Dropped my Tinymight in (luckily) soft dirt today. It survived however it went stock stem first and got, well, dirty. Time for a cleaning! I just cleaned it last weekend too. But I got a spare stem and CU now

. I won’t miss a beat. The Tinymight is just super awesome - every, single, time!
Speaking of dropping the TM, I had a scare a couple months ago.
It's story time boys and girls, come sit on your uncle penny's lap.
I had just emptied my stem, and TM was sitting stem-less on the edge of the bathroom counter, still on (on-demand mode), when my clumsy ass somehow managed to knock it into the toilet.
Immediately my hear sank and my stomach took residence in throat as I quickly scooped TM out. First I tried to turn it off, which did nothing, so I removed the battery and did my best to shake out all the water and dry it.
The only thing I could think to do was put TM in a bowl of rice like they suggest for electronics when they get wet, so I did that, then send a frantic 'Help!' email to TM guy. He replied within a couple hours and reassured me.
Here is his reply to me, in case anyone else finds themselves in the same boat:
"Hi sorry to hear you had this accident but it doesnt necessarily mean
anything too serious for the tm. The wood might need new oiling but
main thing we make sure there is no water inside the electronics chips
as this would not be good. If I had this happen I would open the unit
by removing the back end big screw and then carefully take out the
bottom panel so that the electronics board is visible this way it can
get dry much more quickly.the other parts dont care about water that
much. Maybe just the vibration motor can stop after this but you could
get a new one there easily. I probably would put it even in the oven
to make it more quickly in Celsius degrees to around 60-70"
By this point TM had been sitting in the rice for a few hours. When I took it apart, I apparently wasn't very careful, because I flipped it upside down and the glass tube and big o-ring bounced out. Thankfully the glass didn't break and The o-ring didn't go missing, but it was certainly a bitch to put back together with my fumbly fingers and bad eyesight.
I didn't put TM in the oven, but I made sure everything was dry and cleaned out all the rice dust and debris. Then I gave everything a good cleaning (one of the few times I used ISO haha) and managed to get the tube/o-ring combo together by putting the o-ring just around the very top of the glass tube, instead of sitting on top of it.
TM guy was right - nothing too Serious for TM. I haven't noticed any difference in performance and luckily the vibration motor still works.