Wow! 30secs heat up time is amazing!!!
How do you do, fellow kids?
I'm really enjoying this thread! I joined FC the day I bought my MFLB back in 2011, and have since purchased an Arizer V-Tower and an Arizer Solo. Even though I only bought my Solo 1.5 years ago, I will definitely be picking up this new model later this month, as it's my daily driver.
Can anyone speak to the accuracy of the temperature display?
used the temp probe I use to calibrate the minivaps, so I don't know how well this will translate to the Solo in terms of temp readings...I only truly trust this probe with minivaps. But once the unit is up to temp and heat soaked for a few minutes it stays put during my draw. The reading I got were 20 -30 degrees cooler than the set temp, but I don't trust that here. What I do trust is the movement of the temps, and they dropped during my draw with the first several pulls and then stabilized during the draw after that.
Sounds like it cools a lot before starting to recover (4 draws ?)
Where can I get a Solo II in Europe?
If you're working on an Air 2 too then![]()
Not so much a problem for me cause I went through Arizer and the serial # is on the bottom of the packaging.But this might prove confusing for them down the road?
Fixed that pretty quickly.And it could get you busted. Seriously. It's a state deal (not federal like with firearms). While S/Ns are not mandatory (except in a few cases like guns and cars), removing one (for any reason) is generally considered 'prima facia' evidence ('clear, on the face of it') the stuff is stolen. Mere possession is a crime, even if it's can you prove that's the one on the receipt if it has no S/N?
As I understand it basically all states have similar statutes to cover this, the one for my state reads:
537e. (a) Any person who knowingly buys, sells, receives, disposes
of, conceals, or has in his or her possession any personal property
from which the manufacturer's serial number, identification number,
electronic serial number, or any other distinguishing number or
identification mark has been removed, defaced, covered, altered, or
destroyed, is guilty of a public offense
My understanding is this makes it contraband, a potential 'stand alone' charge the heat could fall back on? Or use to 'bulk up' the charge list? Or come after you if the guy you sell it to gets into trouble?
Notice the "has in his or her possession" part. It doesn't matter how you got it, just having it is a bust. Even if it's otherwise legal. Then again, so is throwing it away (disposing)?
Your call, of course, but IMO it's dangerous to think your only exposure is warranty issues. For sure I think we owe it to each other to include such risks in the mix? Removed serial numbers can be very serious in their own right.
Yes, I know a carpenter who had a Skillsaw on the job site he bought out of the trunk of a guys car for cheap half a year before. He got a ride in a patrol car, lost two days pay, and got a free night in the Graybar hotel while they raised bail. Probably should not have mouthed off to the cop? Never got his saw back, even when he brought his buddy down to confirm his purchase. The buddy, no doubt with a two digit IQ, showed the cops the saw he bought at the same time to prove he was there......he lost his saw too. His lawyer (when he hired one) confirmed his friend was a fool, and eventually got the charges dropped, but it cost him a LOT of money. And more time off work.
Sorry to ramble, but missing serial numbers can be a bust in and of themselves. They would, of course, have to know there was one, notice it wasn't there and care. But the risk is real. And IMO it's way bigger than potential warranty claims to a company like Arizer with a long long reputation of making Solos that don't have any warranty problems?
@OF that reminds me of it being "illegal" to remove tags from mattresses, etc. Those are some fucked up laws! Some of your State laws are bordering on communism IMO! Especially with all the paranoia I see some members have regarding weed, paraphernalia, etc.
Have to wait. Watching my 2 yr old son today and every time we come home he goes to my garage fridge and grabs a beer, pulls the drawer open to get the opener, and then makes me help him open it, then he hands it to me. Good in a way, bad in another?. I don't need him grabbing the vapes and the camera!
@OF that reminds me of it being "illegal" to remove tags from mattresses, etc. Those are some fucked up laws! If I buy something, it's MINE, and I can do whatever I like to it including modifying as I see fit. Some of your State laws are bordering on communism IMO! Especially with all the paranoia I see some members have regarding weed, paraphernalia, etc. Some don't even like writing about stuff online!![]()
Vapefiend UK are expecting delivery next week.Where can I get a Solo II in Europe?
Vapefiend UK are expecting delivery next week.
One negative so far...I was giving her a quick wipedown with an ISO wipe and ran it across the bottom of the unit, where the serial # USED TO BE!
Wiped it clear off with one stroke!
Not so much a problem for me cause I went through Arizer and the serial # is on the bottom of the packaging.
But this might prove confusing for them down the road?