Right, problem solved. And we have so far a grand success! Im blown away from a few hits, but even more so at the performance of the controller now I fixed it. (Well, I didn't really fix it, I just found out lol!)
Gosh Im lost for words. Too buzzing to post but I wanted to share this right away. Gotta upload a few pics from imgur, hang tight...Hurry up imgur.

....tumteetum....okay sorted.
First, I waa testing the temps today, leaving it on sitting in a China cup on top of a sikicon heat mat. (Which is now warped!!)
As you see, temps are way off since I reshaped the coil.
I finally got round to testing it tonight, and look what happened when I put the coil on the Elev8r:
So it was the China cup that was the culprit. It was stealing the heat. The silicon heat mat was warping up and the desktop was hot as fuck!
Now, did I do a good job this time or what?
It's a very neat fit. Still a little too tight at the bottom/top? coil. It was snagged a few times, but I can easily seperate them by holding the bowl and sort or twisting apart. Feels natural when you see how. I think it may work better this way though, barely loose enough to seperate easily.
But wow, I'm just blown away with temp stability and the controller performance. It seemed like it would be a pta trying to pick and keep a temp, but no- steady as a rock! Only a few degress dropped in a long hit, back up quickly and steady. Amazed.
Speaking of the long hits- I overdid it. Forgot what I was doing. So used to drawing harder as the heat leaves the heater. I guess I was just testing the heater, and well. That was one of the hardest, biggest hits I've had from this beast so far. Like my first time it felt.
A bit too much for my chest, but it was a massive hit. I kept hitting it, it kept milking. It never stopped!

We have a heavy hitter here coooh! Check out temp stability:
Anywhere you want, pick a temp and it's there, bang on. I never expected that from what I've seen and heard, except from
@disGRUNTled 's own reports, whose coil is also on the snug side.
Im using the small bowl tonight and it's blown my freakin head off. Now I can't wait to put the regular bowl on there with a large load, knowing I won't overtorch it impatiently. Just start low, sip and enjoy.
I need to loosen the coil a little. Didn't want to push it. Now I can stop craving the FP downstairs. If this setup is easy enough to work well, I'll be well happy.

Off now. Bloody wasted I tell you.
@LabPong you never told me this setup will hit that hard, and don't overdo it. I thought the temps and vapor would wince out on me haha! Night.