After owning and testing many convection vapes, I disagree. With a cold load, it actually takes some time/technique, it's not instant but it's subjective and depends on many variables (draw speed, temperature).
Dude, you're KILLING me! Seriously, "WAY" better airflow than the Solo 1/Air? This is making me reconsider, just based on that one statement! Are you using a PVHES gong in your video?
You heat soaked for FOUR minutes? Wow! It must have tasted horrible?
Would love more extrapolation about the airflow

I agree that you can manipulate the physics as well, same as the original Solo.
Yep, there are 4 holes in the oven for a reason.
Same here, and I should probably dig up my posts in the Solo thread, but don't want to steer off topic. It was an exchange between
@OF and I about this exact very topic, so it's been discussed there ad nauseam. Basically I was talking about using the Solo in "convection mode" and have vids on my youtube channel illustrating it with micro loads. I don't see how else it wouldn't be convection when you crank to top temp, without a stem inserted, and then let it get nice and hot and insert your stem (giggity!), with the right airflow you get "convection vapour", with a slow build up like say, the Vriptech Heat Wand for example. I do still think that
@OF is generally correct, in that it is a conduction vape, but like most vapes including convection, there are other physics at play, like convection with the Solo, and even the 100% convection Grasshopper, isn't just convection IMO, but also has radiant heat from that tiny metal bowl.
@OF also states that the HerbalAire is convection, which it is, but also has conduction.
All semantics, who cares in the end, not many TRUE convection or conduction vapes out there anyway, they are all mostly hybrids IMO
Now, time for damage control to see if I can reverse my order reversal

You're fault
@ShayWhiteGrow and I love you for it!
Airflow is huge for me, and if the Solo 2 has the airflow of say the Solo 1 with PVHES, i'm happy with that!
@ShayWhiteGrow with this increased airflow with the Solo 2, does it thin cloud the vapour density like the PVHES does? Or was it a non issue due to the higher 220c max temp? Did you notice a big difference between 220c on the Solo 2 compared to 210c on Solo 1?