The Official CannaBreak Thread

Why are you on a CannaBreak?

  • I want to lower my tolerance.

    Votes: 151 57.6%
  • I want to save money.

    Votes: 41 15.6%
  • I want to have more energy.

    Votes: 37 14.1%
  • I feel apathetic/amotivated.

    Votes: 46 17.6%
  • I want to see how being CannaFree affects my life.

    Votes: 58 22.1%
  • Other (explain in thread) *Don't select this if you aren't on a break.

    Votes: 24 9.2%
  • I've taken a CannaBreak (>7days) and noticed overall improvement in my life.

    Votes: 29 11.1%
  • I've taken a CannaBreak (>7days) and didn't notice improvement in my life.

    Votes: 55 21.0%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
have to use earplugs every night (which is another nightmare), as well as a mucked up nose so it's hard to breathe.
Snap on that, both points in fact. Well I don't know if my nose, itself, is mucked up as such, or if that's the right terminology.

+ 1 on the breathing, sinuses issue. Permanent inflammation, too easily congested.
But at least I'm able to blast my sinuses clear each day with my peppermint steam inhalations.

And yeah just the same falling asleep, without cannabis has always been too easy to become alerted at the last second, with there being A LOT of last seconds.

But even with cannabis I have used ear plugs for many years now because my mum gets up at like 5 in the morning and it's that fresh daytime beginning energy which I need to block out.

But I only ever use one ear plug at a time because I sleep on my side so I usually just wait until I'm feeling restful enough then turn on my side and when I'm comfortable slip the earplug in loosely in one ear, just too kind of muffle everything.

I'm forever burning sides through the night each time I wake up so I just switched here but over if necessary but if it's the Dead of the night and there's no sound around and I have had cannabis is not really necessary to use the ear plug.

Anyway really great to hear more from you bro I've still got your other post to read through yet.

I'm off the kratom. I knew it would be short lived, I just can't tolerate these herbs at all all I did actually get addicted to her in just 4 weeks of daily use but it's seriously messed up my digestive system due to my sensitivity and I had to stop it cold turkey and go through- the only with drawers I've ever had admittedly, and by far the worst lol!

But I went from heavy daily use for my tolerance at least so you can complete cold turkey in a very malnourished and we can condition at the time which is not the way to taper off at all.

No more of that stuff for me, so I have been stocking up on lysergamides from Germany while still legally available.
It looks like the writing is on the wall for the Dutch chemical genies who provide these materials with the elitists long fingers seemingly manipulating the Dutch government to an increasing degree peddling in new laws in the near future possibly.

Remove freedom, prevent fun, ruin a good thing! A pretty simple age-old formula I'm sure many of us will be familiar with.
So being a natural forward thinker I'm just covering my own bases while the current golden era of psychedellic availability still reigns.

Right more to read from @biohacker . Take care dude. :tup:


+ 1 on the breathing, sinuses issue. Permanent inflammation, too easily congested.
But at least I'm able to blast my sinuses clear each day with my peppermint steam inhalations.

I'd love to hear more on this... I tried it last night and it seemed to be effective. I just boiled 1.5L in a kettle, then added that to a bowl with like 5 bags of peppermint tea. Do you use loose leaf or? I just put a towel over my head and tried inhaling. My right nostril was plugged so hard to do, but I think it helped a little. Had to be careful due to the hot steam! haha

But even with cannabis I have used ear plugs for many years now because my mum gets up at like 5 in the morning and it's that fresh daytime beginning energy which I need to block out.

Haha, or maybe you need to align your circadian rhythm with hers! Early to bed, early to rise! lol It's a challenge though with the plugs, because I have bad Tinnitus in both ears, and the plugs make it even worse, but they're the lesser of the two evils. Kind of like white noise, although I get a high pitched whistling in one ear depending on how the plug sits, and ocean whooshing in the other. Makes things a bit of a challenge. Barely got 2 hours last night because of my inconsiderate asshole neighbour's subwoofer woke me out of a deep sleep not even an hour after I fell asleep, and that was that with the rush of adrenaline and cortisol. But that's being dealt with.

I'm forever burning sides through the night each time I wake up so I just switched here but over if necessary but if it's the Dead of the night and there's no sound around and I have had cannabis is not really necessary to use the ear plug.

I feel like the only time i'll ever experience no sound is when i'm 6 feet under! Sure, the walls are just double drywall and insulation (brand new condo), but it's always other inconsiderate people that feel like they're entitled to doing whatever they want, including smoking on their balconies, yelling on the phone or with friends. Society is just insane here in the west, zero respect. I've heard that the walls are even thinner in Japan, yet it's quiet as a mouse due to the respect/politeness people have. So i've been told anyway..

And don't say I didn't warn you about the Kratom mate :brow: But very glad to hear that it's in the past and you've lived through the worst of it.

Always a pleasure my dude! :rockon:


Well-Known Member
@EverythingsHazy Thanks!! Finally had my BEST sleep last night!

And no CBD...nothing..... no drugs (neither alcohol nor caffeine) as well as no other artificially induced floods of dopamine. I don't really have a desire for relaxation anymore, it was like my abuse created that need when I wasn't under the influence.

I'm more into accessing the cannabinoid and opioid receptors via the Wim Hof Method, yoga, meditation, and exercise these days, and I set and accomplish goals for dopamine since my abuse just kept me content with doing nothing. I'm definitely noticing improvements in my ability to enjoy things such as music, and my passion for life has increased ten fold.

Apparently for heavy users such as myself, the REAL benefits don't even really come until after 6 months, so this is why I really want to go the distance this time. That, and my fear that if I ever do return to it, i'll be back in the daily usage saddle and I can't ever let that happen again. It's not easy though, because with my ptsd the cannabis was essentially the only thing that let me "put my guard down" enough that I wouldn't be so startled by sudden noises when I was trying to get some sleep, as well as muting any nightmares I would get since i'd never dream. I'm very hypervigilant from both the ptsd and my career and super sensitive to noises so have to use earplugs every night (which is another nightmare), as well as a mucked up nose so it's hard to breathe.

Fortunately so far so good, and I can't even remember my dreams from last night which makes me think my sleep was just better quality overall. It's amazing how getting sufficient quality sleep can make one feel! I've been listening to a lot of Dr Matthew Walker's podcasts...him and Dr Michael Breuss are definitely the top dogs in sleep science for anyone interested.
That's awesome! Good on you for going all out and sticking to it.

Meditation and deep breathing are both excellent for mental relaxation/centering and focus. Wim Hoff's method is interesting, and so is the 4-7-8 technique (good for sleeping but not for operating machinery, as you can feel quite buzzed for a while).

If you have a stuffy nose, Capsaicin is great for clearing up the sinuses. Some hot pepper infused broth can get your nose running pretty quickly.


If you have a stuffy nose, Capsaicin is great for clearing up the sinuses. Some hot pepper infused broth can get your nose running pretty quickly.

Hey that's funny that you mentioned that, because I put some cayenne pepper sprinkled on my eggs this morning, and then blew my nose and couldn't even believe what came out! Then again, I supposed it could have something to do with last night's steam peppermint inhalations? Regardless, i'm going to keep up with both!

And yes, the buzzing from deep breathing is definitely not that dissimilar from Cannabis IMO! haha

Going to dig into this next, i've been told it can really open up the nasal passages, and has been life changing for some people, similar to the wim hof. Breathing is life!


Well-Known Member
Hey that's funny that you mentioned that, because I put some cayenne pepper sprinkled on my eggs this morning, and then blew my nose and couldn't even believe what came out! Then again, I supposed it could have something to do with last night's steam peppermint inhalations? Regardless, i'm going to keep up with both!

And yes, the buzzing from deep breathing is definitely not that dissimilar from Cannabis IMO! haha

Going to dig into this next, i've been told it can really open up the nasal passages, and has been life changing for some people, similar to the wim hof. Breathing is life!
That sounds like a good breakfast! I put cayenne on a lot of things, from burgers, to shrimp, to chicken, etc.. Capsaicin is also an anti-inflammatory agent, and can reduce pain, both locally, and generally (cream vs ingested).


That sounds like a good breakfast! I put cayenne on a lot of things, from burgers, to shrimp, to chicken, etc.. Capsaicin is also an anti-inflammatory agent, and can reduce pain, both locally, and generally (cream vs ingested).

Hmmmm, are you on a Carnivore Diet Lifestyle too? Well I guess i'm more modified Carnivore since I do include a lot of berries, and some fruits/veggies/coconut and occasional sweet potatoes. But animal products are my base.
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Well-Known Member
I'd love to hear more on this... I tried it last night and it seemed to be effective. I just boiled 1.5L in a kettle, then added that to a bowl with like 5 bags of peppermint tea. Do you use loose leaf or? I just put a towel over my head and tried inhaling. My right nostril was plugged so hard to do, but I think it helped a little. Had to be careful due to the hot steam! haha
Hey mate, so sorry for such a delay. I just haven't had any energy. And after so long, it has been really great exchanging with you here again, I forgot how much fun I had bantering with you before.

And that was when I was a dick! Lol, no kidding man I almost can't believe how I conducted and express myself at times, looking back. I'm so glad I finally woke up up to my true self and cut all the crap that was preoccupying my head.

And I know how much you have progressed and developed in your own journey in life. So if we could do it all over I'm sure it would be a lot more fun for ourselves and others.

So it's been a real pleasure to catch up here recently. I'm just glad you remember mate to be honest, I thought you would never catch sight of me ricocheting off of your big tyres as you peddled full speed towards utopia and beyond! ;)

So yeah, moments to cherish. I take nothing for granted these days and try to get the most out of everything, including catching up and remeniscing with my Canadian bro. Hence, I was waiting for a pick up of energy to respond to this. You know me, all or nothing. Well maybe inbetween is being called for more of late, when needs must.

I was really preoccupied and stressed out as well completing one of those dreaded sickness benefits assessments they continuously haul us through backwards as often as I can hoping that we kill ourselves in the process, and no kidding.

It always takes a big toll on me with the stress and the sheer difficulty I've actually completing these forms when the system has very effectively denied me rightful official diagnosis, recognition and therefore justice.

Anyway, to answer your questions on the steam and the peppermint: no I don't use peppermint leaves and I simply wouldn't bother it wouldn't even touch the sides it would not be worth my time or effort and would only give me 1% of the vital relief I get.

I use high grade peppermint essential oil only with my steam inhalations. The leaves would do absolutely nothing for me just a very mild effect but pleasant and beneficial on the list I'm sure and maybe enough for some people but I need hardcore heavy artillery but I most severest allergies and lung and sinus congestion you can get get.

This is the sturf you want for serious, rapid and deep congestion relief:

And this one below is the official USDA certified organic oil the one above I believe is organic as are all of these oils from here just not the whole certified business, which I think can be an expensive game.

The one above is the main one I use for deep lung congestion as it seems to be more effective than this organic one below but this organic one is absolutely amazing for clearing the sinuses and head.

I have actually been using three different peppermint oils in my steam inhalations because like different strains of cannabis they all have strengths and weaknesses and complement each other. If I only used this certified organic one below I would not get anywhere near the relief from the Thick dense mucus and catarrh which fills my lungs to the bottom. But like I say it's absolutely amazing for the sinuses and seems to have a different effect to the others I use.

So you can use these oils in the steam inhalation in place of the leaves and it will be 100 times more effective but also you can just drop them onto the palm of your hand like 2 to 5 drops spread it out of it for surface area and cup your hands over your mouth and nose and inhale deep.

You will get a great amount of relief just from doing that it will really help to clear out the sinuses in the head very quickly. Be warned low the peppermint oil is a no pain no gain game it will never do harm and you will always feel better afterwards but the process can be uncomfortable because that meant for is so powerful and it forces them to come up so quick that it can hurt when there is a lot and depending on levels of inflammation.

Also the Cayenne is amazing for mucus I have been using cayenne religiously every day for years now as part of my symptom management. it has a lot of health benefits.

Anyway I hope that little insight can be of some help my brain is so tired right now I'm not sure what else to add.

Yes the kratom withdrawal wasn't fun but I had to stop it cold turkey from heavy daily dosing for 4 weeks which was just enough to get me addicted you are supposed to taper off of these things gradually.

However I have discovered that the kratom specifically messed up my "valves". These are on either side of the lower Colon and are effectively like taps which are incredibly important in the role they perform in the digestive and elimination process and when you have a problem with either valve you will have serious gut issues with constipation and digestive issues and all sorts of problems.

It has actually been a few years since I had any problems with my valves in the past my chiropractors would treat them and correct the issue. You may have heard of the ileocecal valve which is on the right side but there is another one on the left and when I saw my chiropractor last Friday she treated both of my valves which were both malfunctioning and effectively closed like a tap as a direct results of my reaction to the kratom.

So I had about 6 or 7 weeks of my valves not working properly and getting increasingly severely constipated and malnourished. My chiropractor treated both valves on Friday and it took about 3 days to start feeling better and my word the amount of stuff which has been clearing out of my system since then so much diarrhoea I've been feeling massively better for it but I've been totally exhausted and knackered from what I've been through of late.

If I was to take kratom now I would immediately go back to my valves being switched shut and unable to digest food and eliminate waste so I won't even consider it.

Just weed and LSD for me from now on. I really can't find another drug I can tolerate at all.
That's all bro in my current state. Keep on being good brother and looking really forward to more updates from you. :tup:


Well-Known Member
Just weed and LSD for me from now on. I really can't find another drug I can tolerate at all.
Wow, you can tolerate LSD? That's wild, given its potency and your intolerance to so many chemicals. Do you find it has affected your perspective on Cannabis, at all?

I've never tried any psychedelics, but I am absolutely fascinated by them. I


Well-Known Member
Wow, you can tolerate LSD? That's wild, given its potency and your intolerance to so many chemicals. Do you find it has affected your perspective on Cannabis, at all?

I've never tried any psychedelics, but I am absolutely fascinated by them. I
Well long ago, after my illness and allergies came I logically deduced that on paper LSD itself may be the only drug in the world I can actually tolerate without an adverse physical reaction because it is literally practically completely non-toxic and taken in the smallest dosages of any psychoactive substance in the world it's officially the strongest drug in the world with salvia divinorum and 5-meo DMT being the two runners-up. Certainly Salvia, 5 Meo may be up for debate.

So on paper LSD has the tiniest chemical and toxic imprint out of virtually everything.
It doesn't really have a physical footprint at all although it works on the nervous system which governs the entire physical body so there are physical effects via the central nervous system.

I actually took my first ever microdose 2 days ago this is a fascinating emerging movement which is helping an extraordinary amount of people to fix lifelong problems almost overnight in many cases and radically improve their mindset and living situation with problem solving abilities enabling them to release old habits and fears and literally fall into a new way of living a much better lifestyle all round.

LSD use significantly helps me to improve my relationship with cannabis and massively enhances the enjoyment and benefit I feel from the herb I'm able to use less and fit it into my life and routines much better and make it work for me with less Downside and far more enjoyment after I have taken LSD in any dosage.

The microdosing in particular I'm already extremely confident will help me to massively improve my relationship with cannabis and I do believe would help anybody who is intent on doing this and having a canna break even.

It is a fascinating area the world of psychedelics and the spotlight is growing on it increasingly, microdosing in particular is showing remarkable promise and attracting serious scientific attention and study currently building up momentum like a snowball and showing great promise to replace much of the paradigm of the current mental health treatment system.

I think I left some links here already? Did you see them Hazy? Do look into this it's really fascinating stuff which is gaining firm scientific backing.

If you want any links or resources and are unsure where to look just give me a shout and I will try to assist but really it's a pretty easy thing to research I expect.

Thanks for taking an interest and I appreciate your openness on this hope you're doing well currently. And well I really can't emphasize enough how remarkably better I feel mentally and emotionally and physically since taking the microdose 2 days ago I'm so much calmer and more relaxed it's like everything has been in slow motion since where I am in total control and fully confident in myself and surroundings and my position in life despite still being extremely unwell and fighting so many debilitating issues, trying to get my head above water.
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Well-Known Member
Anyone else really struggle with initiating the break?

I need to take a break for a variety of reasons, primarily so that I can be clean for any pre-work UA’s. I am actively submitting applications in my field (mid-level medicine) and if I am offered a job in the meantime that is contingent on clean urine I will explore my options for submitting a clean sample (not at all something I’m proud of, clearly it’d just be way easier to know I can produce a clean sample).

I feel like my biggest struggle is in initiating the period of abstinence. If anyone has strategies for how they tackle the first days to weeks of a fast from cannabis please share.

I feel very silly even as I type this out, as I know ultimately you just stop imbibing until clean. But I seem less capable now of just holding fast to that. I stopped working as a ER nurse at the beginning of 2018 to pursue and finish my Nurse Practitioner degree. I was pretty confident in my skills as a nurse but now I’m pretty full of anxiety and doubt, and have been struggling to find a job as a new graduate.

Any advice or tips would be most welcome.


Well-Known Member
Anyone else really struggle with initiating the break?

I need to take a break for a variety of reasons, primarily so that I can be clean for any pre-work UA’s. I am actively submitting applications in my field (mid-level medicine) and if I am offered a job in the meantime that is contingent on clean urine I will explore my options for submitting a clean sample (not at all something I’m proud of, clearly it’d just be way easier to know I can produce a clean sample).

I feel like my biggest struggle is in initiating the period of abstinence. If anyone has strategies for how they tackle the first days to weeks of a fast from cannabis please share.

I feel very silly even as I type this out, as I know ultimately you just stop imbibing until clean. But I seem less capable now of just holding fast to that. I stopped working as a ER nurse at the beginning of 2018 to pursue and finish my Nurse Practitioner degree. I was pretty confident in my skills as a nurse but now I’m pretty full of anxiety and doubt, and have been struggling to find a job as a new graduate.

Any advice or tips would be most welcome.
Hey VP,

I definitely recommend finding something to do with your newfound free time. If you just cut out vaping, you'll be leaving yourself with a few hours of time that (even if you weren't wasting them while vaping) will likely feel less interesting than usual, which can lead you to wanting to quit your break.

If you can fill your time with beneficial things, you will be able to pass the first few days more comfortably, and then it tends to get easier, from there.

I'd try some of the following:
-Reading interesting books
-Meditating (provides relaxation without Cannabis)
-Watching interesting podcasts
-Surfing your favorite forums
-Posting in this thread (it can help to communicate with people who are in your shoes, or have been in the past)
-Learning a new skill (making progress toward a goal, is a healthy way to get dopamine flowing)
-Workout (weights are great for an intense pump, and cardio is excellent for passing larger amounts of time - try cycling!)

Also, if you have any questions or concerns about the way your Cannabis use is affecting your life, make sure to take some notes before your break, as well as during it, so you can compare. You might as well use the time to the best of your ability. It may also make it a bit more interesting.

Things to consider comparing...
-Sleep ease/quality/hours
-Cognitive Clarity
-Overall enjoyment of non-Cannabis things
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Well-Known Member
I’m starting to notice some times coming home from work I don’t even vape. I just have a beer. Go to sleep. Haha. Too much effort to clean the abv out and pack a new bowl. Getting super lazy after work. I don’t purposely go on a break but it seems like I did for 4 days without really noticing.


Well-Known Member
It's wild that I got a post notification for this thread yesterday, as yesterday I just ran out of medicine for the month. Perfect timing I guess?

I need the break. Stuff that needs to get done hasn't been getting done, and I've been prioritizing vaping over exercise. I used to have a lot more discipline when I was younger, but lately, I haven't had any desire to be better.

Time to get back on track. :rockon:

Jill NYC

Portable Hoarder
I feel like my biggest struggle is in initiating the period of abstinence. If anyone has strategies for how they tackle the first days to weeks of a fast from cannabis please share.
For me, the ritual of vaping is the hardest to quit - not the actual effects (well, mostly not the effects :p )
So I have been vaping CBD only (from a mail order, so I know it has minimal/no THC in it) and after a few days (maybe a week), I have been able to not vape at all on some days, without even noticing (much).
But truth be told, I have still vaped THC a couple of times.
But the CBD only has definitely helped the ritual crave this month.


Well-Known Member
For me, the ritual of vaping is the hardest to quit - not the actual effects (well, mostly not the effects :p )
So I have been vaping CBD only (from a mail order, so I know it has minimal/no THC in it) and after a few days (maybe a week), I have been able to not vape at all on some days, without even noticing (much).
But truth be told, I have still vaped THC a couple of times.
But the CBD only has definitely helped the ritual crave this month.
Where do you like to order from Jill? The couple times I ordered CBD, I didn't care for the taste, but that might be hemp in general.

The times I had CBD during a break, actually helped the first 2-3 days like Jill stated. After my body got used to not getting high, the ritual just kind of faded out for me. :rockon:
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Child Of The Revolution
I find I've been on a T-break. I had surgery in December, and there were complications with recovery. I couldn't eat or drink, much less vape. Meals must be small and bland for awhile, and munchies won't work for me during this time. I was so sick I didn't notice quitting. Now I have terrible and vivid nightmares again, and the symptoms I was treating have returned, but that's just how it is until my tummy troubles are better. I'm not thrilled to be on a break, but it hasn't been difficult. I also can't say my life has improved, as some report. It hasn't gotten worse, either, other than the increase in pain and nightmares. Same me, same life.
I will return to cannabis, and I look forward to it, but what needs to be done is getting done.


Well-Known Member
I find I've been on a T-break. I had surgery in December, and there were complications with recovery. I couldn't eat or drink, much less vape. Meals must be small and bland for awhile, and munchies won't work for me during this time. I was so sick I didn't notice quitting. Now I have terrible and vivid nightmares again, and the symptoms I was treating have returned, but that's just how it is until my tummy troubles are better. I'm not thrilled to be on a break, but it hasn't been difficult. I also can't say my life has improved, as some report. It hasn't gotten worse, either, other than the increase in pain and nightmares. Same me, same life.
I will return to cannabis, and I look forward to it, but what needs to be done is getting done.
Really sorry Madri that you went and are still going through that. I have always gotten the impression from your posts that you are very strong and resilient and enjoy much more than you left on or is ever apparent.

Your situation sounds tough as hell, but you relay it so calmly and acceptingly. I noticed that you hadn't posted for a little while.

Im just wondering if you have considered the possibility of using alternative plant medicines for relief from suffering and also as a temporary replacement for cannabis?

The one I'm going to refer to is Kava which I've been experimenting with extensively myself recently and is particularly interesting with an excellent an additional profile and so many different applications for different people and conditions etc.

Its incredibly soothing, relaxing, comforting and relieving but in the most natural weigh without any dirtiness for nasty Edge or actual toxicity.

I have mentioned it several times here ear to draw attention to it because it is still so largely unknown and and underutilized in my opinion.

I strongly feel it could be one of the most beneficial and helpful herbs to help people to lower moderate or quit their cannabis usage without missing it. I would actually be quite happy to replace cannabis with kava completely but I'm still using both but I've been using much less cannabis especially vaporizing since drinking kava recently.

The two drugs potentiate each other for a start so you can play and tailor your doses to get the most out of each with less physical and psychological dependence on either while keeping tolerance lower.

Actually my vaporizing tolerance has dropped enormously in conjunction with the kava and I only need a little a few times a day but I still use my homemade edibles primarily for digestive support but this also combines strongly with the kava.

So I'm still experimenting with different dosages each to try and find the balance and equilibrium which will be easier soon because I'm currently taking a course of treatment which stirs everything upside down the during the healing and detox process, and also my routine has to be adjusted out of my comfort zone in order to fit the medicine course in each day for 30 days roughly.

Only about one week to go now and it's always such a brilliant feeling to get past something like that where you have suffered in the name of improvement, which can only become fully apparent after the full course is complete.

Anyway seriously all people. I'm honestly not talking about replacing addictions for trying to encourage people to develop a kava habits but I genuinely feel that the Herb could be used very safely and effectively for anybody here who is struggling with a canna break and you would also be receiving significant medicinal benefits from the kava which appears to have very little Downside on paper from a health point of view vs most other equally powerful and effective psychoactive herbal remedies.

@Madri-Gal I really hope you see this message I wasn't sure if you had officially ignored me me or not because I noticed you stopped liking any of my posts for long time ago and I don't blame you because I was being a real knob here but I've tried to clean up my mentality and approach to these forums.

Just want to help. Haven't seen our mutual friend @arb bless him lovely guy, for a long time, really hoping he and his wife are okay.

If anybody else has read this post.I wonder would anyone be willing to quote this post and tag
@Madri-Gal for me to try and make sure that she sees this in case you did exercise her right and "ignore" my profile and postings. If noone is comfortable with doing that I completely understand I just wanted her to to read my suggestion and wasn't sure.

Edit- great news! @arb signed in recently it appears. Very pleased to see that, go @arb :wave: (I don't mean "leave", just yes, glad to see you back). Hope you are well my friend.
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Well-Known Member
I find I've been on a T-break. I had surgery in December, and there were complications with recovery. I couldn't eat or drink, much less vape. Meals must be small and bland for awhile, and munchies won't work for me during this time. I was so sick I didn't notice quitting. Now I have terrible and vivid nightmares again, and the symptoms I was treating have returned, but that's just how it is until my tummy troubles are better. I'm not thrilled to be on a break, but it hasn't been difficult. I also can't say my life has improved, as some report. It hasn't gotten worse, either, other than the increase in pain and nightmares. Same me, same life.
I will return to cannabis, and I look forward to it, but what needs to be done is getting done.
Oh, man. I hope your recovery has taken a turn for the better.

I can relate to the bad dreams effect of a Cannabreak. I usually have vivid dreams, with or without Cannabis use, but when I went on my long break, the dreams became more negative in theme. They weren't necessarily traditional nightmares, in the sense of monsters and horror movie themes, but they were filled with more anger and lack of patience, than my usual dreams.


Resident Otter
Well long ago, after my illness and allergies came I logically deduced that on paper LSD itself may be the only drug in the world I can actually tolerate without an adverse physical reaction because it is literally practically completely non-toxic and taken in the smallest dosages of any psychoactive substance in the world it's officially the strongest drug in the world with salvia divinorum and 5-meo DMT being the two runners-up. Certainly Salvia, 5 Meo may be up for debate.

So on paper LSD has the tiniest chemical and toxic imprint out of virtually everything.
It doesn't really have a physical footprint at all although it works on the nervous system which governs the entire physical body so there are physical effects via the central nervous system.

I actually took my first ever microdose 2 days ago this is a fascinating emerging movement which is helping an extraordinary amount of people to fix lifelong problems almost overnight in many cases and radically improve their mindset and living situation with problem solving abilities enabling them to release old habits and fears and literally fall into a new way of living a much better lifestyle all round.

LSD use significantly helps me to improve my relationship with cannabis and massively enhances the enjoyment and benefit I feel from the herb I'm able to use less and fit it into my life and routines much better and make it work for me with less Downside and far more enjoyment after I have taken LSD in any dosage.

The microdosing in particular I'm already extremely confident will help me to massively improve my relationship with cannabis and I do believe would help anybody who is intent on doing this and having a canna break even.

It is a fascinating area the world of psychedelics and the spotlight is growing on it increasingly, microdosing in particular is showing remarkable promise and attracting serious scientific attention and study currently building up momentum like a snowball and showing great promise to replace much of the paradigm of the current mental health treatment system.

I think I left some links here already? Did you see them Hazy? Do look into this it's really fascinating stuff which is gaining firm scientific backing.

If you want any links or resources and are unsure where to look just give me a shout and I will try to assist but really it's a pretty easy thing to research I expect.

Thanks for taking an interest and I appreciate your openness on this hope you're doing well currently. And well I really can't emphasize enough how remarkably better I feel mentally and emotionally and physically since taking the microdose 2 days ago I'm so much calmer and more relaxed it's like everything has been in slow motion since where I am in total control and fully confident in myself and surroundings and my position in life despite still being extremely unwell and fighting so many debilitating issues, trying to get my head above water.
That's pretty much the only substance (sans cannabis) that I care anything about. Had some wilder days in my younger years and came out of it hating most everything I tried (particularly alcohol). Have a lot of respect and fond memories of most psychedelics, but LSD is the only one I'd happily do again and happily have done in the past several years (once, on a beach in Cape Breton...heavenly).

It's profound. I remember one time I was coming down from an experience and instinctively went to smoke some weed. I looked down at the herb and just thought, you know what? I'm ready for sobriety for a change. And I handed the herb to a friend and said I was taking a break. Didn't touch any substances for many months, before deciding to finally rejoin my good companion Cannabis. During that time I had zero withdrawals, zero cravings, nothing. It was like stepping out of the experience a completely different person in some ways.

Powerful substance. Beautiful. Some of the best experiences of my life without a doubt.


Well-Known Member
Couple days into the T break, and I absolutely hate the night sweats that I get from withdrawals. It's pretty bad when I'm looking forward to the bad/vivid over the sweating.

Anyone have any tricks for dealing with the night sweats? :zzz:
Anyone else really struggle with initiating the break?

I need to take a break for a variety of reasons, primarily so that I can be clean for any pre-work UA’s. I am actively submitting applications in my field (mid-level medicine) and if I am offered a job in the meantime that is contingent on clean urine I will explore my options for submitting a clean sample (not at all something I’m proud of, clearly it’d just be way easier to know I can produce a clean sample).

I feel like my biggest struggle is in initiating the period of abstinence. If anyone has strategies for how they tackle the first days to weeks of a fast from cannabis please share.

I feel very silly even as I type this out, as I know ultimately you just stop imbibing until clean. But I seem less capable now of just holding fast to that. I stopped working as a ER nurse at the beginning of 2018 to pursue and finish my Nurse Practitioner degree. I was pretty confident in my skills as a nurse but now I’m pretty full of anxiety and doubt, and have been struggling to find a job as a new graduate.

Any advice or tips would be most welcome.
I dont have a strategy for you, but are you a member of ACNA? (American Cannabis Nurses Association )
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