Purple Days - The tips and tricks


Never done a round of drying after the first dry, but that does make sense. I tend to dry and grind about a week's worth of tobacco at a shot - I know that's not the best way but it's my habit - and leave the dry and ground material in my Billy Bowl for usage. I would think that through the week there is going to be some additional drying taking place without doing anything deliberate.

I only regrind my tobacco for tobacco brownies after I saved up about half a cup's worth. They are fantastic and habit forming!

I second the above regarding using a 2 piece grinder. My two faves are the recently acquired aluminum Space Case - for about $20, and Ed's (of Ed's TNT) rosewood grinder for about $10.
Both are great.

A good way to dry - Tom may agree or disagree - is to put a few pieces of material in a shot glass and put the shot glass on top of the plugged in PD.
If you're afraid you might knock it over, rest the PD on a sheet of paper, or something, so if the material spills it's right on the paper - nothing lost.

A turned on cable TV box provides good free heat as well.


Well-Known Member
Purple-Days said:
I don't use my lungs (to draw). Wouldn't enjoy it. Some folks can't do it.

And you don't have to do it that way...

Someone called it the Sherlock Method. Milkshake suck and inhale, like working a Sherlock Holmes Calabash pipe. ;) Suits my grazing style anyway.

Now, if you have 23 year old athletic lungs, sure... a diaphram draw is great.
That's right! No one should use the lungs and instead should create a vacuum by the power of the mouth and throat muscles.
I remember when I was 23 years old, I could smoke two bongs one on top of the other (without exhaling the first bong) using the vacuum technique.


Well-Known Member
fail said:
That's right! No one should use the lungs and instead should create a vacuum by the power of the mouth and throat muscles.
Huh? I'm 66 years old and all I do is use my lungs to draw. Works great.


Well-Known Member
I don't think he meant not using your lungs at all. I think he meant like one big puff by slowly opening your mouth from being 'puckered up' while you inhale (lungs), kinda like using kissing suction to get it into your airway and then breathing it in easily once its in your throat. I also think that pretty much everyone does this at least a bit naturally without thinking much of it with joints/stems/whips because you gotta pucker your lips to make it airtight anyway, with bongs using your throat is kinda different, weird feeling. You gotta use your lungs a bit, or youd only fill your throat and mouth up :ko:

I however find breathing with your mouth/throat like that with the pd and no waterfilter feels hot, and it's more comfortable to just open your mouth wide and let the air not really touch the inside of your mouth


Well-Known Member
Make a cheapo glass mouthpiece by buying a one hitter and rolling a shim out of brown paper to wedge the metal bowl in. Just don't wedge it too tight or you won't get it back out without deforming it:



Well-Known Member
Hey guys, when I started using the PD it would take me 2 stems to start feeling good, but now I get even past that with just one. I don't know if it is because I just got used to Vaping or because of the method I've been playing with.

First you pull from the stem until your lungs are maybe 50-75% full, then remove the stem from the PD, but continue to inhale until your lungs are full, my reasoning for this is that it will do 2 things: continue to take in any extra vapor being produced while the stem is cooling down and the cool air you inhale will condense the vapor inside your lungs. Once your lungs are at maximum capacity, or lose to it, hold the vapor in as long as possible. If this method is done properly you should exhale no visible vapor, and you will feel a fountain of high form in your lungs.

Try it out and see if it does anything for you.

Edit: Also if this is bad for your body please let me know, I am no medical expert.
SnugglyFoo i agree holding big vapor clouds in lungs for a minute will get u higher. i still after holding log vape hit in for a minute blow cloud of vapor into lamp yet think i get more hi than if only holding it half or less. deep sea divers competition may hold their breath couple minutes or more, can't imagine any1 holding breath more than a minute with vapor cloud?


Well-Known Member
from my understanding holding it in longer is worse for you. apparently, one of the "main" reasons marijuana smoke is "worse" for you than tobacco smoke is that marijuana users have a habit of holding the tokes in longer than a tobacco smoker. although I don't agree that marijuana smoke is worse for you, I can't help to think that by holding in smoke longer it is worse for your lungs.

similarly, vaping is much healthier for your lungs than smoke HOWEVER it still must not be 100% healthy or as healthy as if you did not vape. so i would assume it is worse. how much worse? i have no idea, but if you're looking @ vaping from a totally health perspective (which is why i started) then thats my :2c:


Well-Known Member
im sure the absorption is more if you hold it in longer, but i would be its a small amount.

i bet the holding your hits thing makes you feel higher because your robbing your brain of oxygen and it gives you a head rush of some sort.
so what's the concensus, best time to hold vape hit for? 22 seconds 30, after its bad idea & how long do competitive deep sea divers? hold theirs for ? couple minutes
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