@jimfish4130 your spinning technique is the same as mine left hand, anticlock.
Clockwise or Anti it doesn't make any difference they spin fine.
@Joaon at this moment in time I'd happily do you a Composite Twisted Square.
Had a couple of casualties this week which brought the mood down and turned the air bluer than blue.
Thuya Squares, dropped one and was packing the other and they both snapped.
This one was dropped and it split near the tip end, I snapped the other end seeing how much it would take
The bottom one was getting wrapped up and it went. One of those things. They both looked and felt fine.
More disappointed with not getting them out to the people they were destined for, but better to give up at mine than some one else's.
Gutted, but it's a piece of wood and a burr so just one of those things lesson learned, I'm hoping it was the batch of blanks. I got them from a different source so it'll be back to the original supplier.
So after a quick mourn I set to with some Padauk, the colors it has going on are infectious. It's so vibrant.
62mm Padauk Twist, only the top half has the finish applied, the wax really makes it 'pop'.
The only MP I have is for an Omni
In this segmented one the 'hot end' and the MP have been threaded, again no adhesive in the vapor path as the condenser runs the full length.
Ovangkol, Padauk and Blackwood MP.
Nothing up my sleeve at all