Hey everyone! I owe you guys an apology.. I genuinely intended to make posting a regular habit to keep you up to date. I have been very overwhelmed and and slowly making headway and finally seeing the light at the end.
1st off I'd like to make 1 thing VERY clear: I 100% stand by my products/designs. If you got something you are not happy with PLEASE do not hesitate to send an email to:
Contact@CCA710.com - I promise you will be satisfied in the end!
I am taking immediate steps to fix all QC issues, while simultaneously massively improving the quality of the products (tolerances/fit, surface polish level, etc.).
This is being done now via the following steps:
1) My new business partner is taking over the supply management
2) Vetting and moving production to more local companies (so we have a closer relationship & direct feedback)
3) Moving forward with advanced polishing techniques that will eliminate ALL titanium burrs/defects while making it mirror smooth (easier to clean and more inert)
4) Moving ALL Titanium production in house so I have 100% control from start to finish!
I am also taking steps to improve customer service and will be expanding my team to help eliminate all wait on emails! I sincerely apologize for the slow response time currently, it was/is completely unacceptable. I have been juggling emails and helping to get orders out in a timely manner; unfortunately it has not been working as orders are only increasing every week.
As for some of the common complaints:
A) ALL dabbers are being extended by approx 1cm (will be the same general length as the D-nail Fork Dabber) [this included the Skeleton Handle, normally included with the master sets]
B) The Hurricane cap is being redesigned to have only 1 radius. (think a half hollow globe; or a bowl shape). It will also be much smaller/minimalist vs the current design.
C) Air Flow Adjust: I have had a lot of mixed opinions on this; some absolutely love it, some hate it. I have considered a couple options and would love to get your guy's opinion!
- 1) Eliminate the 4 hole adjust, and make it only 2 holes. This would mean there is still an air flow adjust but it will only have 3 holes in it (allowing for 2 settings: 2 holes open or 1 hole open)
or 2) Eliminate the Air Flow Adjust entirely and go back to a single hole (simple, straight-forward, and would make the caps cheaper

- Where I personally stand: I liked the idea of the air flow adjust, but have been disappointed with the function. I have been working on some new ideas for an adjust that will allow for a much more precise adjustment. Therefore I am personally leaning towards option 2) Eliminate the Air Flow Adjust; until I can implement the new air adjust design.
I want to extend my thanks to all of you here on FuckCombustion for your genuine feedback and critiques! I only have a desire to improve as much as possible. Your honest reviews, both good and bad, are worth their weight in gold to me!
Please continue to be patient with me as this is a massive learning experience and I will continue to strive to bring the very best service I possibly can! I know there will always be issues/problems/speed bumps in the road and I have faith that you all will help me recognize these areas so I can address them. I am simply a man who love to dab and I want everyone else to be able to enjoy it as much as I do everyday!
Your humble servant,