I also always just take one long continuous draw per heat cycle. I always hold my vapor in for at least 5 seconds. It medicates me much more that way. My herb supply is limited and has to be rationed.
Whenever I abandon holding the vapor and exhale sooner, I start going through so much more herb, and get less of an effect.
If herb grew on trees

, I would probably just vape more and exhale sooner for comfort.
So one point, taking one long continuous draw until the cool down click is the most efficient way of using your herb.
The herb will be getting spent by the conduction aspect, so surely if you heated your cap and didnt inhale, you would be losing actives? At least some right?
If you just exhale the vapor instantly, then yes taking 2 or 3 draws per heat cycle can work fine. But for me to even try and take 2 draws, I would have to cut the first one short, exhale sooner, or else the second draw will be empty and the cool down click will be very iminent.
So that way, I would not get such a big hit on either draws. And holding the first hit in would make the second hit unworthwhile.
Ideally, the cool down click would come a littel sooner. It can be hard sometimes to keep inhaling to the click, but I do it to get the most out of the heat cycle and the herb.
This is just my own way of using the vapcap however, im not saying at all this is what others should do, just sharing my logic.