just got the 18mm male to 14mm female s-shape drop-down adapter they sent after accidentally sending me two 14 male to 18 female ones this past time... Great seller, responsive and accommodating, fast shipping with solid quality!


Well-Known Member
just got DHGate order delivered, placed on 9/27. This is a mobius knock off and was a lil bigger than I anticipated but not oversized by any means I actually like it and draw feels good. On the other hand not such a fan of the tornado bong so far, it’s loud and the first 2 secs of each hit is total draw resistance until the tornado gets started lol then it’s fine but sorta annoying. Glad I got mobius


delta hotel

Well-Known Member
Just a little intermission as I was collecting the quotes since this^ was part of the post, want to mention that this green fountain recycler has been a phenomenal edition, love it as my main herbal recycler despite the imperfections on the outside of the glass, the function is just so great, it does fantastic vortex cyclone in the center like no other!
I'm still eyeing one of these even though I'm waiting on my Roo glass soon.


Finally got this one done and in the mail.
Mrs.arb should be happy with the shade of yellow.........should be.
I'm still waiting on pics/an invoice, but I think they said it should be ready to go out today or tomorrow, so I'm excited for that.

@Shit Snacks I saw you mention you didn't even know something was out for delivery. Something I've found useful when tracking overseas items or things that travel between multiple couriers is postal ninja. It'll consolidate all of the tracking for you.


Semi shaved ape
Very nice! Was she not happy with the shades of yellow from the other ones in that photo? They seemed to have quite a few different yellow ones there... All sold out?
I have never met anyone as weirdly picky as the missus........still not sure how I made the cut.
I'm still eyeing one of these even though I'm waiting on my Roo glass soon.

I'm still waiting on pics/an invoice, but I think they said it should be ready to go out today or tomorrow, so I'm excited for that.

@Shit Snacks I saw you mention you didn't even know something was out for delivery. Something I've found useful when tracking overseas items or things that travel between multiple couriers is postal ninja. It'll consolidate all of the tracking for you.
Last one I got the tracking info two days after it was in my mailbox............they get a bit discombobulated there it seems at times.

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
@Shit Snacks I saw you mention you didn't even know something was out for delivery. Something I've found useful when tracking overseas items or things that travel between multiple couriers is postal ninja. It'll consolidate all of the tracking for you.

Nice, yeah I imagine some of the other green fountain recyclers, those Klein incyclers, could be cool function too, but I think mine is better and unique with that chamber on the top and the uptake tube for some great cyclone...

Thanks, yeah I've actually not had problems otherwise, I just use 17track until it passes over to USPS (sometimes) but this item that arrived unexpected, the tracking stopped showing anything, on any site, that's what I mean it's like they stopped scanning it for a month lol You never know what you're going to get with the China tracking, for the most part it's been pretty good and reliable, and shipping has been pretty quick, but I have had some slow ones even though other stuff from the same seller was very fast, hit and miss for sure!

The Biao blue saki bottle made it through customs and is nearby, the estimate in USPS (international tracking shows nothing now after it passed through customs for this one which is weird) says delivery Monday, but since it made it near me yesterday I really thought it would be out for delivery today, but looks like no unfortunately... Biao gave me tracking right away for the large inline, but it was never scanned, I'm guessing it was not even made yet, that they only had like one for the discount but they sold a few so they had to make the others before they can ship them? Very long shipping from this place, but I know they do have good quality glass work at least!

I have never met anyone as weirdly picky as the missus........still not sure how I made the cut.

Last one I got the tracking info two days after it was in my mailbox............they get a bit discombobulated there it seems at times.

Haha I know how she feels!

Yeah another thing with tracking, and USPS, often they say they can't access the location when it's out for delivery, and then deliver it the next day, they could access, they just get lazy lol

Oh and yeah GooRoo can be a little all over the place, with my orange three-piece I had to ask for the tracking a few days later, because they didn't send it to me, and then they replied with the tracking and it actually was delivered 20 minutes afterwards lol

Does 508phineas have a website as well, or is he just on IG?

No, you can try messaging him here though, @Vlad the Inhaler he just may not see it and reply for a while, he is much more active on IG

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
It's kinda too bad. Like folks who just hang on FB or Reddit, they miss a significant portion of the customer base who just won't go there. They seem to get enough biz so maybe it doesn't matter to them...

Yeah it is much easier for them, to focus on one place, and IG is very easy to post photos and interact with messages, using the app on your phone, wherever you are... Building a website takes a lot of bandwidth, most glass workers do not have one, definitely better than FB I've never had any manufacturers with presence there that I couldn't reach anywhere else although I remember I did use it to get in touch with O'Connell quicker at one point lol Reddit is a total mess I don't know how anyone lives there haha but yeah the amount of time and energy it takes to have multiple presence in multiple places or establish a website, is better spent making the glass and taking for yourself, Phineas mostly does large wholesale orders for folks, he doesn't rely on us for sustainable business at all, part of why his prices are so reasonable! Between IG and his presence on FC I think that is enough to order, seems to be for most people, I know someone messaged him here because they did not have IG and they were able to order the stems... I set up IG literally just to follow vape and glass stuff, enter giveaways and message with people, not connected to any other profiles either, it's like a dummy account lol just saying it's not a big deal to get it set up for you, if you are feeling left out from all the nice stuff available over there!


Microbe minion
I set up IG literally just to follow vape and glass stuff, enter giveaways and message with people, not connected to any other profiles either, it's like a dummy account lol just saying it's not a big deal to get it set up for you, if you are feeling left out from all the nice stuff available over there!
I did exactly the same thing. I have noone I know on IG, but I have lots of canna stuff that I shouldn't link to a real account in prohibition land anyway.

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)

I mean, it does work, very bubbly, its okaaay

And I think I'm going to try with one of these why not, could be a low profile mouthpiece for the gooroo, normally I would be annoyed it's not bent enough, but the orange three piece is so tall that it may be okay on the coughee table hitting from the couch... Could have other uses I'm sure, shame it is not colored, also shame there is not a 14mm one that would be a perfect FW7 mouthpiece with WPA...
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Well-Known Member
Company Rep

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
I would rather clear glass as you can see if you have cleaned it properly more easily (plus LEDs light them up better)...and it is usually cheaper. I gave up on the purple recycler for my Peak Pro and ordered the clear version for 30% less, I got this coming,

Oh well I don't have anything with LEDs lighting any of my glass lol also have no trouble fully cleaning colored glass, but I do like that it doesn't look dirty in use... It depends on the use, but color can be fun, many different ways!

It looks like it will stack bubbles in a traditional way with that size/shape can, but it looks too wide for the up-line percs to function as up-line perc.

Sorry I'm not sure I understand exactly, it's supposed to be like a klein cyclone vortex right? I don't know how upline, but it does do something different than a normal rig when enough water is filled...


Well I knocked over my GooRoo orange three-piece after all, fortunately the rest is so thick it was fine, but the mouthpiece joint shattered up real good :lol::doh::cry:

Maybe I can find someone to repair it someday, add it to my pile of other broken glass parts... Called and they only have the clear ones in stock right now, I actually am interested in one of those maybe because they are different, but anyway they are waiting for more joints to come so they can make more mouthpieces, and color ones, they may even have some new colors... I'm going to follow up with them near the end of the week by email to see what's available, hopefully maybe I can get one without logos, maybe I can get that aqua blue with orange too, or something else completely new!

Mine was pretty bent, compared to a lot of the other ones I see, hopefully I can find one like that, although I would like to try the more straight and perhaps shorter ones possibly, closer to the clear? Hmm...

Anyway the lesson is always remove the mouthpiece when not in use, honestly I was doing that at first, and then I started to get lazy thinking oh why bother it'll be fine and the table is full of other stuff, but now I know to always do it... I mean I could have knocked it over anyway even without the mp, I was moving some pillows around, not a usual thing, while doing a video chat lol


Semi shaved ape
Oh well I don't have anything with LEDs lighting any of my glass lol also have no trouble fully cleaning colored glass, but I do like that it doesn't look dirty in use... It depends on the use, but color can be fun, many different ways!

Sorry I'm not sure I understand exactly, it's supposed to be like a klein cyclone vortex right? I don't know how upline, but it does do something different than a normal rig when enough water is filled...


Well I knocked over my GooRoo orange three-piece after all, fortunately the rest is so thick it was fine, but the mouthpiece joint shattered up real good :lol::doh::cry:

Maybe I can find someone to repair it someday, add it to my pile of other broken glass parts... Called and they only have the clear ones in stock right now, I actually am interested in one of those maybe because they are different, but anyway they are waiting for more joints to come so they can make more mouthpieces, and color ones, they may even have some new colors... I'm going to follow up with them near the end of the week by email to see what's available, hopefully maybe I can get one without logos, maybe I can get that aqua blue with orange too, or something else completely new!

Mine was pretty bent, compared to a lot of the other ones I see, hopefully I can find one like that, although I would like to try the more straight and perhaps shorter ones possibly, closer to the clear? Hmm...

Anyway the lesson is always remove the mouthpiece when not in use, honestly I was doing that at first, and then I started to get lazy thinking oh why bother it'll be fine and the table is full of other stuff, but now I know to always do it... I mean I could have knocked it over anyway even without the mp, I was moving some pillows around, not a usual thing, while doing a video chat lol
Waiting for more joints to come............what the hell does that mean I wonder?

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
Waiting for more joints to come............what the hell does that mean I wonder?

The 18 mm male joints, those come from somewhere else, and they need them to make more color mouthpieces... That's why that is the only thing that shattered haha rest is super thick glass they made themselves!


Semi shaved ape
The 18 mm male joints, those come from somewhere else, and they need them to make more color mouthpieces... That's why that is the only thing that shattered haha rest is super thick glass they made themselves!
Goddamnit............ I hate being bullshitted.
Guy on the phone very specifically said it was ALL done in house.
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