The HI


Low-Temp Hempist / JedHI Master
HI everyone! :wave: Been a while since I popped up here but I still follow my fellow JedHI every now and then.

@Alan - So much innovation. Such cool shit coming out of your magic shop. I'm happy to see you happy. The Force is strong as fuck with you, my brother.

After 3+ years, my two HIs still rock my world, reliably and with lots of soul.


little maggie

Well-Known Member
@little maggie - Bamboo is actually a grass, but it can be worked like wood. I have some bamboo HI's with stainless steel heater covers available if you are interested.

@FUCKCOMBUSTION88 - Glad to hear all is well with your HI again. The word moisture generally makes one think of water. The heat drives all the water moisture out of the wood when the HI has been plugged in for several days, so it doesn't have much moisture. The beeswax fills up the hollow tubes within the wood grain to seal them off. It will be more resistant to moisture when not plugged in. There should be a point where you can't get any more beeswax to soak into the wood and it is completely saturated. I would apply it when the wood starts looking dull.
Cracking generally occurs when the wood is under great stress. A drop is likely to only result in a dent. Take good care of your HI and happy roasting.
Looking forward to getting a bamboo HI. My current HI is so beautiful and is such a unique shake.


Well-Known Member
@little maggie - Bamboo is actually a grass, but it can be worked like wood. I have some bamboo HI's with stainless steel heater covers available if you are interested.

I would love to have a bamboo HI but I have been watching your website off and on for awhile now and I never see them on there. How can I get one and how much do they cost now?


Master JedHI
I would love to have a bamboo HI but I have been watching your website off and on for awhile now and I never see them on there. How can I get one and how much do they cost now?

Sorry that I haven't got them up on the website. I have some glass heater cover units for $50 each and stainless steel heater cover units for $65 each.
Send me an email to so we can discuss more.


Well-Known Member
Sorry that I haven't got them up on the website. I have some glass heater cover units for $50 each and stainless steel heater cover units for $65 each.
Send me an email to so we can discuss more.

Besides the SS cover being more durable, is there any functional advantages over the SS vs glass heater cover?


Master JedHI
Besides the SS cover being more durable, is there any functional advantages over the SS vs glass heater cover?

The SS heater cover gets hotter than the glass heater cover at a given voltage, so it will produce larger clouds. The SS heater cover will accept the SS roasting tips and the glass heater cover will not. All of the other style of roasting tubes will work with both heater cover styles.

Chicken Charlie

MicroDose Cognoscente
A connoisseur's vaporizer; and well worth the wait. The end result will speak for itself in this convergence of art and function. Consider a well-rounded selection of roasting tubes to selectively relish the taste emanating from within. You will not be disappointed!


Vapo Rising
I love, love, love this driftwood. Is there a special queue for this? Or will it be sold through RBT?
Alan has a ONE List for all his products. You get on it, wait patiently and choose your medicine when your number is called :) its free to be on list!

Your projects are looking good , @Alan ! Keep em coming! I havent been writting you being away from my log & vaping all together due to new living arrangements and not being able to vape inside. Finally worked out a torch lighter to give my vapcap a chance and get back into vaping. I like what I read on your progress for a dual portable/plug-in unit. Wicked man!

For anyone looking for a quick fix while being on the list , buy one of Alan's Bamboo HI when he mentions having some available. They take him less time to build and he prices them to reflect that and then some!!! Great bang for buck. Nothing like owning a unit hand made by someone who is passionate about his work and solid as he is! Thank you, Alan, weed be lost without you! dont forgot to get HI throughout your hard work !


Well-Known Member
So about glass vs stainless steel heater covers - if you have an adjustable power supple (as I do) and can turn up the voltage, then the glass will produce as big a cloud as the SS, right? If that is the case - is there then any difference between the two?

little maggie

Well-Known Member
To me the only difference is that the steel ones will accommodate more kinds of stems. I have some stems that have stainless steel in them and they won't work with the glass one. Probably a non issue if you plan on sticking with a few stems. Also, my favorite stem is wood and works as a stem or wong on almost all the vapes I use. Alan also made me a great whip. Actually I'm not sure that there's much in the vape/accessory arena that he can't make.


Vapo Rising
Visiting my pooch earlier this week, I decided to plug in my Bamboo HI glass core for a sip. I hadn't used it in a few months due to living at girlfriends and not really having a vape room there..

I packed a Lil bit more then I usually do. I was also tired/exhausted prior to vaping. The HI knocked me right out!!! Lol

Taste, smoothness , buzz , etc ... it ain't no vapcap I'll tell you that! The HI is a heavyweight champion!

The glass core is truly a connaisseurs tool! Who ever mentioned that to me prior purchase was bang on and knows his/her herb. Absolute perfectness!

All the best to @Alan . Keep well my friend! IHeat video looks great ! I definitely will consider it for portable unit .


Master JedHI
Visiting my pooch earlier this week, I decided to plug in my Bamboo HI glass core for a sip. I hadn't used it in a few months due to living at girlfriends and not really having a vape room there..

I packed a Lil bit more then I usually do. I was also tired/exhausted prior to vaping. The HI knocked me right out!!! Lol

Taste, smoothness , buzz , etc ... it ain't no vapcap I'll tell you that! The HI is a heavyweight champion!

The glass core is truly a connaisseurs tool! Who ever mentioned that to me prior purchase was bang on and knows his/her herb. Absolute perfectness!

All the best to @Alan . Keep well my friend! IHeat video looks great ! I definitely will consider it for portable unit .

Glad to hear you are still enjoying your bamboo HI, even though it isn't as often. I still use my HI every day even though the iHeat gets the most use. Tough to have too many vaporizers.


Master JedHI
Have been wanting to make a voltage controller that cost a little bit less and is enclosed in a protective plastic case.
Found some plastic boxes that are just about the right size. Here is how it looks.



It uses a 25 watt capacity buck/boost (lower and raise the voltage) circuit board that is connected to the box w/ brass stand-offs. There are rubber feet that are connected with screws to the bottom. The input socket and output jack are securely threaded into the plastic and connected to the board w/ wires to the screw posts. The voltage is adjusted using a micro knob when the box is open. Pressing on the bottom part of the box opens it. No need for vent holes as it does not get hot.
The cost is $35 plus $5 for an extension cord.


Well-Known Member
I like that!!!

Have been wanting to make a voltage controller that cost a little bit less and is enclosed in a protective plastic case.
Found some plastic boxes that are just about the right size. Here is how it looks.



It uses a 25 watt capacity buck/boost (lower and raise the voltage) circuit board that is connected to the box w/ brass stand-offs. There are rubber feet that are connected with screws to the bottom. The input socket and output jack are securely threaded into the plastic and connected to the board w/ wires to the screw posts. The voltage is adjusted using a micro knob when the box is open. Pressing on the bottom part of the box opens it. No need for vent holes as it does not get hot.
The cost is $35 plus $5 for an extension cord.

Diggy Smalls

@abhs That's aged wonderfully. Looks great. Love the nug shot, too. :)

So recently I have been reaquainting myself with Heat Island tech experimenting with my TT with HI innards. I cannot take a worthwhile video at all so I'm very sorry. I started putting a screen in on top of the small nylon screen. I do lower temp and through water. It somehow intensifies the vapor. It comes out after a short pause and can be so thick I swear it's smoke. And then when it's done vapor just stops coming. To be clear, I get good hits normally from the nylon tips, but these hits with the screen in the tip feel somehow to hit harder than without.

The resulting AVB is a very compact puck of VERY evenly colored material. I've gone has high as 10 with it so dark and deep it ruined the flavor. So I dialed it back incrementally until I got the color I like.
Everyone who uses it is floored by the power. Though I've gotten in the habit of piggy backing hits before letting effects settle in. It's just too fun to do these tiny little bowls of power, and I don't usually have anyone to vape with. lol I need a group of stoner friends to test vaporizers on them. Hahahaha OMG I would love doing that as a job. lol Random thought affixed to my post, sorry. What can I say, I'm Tom Cruises high.


Master JedHI
Thanks @abhs for posting the photos. It is still looking good. Glad to hear you are still enjoying them.

@Diggy Smalls - Always thought that the ss roasting tubes and Heat Island would be great for weed tasting events. It allows you to try small amounts so you can find the flower you like best. Everyone could have their own roasting tube with a HI on each table by the flower supply. A vapmeister would be a fun job for sure.


Well-Known Member
Thanks @abhs for posting the photos. It is still looking good. Glad to hear you are still enjoying them.

@Diggy Smalls - Always thought that the ss roasting tubes and Heat Island would be great for weed tasting events. It allows you to try small amounts so you can find the flower you like best. Everyone could have their own roasting tube with a HI on each table by the flower supply. A vapmeister would be a fun job for sure.

I couldn't agree more. Plus, to appreciate the full range of flavor, you don't even need to grind the flower.


Well-Known Member
beautiful pieces . I may have to email again to ensure theres no comms mix up as ive been on the list for over a year . Loath to pressure the guy though .

I first got on the list in Oct 2012, waited over a year to receive my first HI.
I got my second HI from Alan in 2014.

The first was a glass core, second was stainless steel.

They are both still my favorite methods of vaping.

Rock on Alan :rockon::tup::clap::cool::cool::cool:

Edit: Black Walnut HI in 2013 and today

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