Don't summon the Kraken Mr. Me2!
Right after reading your message my crafty was acting weird (not kidding)!
The heating blinking was quick (like the empty battery one) and the crafty went directly on the boost temp and would not stop on the base temp, no matter what, it was stuck on boost (and max temp as intended) and after a full cycle of discharge/charge it was back to normal...
So beware of the Kraken fellow craftyer
On another dark side, the battery meter isn't calibrated, when the crafty app or the libi one say 0%, I can do another warm-up and a quick pull before he died

And I've noticed the same thing with my previous one.
Although, some overheating was invited in the party recently, I don't know where they came from!
So far my 9 month old 2.10 Crafty is at 111 hours so far, using it on 190\210 all the time