That's great
@SixStringToker! And you have a proper low one and another backup? Yours really does look nice those shades of orange, and your mouthpiece seems much shorter!
@arb that's great, fits perfectly in your collection, I thought you said you got a yellow one as well??
@delta hotel so if these appeal to you, I posted a photo of a full colored collection, and it seems like in the background there is actually a dark forest olive green one perhaps!!
Behind it was a near black one I think, in front you see the brown amber rousing reclaim arb got above... And as you can see here there is another amber with black, like a dark ember rousing reclaim actually:
And I think that is a dark purple way there in the back?? Seems a little different than the cobalt blue...? Or it could be another one, there are plenty of yellows lol
I really love all the orange, the bright red is cool, and I really like the deeper berry red, I still am so tempted by the turquoise teal aqua blue, but if I could see the potential purple properly perhaps... No not even going to ask them nope nope lol