
Well-Known Member
I got my M about 1 1/2 yrs ago. It's pretty old, but I think I was the first group without the glass tube. I have 5 fins, and 2 grooves, no cut outs. I watched all of the vids, and it has always worked well. For all the newbies--Keep trying, it'll click in. I never had the need to get an upgrade, I was happy.
:bowdown: I will now be exposed to the nirvana of a Ti tip, truly bliss? We will see.


Well-Known Member
In the quote I dug up for you in my last post :)

There's a how to video and pics for the 17M tip in the best of thread too

oh damn. sorry I read the post but got tricked by the missing imgur.

had to do the quote trick. Thanks, i'm probably going to end up doing this at some point if I don't have any better success with the M. I mean, hell, I've already had my file set out on my omniXL to clean up poor finishing...


"A man with no vices is a man with no virtues"
Still waiting for my OmniVap from POTV ... Ordered on Thanksgiving day and it's just leaving California ... 9 days from Reno NV to Califotnia :shrug:


Well-Known Member
WRONG my friend, you only need some baking soda, h2o, and a tooth brush to get things looking like new.

Put the file down.


WRONG my friend. I dont use a file to clean. I use a file to do a better job of finishing than it came to me brand new. green text highlighted below for your convenience since this thread moves fast and surely you missed my whining from earlier.

I have a question about my new omniXL.

adjusting the tip ariflow of the tip. are you suppposed to be able to turn the mouthpiece while it is all assembled? or are you supposed to adjust it to where you think while its disassembled, then install it, test, adjust etc?

the threads on my omni mouthpiece are real "gritty" are they supposed to be like that? I was thinking maybe this is by design to kinda help hold it better? it's not pleasant turning those threads and I can't do it while it's installed, but maybe it's not supposed to be.

was kinda disappointed with the finishing on the omni body, it looks cool but my carb hole had flakes that weren't fully cut out and rough edges. I had to take a small file and smooth it down.

wondering if my threads are jacked causing me to not be able to experience the full adjustability as inended or if you're supposed to yank out the condenser everytime you want to adjust.

regarding being WRONG, a wise (wo?)man recently said:

U have your way 4 sure?
I have my way 4 sure?
Da “M” 4 me da way it is?
Da “M” MODIFIED 4 some?
FREE THINKING is acceptable!
Do what U want?

There is not a right or wrong way 2 do anything?
Just a way!

Do what works 4 U!

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Well-Known Member
Does anyone know how well the Vapcap performs when it's like 14 to 25 °F / -5 to -10 °C? I want to go winter camping and sleep outside in a tent. Maybe I should take my Fury 2 with me instead of the Vapcap?

Cold temps are not good for batteries but they're also not good for jet lighters, right? I could keep the Vapcap and lighter in my sleeping bag while hiking though. That should help.

Maybe the Fury 2 is the better choice in winter?


Karma Farmer
Yes, I made bad experiences with my Vapcap at subzero temperatures. It works, but it's not a pleasure. The risk to combust rises a lot, because the cap gets cooled by the outside temperature while the bowl still gets heated. The click is not reliable like that and many jetlighters additionaly don't like low temperatures. I was glad to have my Pax 3 with me back then.
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Does anyone know how well the Vapcap performs when it's like 14 to 25 °F / -5 to -10 °C? I want to go winter camping and sleep outside in a tent. Maybe I should take my Fury 2 with me instead of the Vapcap?

Cold temps are not good for batteries but they're also not good for jet lighters, right? I could keep the Vapcap and lighter in my sleeping bag while hiking though. That should help.

Maybe the Fury 2 is the better choice in winter?
Take a pack of papers just in case?


Well-Known Member
@Dynavaper thanks! I could take both vapes with me but I'll be hiking for more than a week so I'm counting grams. In winter you need more clothes and everything is heavier so every gram counts! I want to avoid carrying more than 39 pounds / 17.5 kg, including snow shoes, tent, tarp, food, etc.

The vapcap is my fav because with a lighter it's only like 70 grams while the Fury 2 is 136 grams. I might also need a power bank for the Fury which adds another 250 grams. 300+ grams difference. Tough choice.

@ataxian yes but that's not an option. I do not like the taste of combustion. I used to love it but now that I've discovered vaping combustion tastes reaaally bad. I don't enjoy it at all anymore.
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@Dynavaper thanks! I could take both vapes with me but I'll be hiking for more than a week so I'm counting grams. In winter you need more clothes and everything is heavier so every gram counts! I want to avoid carrying more than 39 pounds / 17.5 kg, including snow shoes, tent, tarp, food, etc.

The vapcap is my fav because with a lighter it's only like 70 grams while the Fury 2 is 136 grams. I might also need a power bank for the Fury which adds another 250 grams. 300+ grams difference. Tough choice.

@ataxian yes but that's not an option. I do not like the taste of combustion. I used to love it but now that I've discovered vaping combustion tastes reaaally bad. I don't enjoy it at all anymore.
I don’t do well with fire?
VAPORIZING taste the best IMO?
When I went SKIING JOINTS is all we had? (Pre bong era)
I plug in mostly. (These daz!)
Da “M” taste amazing 2 me?

Grey hair

Flop shot guru
Anyone here being the owner of an Interplanetary Development Silo XL for his/her Vapcap?
If yes - are you happy with it? And how much ground herb fits approximately into the storage part of it?
I would be thankful for your information! :)
I have a silo.
Very rugged ( aluminum)
Just big enough for my Ti Omni.( not too bulky)
The stash lid doesn't hold a ton, not sure what that is in grams....
I pre load my omni and fill the stash when out.
Gets me ( and a friend through the evening)
I have a back up key chain stash so it isn't an issue
Overall I prefer the silo over the stash.
Not sure who makes the silo though, but I did buy it from a reputable dealer in Canada.

I don’t do well with fire?
VAPORIZING taste the best IMO?
When I went SKIING JOINTS is all we had? (Pre bong era)
I plug in mostly. (These daz!)
Da “M” taste amazing 2 me?
What hills did you ski, mainly?And yes, lighting joints on a chairlift. Sometimes you need two people to get that thing lit:lol:
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Well-Known Member
Does anyone know how well the Vapcap performs when it's like 14 to 25 °F / -5 to -10 °C?
I've done it up here in Canada. It works but it's definately not as pleasant as being inside.

The Vapcap itself should be kept in a pocket or something close to your body so that it's not cold frozen. A Vapcap with a wood midsection helps. Your lighter should be a triple jet or better yet a quad and also be stored on your body away from the cold. Find a sheltered calm site away from the wind. Heat your Vapcap past the click and you should do alright.

Enjoy the trip!!!
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