First time poster here. I broke my combusting habit nearly 6 weeks ago using an Extreme Q. I wanted a cheap portable (I do own a Wispr that I got a few years ago in a failed attempt to break the habit, but didn't get on with it as a primary device) and after initial scepticism (I don't want to look like I'm heating a crack pipe!) and a lot of research mainly from this thread and reddit I saw how happy the vast majority of people were with the Vapcap I figured for the price, what the hell.

What a device. I absolutely love the vapcap, love the effects and love the efficiency. Straight forward and easy to use, heat till click, toke till cool down click, repeat 3-4 cycles, all done in a couple of minutes. I have combusted once and my other half a couple of times but that was user error of us heating right on the bowl end of the cap and not stopping the heating process when we hadn't heard a click after the usual 7-8 seconds (using a cheap single torch lighter).

The only thing I don't like is the fragility. I dropped it in its tube from waist height and the outer glass broke. I straight away ordered a replacement glass and a second OG vapcap as a back up, thats how much I like this device.

Also, what a story, 2 withdrawn crowd funding debacles, George struggling to find a payment company due to the type of product and still George is plugging away, interacting with the community taking on board criticisms and suggestions and constantly tweaking and making new designs.

I will be buying a M as soon they are in stock with a UK supplier.

Fence sitters, believe the hype.


Well-Known Member
Same thing is 76.75 in Canada!

My Omni XL came in a silver one of these and I have a Woody XLS that came in an XL SnapStash. Neither of those storage tubes are on the site. For my last order (still en route), I emailed and asked if I could substitute some of the larger tubes in place of the regular size.
Did it come in a snapstash ?? Do you have to squeeze the sides to pop it open ??


Well-Known Member
@needalift tracking shows it's so close, fingers crossed you get a delivery today.

Today has been an exercise in using up off cuts. 10mm M3 Mokume off cut, with the obligatory A&W accents.
Blackwood, M3 Cobaltium and Aluminium
Sweet , can't wait !!!
@phattpiggie I think this is one of the illest pieces I've seen you post . That is amazing . Some luck stiff is gonna be super happy with that !!


Active Member
@GreenHopper Thanks for the welcome!

Yup, I was definitely over-heating my herb, but I had never realized what a massive difference it can make! I really, really like how the VapCap system means the flame/initial heat source is taken away before I start my draw, which makes it so much harder to unintentionally take things too hot.

I've always personally found the line between "not getting much vapor at all" and "high temp too-sleepy vapor" tricky to stay on with flame-powered vapes. Maybe I just have clumsy lungs. Still, I really favor flame, as I like the simplicity, not having one more thing to recharge or plug in, and the excuse to acquire neat lighters. While I'm looking forward to trying my older pieces with new lower-temp perspective, the M has delivered exactly what I've been looking for right out of the box. Er, shiny green envelope.


20 going on 60
Well I'm super happy with this one:


Goes perfectly with my MFLB Orbiter.


Beautiful work there Phatt's, I lost 1.5hrs after my first use resulted in me just sitting there twirling it in my hands staring at the pretty patterns.

Love it!


It's like a rocket ship trying to break a black holes orbit....:freak:


Accessory Maker
Accessory Maker
And revisiting @mrb's magnet issue again briefly (sorry @Dynalowrider!), I just came across this page on K&J and the "Big Diameter Magnets Don’t Always Behave Intuitively: Edge Effects" section could be relevant.

Thanks @snackmaster this is much more interesting than @Dynalowrider ’s suggestion of randomly scrolling through 600 pages of comments hoping to stumble across a post . . . . Which is probably just someone saying Diametrical vs Axial. . . .

Diametrical magnets are not super common and would behave differently to what myself an other members are seeing with our cheaply sourced magnets. They are actually acting far more like a pure radial magnetisation or even multi-pole . . And that link confirms this behaviour in disc like axial magnets. . . So now I know that not all axials are equal . . .

:leaf:However - I do apparently have a genuine Dyna-magn on it's way to me. Courtesy of a very kind gentleman known here on the forum! :wave:
So at least one of my home made dynastash can have a properly functioning magnet.

Love your work @phattpiggie !! Do all your stems work with the standard & XL condensers, or do you make those too?


Well-Known Member
Well I'm super happy with this one:


Goes perfectly with my MFLB Orbiter.


Beautiful work there Phatt's, I lost 1.5hrs after my first use resulted in me just sitting there twirling it in my hands staring at the pretty patterns.

Love it!


It's like a rocket ship trying to break a black holes orbit....:freak:
You did get an amazing piece !! Looks great ..
Thanks @snackmaster this is much more interesting than @Dynalowrider ’s suggestion of randomly scrolling through 600 pages of comments hoping to stumble across a post . . . . Which is probably just someone saying Diametrical vs Axial. . . .

Diametrical magnets are not super common and would behave differently to what myself an other members are seeing with our cheaply sourced magnets. They are actually acting far more like a pure radial magnetisation or even multi-pole . . And that link confirms this behaviour in disc like axial magnets. . . So now I know that not all axials are equal . . .

:leaf:However - I do apparently have a genuine Dyna-magn on it's way to me. Courtesy of a very kind gentleman known here on the forum! :wave:
So at least one of my home made dynastash can have a properly functioning magnet.

Love your work @phattpiggie !! Do all your stems work with the standard & XL condensers, or do you make those too?
I'm glad you found a suitable answer to your magnet issue . I don't think @Dynalowrider means to come off so aggressive . I think it's passion and years of knowledge forcing its way out in a manner that comes off aggressive instead of just informative . I find this happens with myself sometimes too . I hope the magnet you get works out and not sure if I said this before or not , but your stashes look great !!!


Where has the time gone?
@Ursula Welcome! Thank you for sharing your experience.

The first couple times I tried vaping with my M, I wasn't sure if I was doing it right. I was definitely getting some good flavor, but I was barely exhaling anything visible at all. And then I realized I was not only super high, but super high in the way I'd been missing for so so long. What a revelation! ... I'm starting to learn how to pull some more visible clouds from it, but those feel a lot less relevant to my interests now.

For a reason that I can't explain I never got visible clouds with the VapCap, but my discovery, like yours, is that you don't need them to be medicated. I have given up smoking for years and, personnally, I don't miss the clouds. I don't use a butane torch lighter either which might account for the absence of clouds. Yet George stated explicitly that one can use any type of flame/heat source.

Right there that was a strong point in favor of VapCap for me. I don't vape 'on the go' and I prefer tealights gentle flame in a quiet and relaxing environment. Set and setting have much to do in this matter I think.
Last edited:


Putin is a War Criminal
For a reason that I can't explain I never got visible clouds with the VapCap, but my discovery, like yours, is that you don't need them to be medicated.
As you have seen, the clouds really are NOT necessary to getting the effects you want. It is nice to have visual clues that you are getting the goods from your vape, but that is a bonus and not the most important part. The effects claim that mantle.
That being said, I bet over time you will see circumstances where you notice more cloudage, and that will lead to your narrowing in on the technique. Don't push yourself. It will come together over time. It did for me.


Where has the time gone?
As you have seen, the clouds really are NOT necessary to getting the effects you want. It is nice to have visual clues that you are getting the goods from your vape, but that is a bonus and not the most important part. The effects claim that mantel.
That being said, I bet over time you will see circumstances where you notice more cloudage, and that will lead to your narrowing in on the technique. Don't push yourself. It will come together over time.

@cybrguy Thank you... I'll be waiting without stresss and keep your moto in mind : "Patience Rewards". All the best.


Well-Known Member
Hi friends,

Sorry to interrupt. I lost my dynastash (moment of silence) and I need to know the diameter for the VC chamber so I don't make any glass pieces exceeding it. Not depth just the diameter.

... please continue with the conversation


Well-Known Member
Mine is 14mm,

P.S. Sorry to hear about your DynaStash, lets hope it turns up again.
Thanks for the dimensions.

Unfortunately I was at the Dope Cup so I don't think it will show up. I'm just thankful I didn't have my M in it!

@snackmaster thanks for your input too. Designing these glass gongs I have to be careful not to exceed that diameter.


thoroughly vaped
Thanks @snackmaster this is much more interesting than @Dynalowrider ’s suggestion of randomly scrolling through 600 pages of comments hoping to stumble across a post . . . . Which is probably just someone saying Diametrical vs Axial. . . .

Diametrical magnets are not super common and would behave differently to what myself an other members are seeing with our cheaply sourced magnets. They are actually acting far more like a pure radial magnetisation or even multi-pole . . And that link confirms this behaviour in disc like axial magnets. . . So now I know that not all axials are equal . . .

:leaf:However - I do apparently have a genuine Dyna-magn on it's way to me. Courtesy of a very kind gentleman known here on the forum! :wave:
So at least one of my home made dynastash can have a properly functioning magnet.

Love your work @phattpiggie !! Do all your stems work with the standard & XL condensers, or do you make those too?

For you and others... no need to scroll though 600 pages. There is a search function at the top of every page. You may select to search just this thread. It will give results with newest first. Granted, this will be virtually useless searching on a term like "stem" in this thread - but should be quite handy for a search on something like "magnet".

Use the search function whenever practical!! Your experience on FC (especially in threads like this) will probably be much nicer.


Where has the time gone?
I think we need a rubber stamp, because NO ONE READS THE THREAD. People want someone else to do their work for them. RTF Thread. Don't show your ignorance. At least act like you read it.
There is a lot of information in this thread, take advantage of it.

I'll pick-up my soapbox now, and move along. Doc

I'm not picking on anyone in particular, this goes to those that don't or can't force themselves to read.

I understand (and share some of) your frustration about repetitive questions... I just saw this post on Vaporents and have been rolling all over the floor... I think all of you here will appreciate the commentaries to such an original question : What kind of drawer should I store my (soon to be arriving!!) Dynavap M? Hilarious...:rofl:


Well-Known Member
I revently bought a ti woody and im wondering if the chamber size on default is 100%?

I havent adjusted the chamber at all and im curious as to if the default setting that was shipped to me is at 50% or 100%.



thoroughly vaped
I revently bought a ti woody and im wondering if the chamber size on default is 100%?

I havent adjusted the chamber at all and im curious as to if the default setting that was shipped to me is at 50% or 100%.


My newer Ti tips have all come set to 100% capacity. Really not too hard to figure out. Stick a chopstick or pencil in there and push. If it is fully seated at the bottom, you're at 100%. If it moves and then clicks into place lower, then you weren't at 100%, but probably are now.

almost there

Well-Known Member
Got my first @phattpiggie piece in the mail and it is beautiful !!

This is the best pic I could get and it still doesn't do it justice . I'm about to head out to a wedding , so I will have to break it in later . Thanks again for the amazing workmanship !!!!!!
wow, that is miles long. Can't wait for mine to arrive, it's in my city. Enjoy, it's beautiful


Well-Known Member
My newer Ti tips have all come set to 100% capacity. Really not too hard to figure out. Stick a chopstick or pencil in there and push. If it is fully seated at the bottom, you're at 100%. If it moves and then clicks into place lower, then you weren't at 100%, but probably are now.

I tried pushing it earlier and it didnt move at all so i wasnt sure whether i wasnt uaing enough power or it was already at 100%


Well-Known Member
Had an OG glass vapcap for like a year now, but it spent the last 51 weeks sitting in a drawer. Just started using it out and about and I love the thing, and obviously must upgrade.

For now, I'm set on getting an M, and adding a Ti tip. I like that the Ti tip has grooves for adding screens so I can do the hemp fiber filter thing, my glass one gets pretty gunked so I've deemed it a necessity.

So my order will be:
M - $50
Ti Tip - $40
Hemp fiber - $5
Titanium screens - $10
Extra set of o rings - $2.50

Some questions:
1. Is there anything else I need or anything I'm overlooking in my order that will preclude basic functionality, utilizing the ti tip and the hemp filter?
2. My abv gets really dark in the glass vapcap, I'm hoping the ti tip will run a bit cooler. Is that logical?
3. There is another set of (titanium) extra o-rings on the dynavap store. I don't understand the functionality of those, should I get them as well?
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