I'd love to hear more on this... I tried it last night and it seemed to be effective. I just boiled 1.5L in a kettle, then added that to a bowl with like 5 bags of peppermint tea. Do you use loose leaf or? I just put a towel over my head and tried inhaling. My right nostril was plugged so hard to do, but I think it helped a little. Had to be careful due to the hot steam! haha
Hey mate, so sorry for such a delay. I just haven't had any energy. And after so long, it has been really great exchanging with you here again, I forgot how much fun I had bantering with you before.
And that was when I was a dick! Lol, no kidding man I almost can't believe how I conducted and express myself at times, looking back. I'm so glad I finally woke up up to my true self and cut all the crap that was preoccupying my head.
And I know how much you have progressed and developed in your own journey in life. So if we could do it all over I'm sure it would be a lot more fun for ourselves and others.
So it's been a real pleasure to catch up here recently. I'm just glad you remember mate to be honest, I thought you would never catch sight of me ricocheting off of your big tyres as you peddled full speed towards utopia and beyond!
So yeah, moments to cherish. I take nothing for granted these days and try to get the most out of everything, including catching up and remeniscing with my Canadian bro. Hence, I was waiting for a pick up of energy to respond to this. You know me, all or nothing. Well maybe inbetween is being called for more of late, when needs must.
I was really preoccupied and stressed out as well completing one of those dreaded sickness benefits assessments they continuously haul us through backwards as often as I can hoping that we kill ourselves in the process, and no kidding.
It always takes a big toll on me with the stress and the sheer difficulty I've actually completing these forms when the system has very effectively denied me rightful official diagnosis, recognition and therefore justice.
Anyway, to answer your questions on the steam and the peppermint: no I don't use peppermint leaves and I simply wouldn't bother it wouldn't even touch the sides it would not be worth my time or effort and would only give me 1% of the vital relief I get.
I use high grade peppermint essential oil only with my steam inhalations. The leaves would do absolutely nothing for me just a very mild effect but pleasant and beneficial on the list I'm sure and maybe enough for some people but I need hardcore heavy artillery but I most severest allergies and lung and sinus congestion you can get get.
This is the sturf you want for serious, rapid and deep congestion relief:
And this one below is the official USDA certified organic oil the one above I believe is organic as are all of these oils from here just not the whole certified business, which I think can be an expensive game.
The one above is the main one I use for deep lung congestion as it seems to be more effective than this organic one below but this organic one is absolutely amazing for clearing the sinuses and head.
I have actually been using three different peppermint oils in my steam inhalations because like different strains of cannabis they all have strengths and weaknesses and complement each other. If I only used this certified organic one below I would not get anywhere near the relief from the Thick dense mucus and catarrh which fills my lungs to the bottom. But like I say it's absolutely amazing for the sinuses and seems to have a different effect to the others I use.
So you can use these oils in the steam inhalation in place of the leaves and it will be 100 times more effective but also you can just drop them onto the palm of your hand like 2 to 5 drops spread it out of it for surface area and cup your hands over your mouth and nose and inhale deep.
You will get a great amount of relief just from doing that it will really help to clear out the sinuses in the head very quickly. Be warned low the peppermint oil is a no pain no gain game it will never do harm and you will always feel better afterwards but the process can be uncomfortable because that meant for is so powerful and it forces them to come up so quick that it can hurt when there is a lot and depending on levels of inflammation.
Also the Cayenne is amazing for mucus I have been using cayenne religiously every day for years now as part of my symptom management. it has a lot of health benefits.
Anyway I hope that little insight can be of some help my brain is so tired right now I'm not sure what else to add.
Yes the kratom withdrawal wasn't fun but I had to stop it cold turkey from heavy daily dosing for 4 weeks which was just enough to get me addicted you are supposed to taper off of these things gradually.
However I have discovered that the kratom specifically messed up my "valves". These are on either side of the lower Colon and are effectively like taps which are incredibly important in the role they perform in the digestive and elimination process and when you have a problem with either valve you will have serious gut issues with constipation and digestive issues and all sorts of problems.
It has actually been a few years since I had any problems with my valves in the past my chiropractors would treat them and correct the issue. You may have heard of the ileocecal valve which is on the right side but there is another one on the left and when I saw my chiropractor last Friday she treated both of my valves which were both malfunctioning and effectively closed like a tap as a direct results of my reaction to the kratom.
So I had about 6 or 7 weeks of my valves not working properly and getting increasingly severely constipated and malnourished. My chiropractor treated both valves on Friday and it took about 3 days to start feeling better and my word the amount of stuff which has been clearing out of my system since then so much diarrhoea I've been feeling massively better for it but I've been totally exhausted and knackered from what I've been through of late.
If I was to take kratom now I would immediately go back to my valves being switched shut and unable to digest food and eliminate waste so I won't even consider it.
Just weed and LSD for me from now on. I really can't find another drug I can tolerate at all.
That's all bro in my current state. Keep on being good brother and looking really forward to more updates from you.