Goes to show ya how aesthetics are individualized.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
Beauty is indeed in the eye of the beholder
Make America Grate Again
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
Beauty is indeed in the eye of the beholder
Make America Grate Again
In your dreams......most people love him....obviously.
In your dreams...
Hello everyone,
A while back I got a omnivap xl and I asked for advice to get it attached to a water piece. I ordered a wooden stem and I just wanted to share the new look( for me atleast)
Also just wanted to thank everybody for the help previously. Happy Friday!!
LOLOLOLOL. Ovations aren’t THAT bad...Here's one of my favorite guitar jokes from my friend Pierce Pettis who is an amazing songwriter and worked out of Nashvegas for years.
A guy walks up to the clerk at a guitar store and asks if he can get a set of strings for his Ovation. The clerk hems and haws, scratches their chin and finally says "Done-that sounds like a fair deal."
or as Mark Twain once said, ‘It’s Easier to Fool People Than to Convince Them That They Have Been Fooled’
politics?!.. hahahaha....I'm celebrating a birthday VCap filled weekend, cheers all!
Great news, I hope that you are happy with it?
Is that some kind of Cocobolo or is it what they call "Dark Wood" in the meantime?
My jarhead took over, but the torch if I mean business.. but then im stuck choosing which torch.. they all provide different experiencesI'm going to bring out my Pipes Skeletor tonight. I have not used it in ages. I'm really hooked on the torch ritual with the VC.
Since I was only going by what I heard from some members on here and have never laid my hands on one and apparently you were one of those receiving the special order LE which seemed to have materialized out of an idea right here I must say I am glad you like yours . No more tips for me until there's a new generation...I think 6 might be enoughGoes to show ya how aesthetics are individualized. I happen to think the cam like cuts make this tip the prettiest ever created by DV. My only problem with it is it tends to make my caps hard to remove.
Sorry, i know this is a bit of a dead horse and all, but the grey o rings are safe in Iso right?