
Well-Known Member
If we're talking torches here, I now have a single (cheap souvenir from Amsterdam), double (Vertigo from Dynavap - second of two, the first one suddenly cracked} , and the other day cheapo Targard triple and quadruple from a cigar shop. I bought a can of Targard Noir butane with the lighters, "Almost Zero Impurities" and I have to say my caps are coming up bright and shiny. I tend to use the double and triple most times :2c:


Putin is a War Criminal
If we're talking torches here, I now have a single (cheap souvenir from Amsterdam), double (Vertigo from Dynavap - second of two, the first one suddenly cracked...
Often cracking on these plastic torches is the result of a little ISO getting on them. These plastics really hate ISO. I have seen lighters completely shatter after cleaning with ISO. Don't do it.

Somewhere in the pocket torch thread there are some pictures...

Added: I just went looking for the pics and couldn't find them, but there are a couple that show a torch looking completely fractured with shatter cracks but still intact.
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Well-Known Member
Actually ,it has to be some convection going on.
I use only carbless VapCaps.
Thus only mouth pulls are involved .
If short bursts of high negative pressure are applied ,the the air has high velocity entering the chamber.
If prolonged ,smooth drawing is applied then the air has lower velocity.
Air velocity impacts the temperature of incoming air.
Even for that short path of the VapCap tip triple start threads .

At first case vapor production is ok and at nice temp.
At second case vapor production is massive ,but rather hot .

Assuming that ,at both cases ,the tips ( chambers ) were heated in the same spinning manner ,with the same heat source for the same time and until reaching the same temperature ,then it has to be convection that makes this-rather big -difference .
Verified 100% .

No vape is actually 100% convective or 100% conductive or 100% radiative .
All vapes feature various levels of these three types of heat transfer .


Right, but at the end of the day this is still a conduction vape primarily; the bud sits in a chamber that gets heated by direct application of heat, just like any other conduction dry herb vape. Any convection present is miniscule; there's not enough convection occurring to call it a true hybrid vape.


Just another traveller in the Cannaverse
Right, but at the end of the day this is still a conduction vape primarily; the bud sits in a chamber that gets heated by direct application of heat, just like any other conduction dry herb vape. Any convection present is miniscule; there's not enough convection occurring to call it a true hybrid vape.

This, from the designer, explains the conduction/convection of the vapcap. And it would appear it's more than miniscule.



Well-Known Member
Ok, it is a hybrid, I shouldnt have said its not, but I still feel like its mainly conduction with alittle bit of convection. The convective heat being produced is a small byproduct of the overall heating process, which is that the herb sits in and comes in direct contact with a chamber that heats up to vaporization temps. The vapor feels much more conduction-ish than my Sticky Brick.
This is not a rip on the product....I happen to like conduction vapor and I love my VC.


happy camper....
Right, but at the end of the day this is still a conduction vape primarily; the bud sits in a chamber that gets heated by direct application of heat, just like any other conduction dry herb vape. Any convection present is miniscule; there's not enough convection occurring to call it a true hybrid vape.

This, from the designer, explains the conduction/convection of the vapcap. And it would appear it's more than miniscule.

I find this convection/conduction matter interesting, but my most important question remains unanswered. Can either of you explain why convection might be a safer vape than conduction? We all know why combustion is unsafe, making vaping safer...but is convection really better for us than conduction and why is that? :)



Putin is a War Criminal
Ok, it is a hybrid, I shouldnt have said its not, but I still feel like its mainly conduction with alittle bit of convection.
I think you are wrong. I rarely do more than one bowl (tip) at a time, and often do only a hit or two. The bowl (tip) never gets hot enough for more than a little conduction. I can grab the tip (not the cap) without burning myself.
The way I use a VC (most of the time) it is more convection than conduction.
I suspect if you do multiple bowls in a row or do a full (unrestricted) tip at once you get more conduction as the tip gets (and stays) hotter.
but is convection really better for us than conduction and why is that?
I can't imagine any reason for one to be better (less bad) than the other for your health.
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Accessory Maker
Accessory Maker
I also suspect the vapcap is more conduction than convection. Not from any calculations or measurements done on my part, just that it seems logical looking at the design.
I also have no issue with this! Whatever it is the VC is magic, and I find it more satisfying than any other vape. In some conditions it can struggle and I might prefer to use my recently acquired Fury2, but a good hit off the VC is the best vaporising gets as far as I've learned :tup:

I also don't see how or why either wold be less bad for your health. But if I had to guess I would say the higher air temp of convection would be generally worse for your respiratory system. . ?

This is one of the most beautiful VC's I've ever layed my eyes on... :love: I probably miss a few pages these days so @mrb , are you making Ti bodies these days? Cost if yes? I like really minimal designs and that's why I am sticking with my favourite Omni for a couple of years now. Mine is also custom made without the Dynavap logo on the side of the body for an even more minimal look.

The new ones haven't really caught with me, they seem too complicated to my eye. But your's and @stardustsailor ' s designs? Oh yeah! I have already started saving! :D

@Hehe, nevermind, found the thread in classifieds!

Thank you for the compliments! I appreciate them :tup: I think that generation of Omni you have is the best looking VC so far, and without the logo it shines even more.
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Gentleman Of Leisure
Does storing your ground weed in the Dynastash help it get dry or otherwise prepped for better vaping?

I feel like I'm noticing more vapor when using my Omni with a mix of leftovers in the Dynastash compared to stuff in my grinder even if the latter has been sitting for a few days.


I make things from wood
Accessory Maker
Does storing your ground weed in the Dynastash help it get dry or otherwise prepped for better vaping?

I feel like I'm noticing more vapor when using my Omni with a mix of leftovers in the Dynastash compared to stuff in my grinder even if the latter has been sitting for a few days.
Wood is a moisture sponge, so it will tend to suck things dry if you put them inside of a wood container. Of course there are limits to how much it's going to absorb and how quickly, but ground up herb is already fairly dry and the surface area is pretty large. Thus your herb will end up bone dry in a few hours or so depending on how coarse and how moist the material is.
The more time I spend with the Omnivap XL Ti, the more I realize that this is probably the most important vape I own.

It will not be used the most, as the Mighty wins that battle being my #1 at home vape where I by far vape the most. The Crafty, Ghost MV1 and Hydrology9 all have specific vaping purposes. The Omnivap fills every single void I can think of. It replaces a dead battery. It cleans easy. It keeps me old school as my #1 combustion tool was a dugout/bat back in the day (been smoking for 41 years), and this emulates it perfectly with the Dynastash and it's high tech/modern. It's easy to learn how to torch without combusting, and a little herb goes a long way. It's portable and there when I need it. Even if I fail and forget a torch or run out of butane, I can still heat it up with a regular lighter.

I love this vape, plain and simple.


Well-Known Member

That right there is a stunningly beautiful Vapcap!!!

On the subject of conduction vs convection, this is a manual vape and as such can be driven to deliver more conduction or more convection. I have no idea what the possible ratios might be.

When you pull air from the airport, it travels down the outside of the condenser to the tip where it creates a vacuum as it makes a 180° turn. This helps pull vapor from the chamber oven and has a higher conduction ratio.

When you block the airport, air is pulled through the tip's exterior channels under the cap and is heated before it passes through the herb, creating a higher convection vapor ratio.

Drive the Vapcap however you like, but whatever your technique, your Vapcap will always get you there...Just like magic.


Well-Known Member
Ed needs to make me a few, I lost a BEAUTIFUL cocobolo he sent with my WS and it quickly became my only used vapcap... so I need to talk to him. You have a beautiful collection!

Thank you! I'm forever grateful to @Ed's TnT for his beautiful work. The WS he made for me is my most prized possession. Dynavap for on the go usage, WS for home/portable battery usage. It's my favorite setup of all time.

natural farmer

Well-Known Member
That right there is a stunningly beautiful Vapcap!!!

On the subject of conduction vs convection, this is a manual vape and as such can be driven to deliver more conduction or more convection. I have no idea what the possible ratios might be.

When you pull air from the airport, it travels down the outside of the condenser to the tip where it creates a vacuum as it makes a 180° turn. This helps pull vapor from the chamber oven and has a higher conduction ratio.

When you block the airport, air is pulled through the tip's exterior channels under the cap and is heated before it passes through the herb, creating a higher convection vapor ratio.

Drive the Vapcap however you like, but whatever your technique, your Vapcap will always get you there...Just like magic.

Having participated in a few talks about convection and conduction with @OF, I am sure he could help clearing the waters a little bit about VC being one or the other or a hybrid... :p
As for myself, I think there can't be much convection happening in a VC, maybe 5-10% for those that do hi-temp hits?
Logic tells me that even if you heat the cap to 230°C, the air passing between the cap and the tip cant possibly be heated from room temp to over 160°C, needed for vapor production, for more than a couple of secs. And I doubt those couple of secs of hot enough incoming air contribute much to vapor production. Much more energy and time is needed for that...
So, while in theory it could be called a hybrid, I am afraid convection plays such a very very minor role in vapor production. Not that it matters to me personally... :lol: I would prefer the toastier vapor of the VC and the ability to mouthpull it any day over the fresher convection one of any vape that would force me to draw all this harsh hotness straight to my lungs and poor throat! :p


Staff member
Having participated in a few talks about convection and conduction with @OF, I am sure he could help clearing the waters a little bit about VC being one or the other or a hybrid... :p
As for myself, I think there can't be much convection happening in a VC, maybe 5-10% for those that do hi-temp hits?
Logic tells me that even if you heat the cap to 230°C, the air passing between the cap and the tip cant possibly be heated from room temp to over 160°C, needed for vapor production, for more than a couple of secs. And I doubt those couple of secs of hot enough incoming air contribute much to vapor production. Much more energy and time is needed for that...
So, while in theory it could be called a hybrid, I am afraid convection plays such a very very minor role in vapor production. Not that it matters to me personally... :lol: I would prefer the toastier vapor of the VC and the ability to mouthpull it any day over the fresher convection one of any vape that would force me to draw all this harsh hotness straight to my lungs and poor throat! :p

As demonstrated in this chart, there does seem to be some convective heating in the early part of the hit (see first draw). As the VC continues to lose heat during the draw, the incoming air actually cools the load (see 2nd draw).


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