Happy EVO weekend

! It's great to see all the EVO talk, I wasn't getting thread updates for some reason

I'm still cleaning my EVO after every weekend of use with PBW and its quick and easy, plus it comes out super clean

. Just wow on the flavors and vapor with the EVO and clean glass

Yesterday, Friday, was great with the EVO; it was a late start to the day and I didn't get to an EVO post here, which is probably a good thing because I posted on the Volcano hybrid thread haf and boy it's gramatically messy

(but well received

). I again lowered my cannabis intake, this time starting with a 1/3 ELB of fresh strawberry cough flower with three 15s dry mouthpiece draws at 11 o'clock (~320 F) on the temp dial. The EVO delivered a strong big experience

. About 3 hrs later I finished the ELB off at ~ 2 o'clock on the temp dial (~390F) with another two wet hydratube draws. Later in the evening I put a 1/4 ELB or so of fresh flower (a bit of leftover SC grind plus Acapulco Gold) together and did two 12 second dry draws (at the same low temps... fwiw all my draws have a 10 second hold time). That was more than enough for me for a Friday

. Thankfully I did not got to bed under strong effects like I had the last few weeks before

. I'm surprised and happy to see that I've gone from vaping a full ELB (and then more later) to 1/3 or less (and only a bit more later) with still big experiences. And the next day is better

. The EVO is an extraction machine and so impressive

My EVO is now consistently no longer whistling in any way (not with any mouthpiece, dry or wet, clean or with a vapor film)

. It's been ~ 8 months of ownership with three day per week use for me to get to this point. Quiet is nice, but I do miss having a bit of a whistle

; as I mentioned before it's harder to judge draw speeds now that the unit is silent, especially when medicated

. There's definitely differences in EVO whistling behavior, some are better or worse than others.
@MAbud, how long have you had your EVO and how much use?
@stressed and
@ataxian, nice stuff

! I always thought I was taking less concentrates than others here but that may not be the case

. Thx for sharing concentrate volumes you use

. I've mentioned my concentrate volumes in a number of earlier posts; I don't weigh anything but I'd estimate that I'm going to get somewhere around 40+ uses out of a gram of concentrate. AFAIK and understand, it's a small amount.
@audiodelic and
@m0sh, that's a nice idea with two units

. I'm using my one EVO with both concentrates and flower and haven't had any issues, so with some care in concentrate use (don't go with big dabs) the EVO does well and doesn't significantly spill into the bamboo (I've read this as well from other users). But why not if you have two units

. Enjoy and let us know your settings and methods in use

I've been pontificating over ELB volumes and talk as well

. In discussing ELB volumes as fractions I'm usually talking in reference to the overall volume
with the ELB lid on (not packed or super loose). However, at times I estimate the volume with the lid off after packing which has lead to issues (especially when high). I've observed a small bias from time to time (thankfully it's not that common) where I underestimate the volume that the ELB lid takes up in the basket... resulting in an underestimation of ELB filling. I'm paying more attention to that now

, and in some ways it's been reflected in my use and reporting of lower and lower ELB volumes over a number of months here. I think it's an interesting observation. In my opinion and experience the ELB volumes we discuss here are open to more variability than most people realize

. And things like this can really give people different experiences when still using the same vape and methods. I know cannabis quality makes a big difference too. I don't doubt that the variability from both ELB volumes and cannabis quality can at times result in a much higher or lower magnitude experience, like twice as good or half as much

. Just things to think about when trying and doing things that others discuss here in the thread. Cheers
Let me add that with some variable EVO use recently again, I'm definitely finding a big difference in extraction with significant heat soak vs just using the unit when it reaches the green light and selected temp from cold. Heat soak is real and such variability affects the performance significantly; enough that my routine changes depending on how the EVO is being used

(e.g, how full the ELB is as well as flower vs concentrates).
Today, I've written most of this before just recently hitting the EVO

. I did another two dry low temp 12s draws with that 1/4 ELB or so of that leftover SC grind and Acapulco Gold from last night

. Potent

. And from so little and previously vaped flower

. It's going to be a nice day/eve.
Enjoy your EVO and Saturday
