You need an omni!Here's a picture of the family:
The VAS is strong! Must.... resist....
...Resistance is futile.
If you mean the link in my Sig, they get the credit for the list. All those best of posts helped me these two weeks. And a lot of new VCers are going to want to research like I did. Glad you like.Damn @CuckFumbustion was that a self-tag (or third parson tag)?!!!
Nicely done!
Yep, that's how @CuckFumbustion does it.![]()
I Just edited my message..
My tube was Gray, not black..
Just wow!Had some good feedback on the first one of these I made, this one just needs to settle down after a wet sand.
Speaking of magnets, I'm still puzzled by this. @mrb, could it have anything to do with the diameter of the magnet? Yours look slightly larger than dynavap's... there a some newsletter I got to subscribe to or club I have to join to get the scoop on these wood flamey looking Dynastash's and 2 carb holed OG's I only just tonight learned about. I thought I was pretty thorough browsing their website for days and days, saw none of those cool as hell rough flame edge DS's and only the normal one carb hole OG. Why 2 carbs?Just recieved my latest package from Dynavap. Thought I would once more share my poor photography skills with you wonderful people
There is a crazy amount of detail in the Ti Woody S considering the size of the body. Absolutely stunning!![]() there a some newsletter I got to subscribe to or club I have to join to get the scoop on these wood flamey looking Dynastash's and 2 carb holed OG's I only just tonight learned about. I thought I was pretty thorough browsing their website for days and days, saw none of those cool as hell rough flame edge DS's and only the normal one carb hole OG. Why 2 carbs?
Plus you are using an Omni condenser so you will need the proper spacing for it to work. Otherwise good luck with your project.
Can any charitable person give me the exact dimensions of an Omni body, or just confirm these dimensions of 45mm length and 8mm inside diameter.
Thanks a lot
If you want an OG with double carbs and can't get it on the Dynavap website , you can get one from here there a some newsletter I got to subscribe to or club I have to join to get the scoop on these wood flamey looking Dynastash's and 2 carb holed OG's I only just tonight learned about. I thought I was pretty thorough browsing their website for days and days, saw none of those cool as hell rough flame edge DS's and only the normal one carb hole OG. Why 2 carbs?
ohooooooooooo, this is perfect. Just home from work this Friday afternoon and I found a green envelope in my mail box. My first ever vapcap's have landed! OmniTi, M and OG Glass. I wasn't expecting delivery before next week. To top it off they slipped unnoticed through customs, even if the envelope had the values declared.
I've cleaned the Omni with alcohol and q-tips. As with most vapes, there were some machining lube left over from production.![]()
Dynavap will engrave your cap for the price of another cap which you add to your order and then write in the notes that you want an engraving; you can email the specific image to them.
However they've said engravings won't be available until after the surge in orders due to the 4/20 sale.
If you wanted to have one done on anything you've ordered in the 4/20 sale then you may be able to ask if they would hold your order until the end of the mad rush and have them engrave it when they have time. But I'm just guessing this may be possible, it may not.
Ireally hope they do re-start the engraving: I kinda get the feeling though that it's turned out to be a big disruptinon for them@aestheticsnob i was told they would definitely be doing engraving again in the future, but the engraving holds up production of units so was temporarily put on hold til stuff calms down at DynaCave.
I agree with @Puffers , when I use a single jet it takes close to 15 seconds for the click . I also move the flame from end to end on the cap while spinning . This will help avoid the red hot spots . You will get used to the cap discoloration . It gives the piece a little character![]()
Try the dual-jet - it really is the finest lighter I've ever owned - and it seems to own a sweet spot on the Ti tip. ALL of the inline-jets I've tried (George sells both) have been a world of difference over every other lighter: they're both solid, well-built, and have real flame-adjustment methods! The dual sits right at the botom of the tip and licks respectfully up the sideI used to twist my vapcap back an forth between thumb and pointer when heating and I would sometimes see a little glow in the cap. Since changing my technique to where I now rotate using pointer and thumb, it heats very evenly and there are never any red spots.
I would like to try a single flame torch as I own a triple and a quad and neither quite cut it. Maybe a dual flame? I'll just have to buy them all and see. Lol
If by "reclaim" you mean bowl scrapings, I'm sure we'd all agree: for my own part, I rinse my rigs in ethanol every week, removing fresh deposits of 'unused natural concentrate' on the regular (this discourages tars from sticking, building up & polluting the golden goodies); I re-use the same 'wash' to rinse-and-capture deposits from my tools, carrying cases & containers, and eventually it will get thick and I'll evaporate it, mix it with kif, and "hey, hash!"I don't do reclaim. Makes me![]()
Okay, CONGRATULATIONS on your new happy bundles! May you enjoy them in peace, an in the best of health!One question! Any one got any idea why my dynacaps only attract to the edges of my magnets and not the centre? Obviously I used the wrong type of magnet . . but I haven’t googled this as of yet . . .
I’m also going to mention that my Ti-Woody body had a bit of a serious problem on arrival. The opening at the collared end where the tip inserts was not big enough. I could barely force the tip into the body or pull it out, regardless of lubrication levels. Both required EXTREME force and getting it in was almost impossible. And honestly, the o-rings would not have lasted more than 2or3 assembly/disassembly with that level of stress and friction. . . .
So I had to roll up a small piece of 240grit sandpaper put it in a drill and use it to open & smooth out the hole. Took me ages, because I went SLOW not wanting to make it too big. . . . Now it slides in & out perfect. .
Thanks to all the contributors here. From Vapcap care to butane filtration I’ve learnt a lot!![]()
can you buy those tubes on the site or are they acquired only but purchasing an xl ? The large black snap stash tube available for purchase on the Dynavap site looks like a taller version of the small one I have which is completely different than the one in your picture . I'm guessing @florduh could contact Dynavap to get one if needed .@needalift Thanks for the link. Thinking my one carb OG will already have a hard time getting in the rotation.
I saw the smaller Black stash tubes available, but I don't think it's the same as the tube my xls shipped in. It would be a pretty big.stash tube.
My "M" arrived Thursday, the first DynaVap vape I've owned, and I am blown away by its performance. I thought you guys might have been exaggerating the awesomeness a little bit, but dang!
Prior to my M, I used my glass sherlock Vapor Genie almost daily. I also have a Lotus, which I like for water pieces, and my husband is quite fond of his VaporBrothers plug-in. I thought I knew all about vapor, but the M really opened my eyes to just how unnecessarily hot I've been scorching my herbs. My typical MO involved exhaling the biggest, thickest clouds I could and leaving the ABV pretty close to black. I thought that meant I was getting as much goodness as I could out of the green. But I'd also been getting frustrated for awhile, as even really good stuff seemed to put me to sleep more than anything and I just wasn't getting effects I wanted. Foolishly, my response to that was to blame my tolerance and crank up the heat (and how much I consumed) even further.
The first couple times I tried vaping with my M, I wasn't sure if I was doing it right. I was definitely getting some good flavor, but I was barely exhaling anything visible at all. And then I realized I was not only super high, but super high in the way I'd been missing for so so long. What a revelation!
I'll definitely use my other pieces more gently in the future, but M really might be my new fave. The seemingly tiny bowl is really the perfect size and I love not having to focus on the lighter while I'm taking my hit. I'm starting to learn how to pull some more visible clouds from it, but those feel a lot less relevant to my interests now.
Big thank you to George and the DynaVap crew for such a marvelous device, and a big thank you to everyone in this thread for all the information and experiences that convinced me to add yet another vape to my collection. Now I just want an OmniVap. And one of PhatPiggies incredible customs. And maybe a second M for passing around, ha!
My "M" arrived Thursday, the first DynaVap vape I've owned, and I am blown away by its performance. I thought you guys might have been exaggerating the awesomeness a little bit, but dang!
Prior to my M, I used my glass sherlock Vapor Genie almost daily. I also have a Lotus, which I like for water pieces, and my husband is quite fond of his VaporBrothers plug-in. I thought I knew all about vapor, but the M really opened my eyes to just how unnecessarily hot I've been scorching my herbs. My typical MO involved exhaling the biggest, thickest clouds I could and leaving the ABV pretty close to black. I thought that meant I was getting as much goodness as I could out of the green. But I'd also been getting frustrated for awhile, as even really good stuff seemed to put me to sleep more than anything and I just wasn't getting effects I wanted. Foolishly, my response to that was to blame my tolerance and crank up the heat (and how much I consumed) even further.
The first couple times I tried vaping with my M, I wasn't sure if I was doing it right. I was definitely getting some good flavor, but I was barely exhaling anything visible at all. And then I realized I was not only super high, but super high in the way I'd been missing for so so long. What a revelation!
I'll definitely use my other pieces more gently in the future, but M really might be my new fave. The seemingly tiny bowl is really the perfect size and I love not having to focus on the lighter while I'm taking my hit. I'm starting to learn how to pull some more visible clouds from it, but those feel a lot less relevant to my interests now.
Big thank you to George and the DynaVap crew for such a marvelous device, and a big thank you to everyone in this thread for all the information and experiences that convinced me to add yet another vape to my collection. Now I just want an OmniVap. And one of PhatPiggies incredible customs. And maybe a second M for passing around, ha!
There‘s a temperature range in which different compounds of cannabis are released, each showing unique qualities in effect. While only experimentation will show you the high that suits you best, an ideal temperature to extract a wide range of psychoactive compounds is 185 °C. The optimal temperature range for cannabis is between 180 - 210 °C. Temperatures below 190 °C. tend to produce a more cerebral high, temperature above that tend to induce a body high.