Hello everyone~ I am paehtod

I stepped in the butane/flame base vape and purchase the Vapcap M and Vaponic at the same time on August 2017, the vapcap come first and the Vaponic come to my home 2 days later.
In this 2 days i have been fall in love with vapcap, vapcap is so easy to get good result, but I didn't get same result with Vaponic at the beginning, so vaponic go in the cabinet.
4 months later, I have try Vapman, and Lotus this 2 different vape. Without the notification like the vapcap's click, i have to learn from Vapman that heat & count and inhale & count and repeat, which mean learning the technique of slowly build up the heat to ideal temperature.
In this xmas holiday I got some smell good stuff(which is very rare in my location), last night I take out my vaponic and put in a small nug, rotate and heat it up gently with the triple torch and count to 8 and inhale and count to 8 and repeat, first 2 cycle i got pure tasty hit with not much cloud, the 3 and 4 cycle is AMAZING!!! Cool and tasty and a lot of cloud, i even cant finish in 1 draw and 2nd draw in same cycle still a lot vapor, WOW, I immediately purchased the Vaponic Plus as my own late xmas gift

So happy finally i improved my skill to prove that I made a good purchase at the very beginning and Vaponic is a really good vape!

Here is my DIY bamboo vaponic plus
My conclusion is: we should keep exploring, don't get satisfied only in one thing, keep self empty/humble so that can keep learning more