PUFFiT portable


Thanks to dogman for the objective, on topic and honest comments, updates and video. Also congratulations to the first recipients of units from the second batch. I would probably choose to follow the directions that come with the unit and give it a full charge prior to first use, and not cycle it empty.
Perhaps someone (mod) more tenacious than I would be so kind as to repost all the manufacturers comments and responses in a sticky on page one? Most of these concerns have been addressed. Top cap temp, stir tool effectiveness, battery replacement, taste, shipping issues, new distributors...
My (puffit-less) thoughts on the unit thus far:
Stir tool was an afterthought, excellent idea with poor execution
Top of the cap gets warm to the touch, the reason a silicone heat shield is included
Plastic-y taste is expected, on my end, from a unit with a plastic air path
Blue would be more stealthy than black while not in use, simply because it COULD be mistaken for ventolin. Granted black could be mistaken for a custom inhaler, but I would venture a guess that ventolin blue is more common than aftermarket black.


In the MFLB you have the whole trench getting hot and the finer grind gets more surface contact. The oven in the Puffit is round with (non-heating?) screen in the bottom. If the screen in the Puffit also heats then it should work similarly on smaller, finer amounts. Otherwise since a lot of the herb would sit on the screen isolated from the walls of the oven, where I assume is where the heat is coming from, it won't get heated as well. In that case you would actually want a less fine grind and more in the oven area to contact the walls.

Anyone who already has a Puffit: Will you test for us? Will a very small amount of very fine grind vape well?


Aaron Rodgers Afficianado
Hey everyonne, I'm new to this forum and this is my first post! I actually found the site after researching the Puffit looking for some reviews. I have enjoyed reading dogmans review and his video and felt pretty confident in ordering my own. I went ahead and purchased one from Vapor Nation instead of gotvape because it seemed everybody was having problems. But as a first time online buyer I wasn't really sure what to expect. Well I contacted customer service at vapor nation and they told me that they are receiving a shipment of Puffits this week and are going to ship out immediately. Just thought I would share that, even though I don't know if that is even valuable information! Look forward to hearing from you guys!


Get your Freak on....
Hey everyonne, I'm new to this forum and this is my first post! I actually found the site after researching the Puffit looking for some reviews. I have enjoyed reading dogmans review and his video and felt pretty confident in ordering my own. I went ahead and purchased one from Vapor Nation instead of gotvape because it seemed everybody was having problems. But as a first time online buyer I wasn't really sure what to expect. Well I contacted customer service at vapor nation and they told me that they are receiving a shipment of Puffits this week and are going to ship out immediately. Just thought I would share that, even though I don't know if that is even valuable information! Look forward to hearing from you guys!

Welcome.. And Thanks for the Info..


My friends call me "Menz"
Ordered mine last night. I called about the BO situation. They said orders placed up to the first of the month will get shipped next week and was told mine will probably be shipped the following week. Thread indicates all orders placed this month will be shipped this month. If so all backorders will be filled.

We'll see how it goes.

The Puffit is perfect as far as appearance since I have used inhalers just like this for years for asthma. My symptoms were aggravated by smoke but helped by vapor. I've had a MFLB for a year or more now and love it, but hate fooling with the batteries. Like the Pax but need the stealth more than style.

What is the latest anyone ordered here that received a ship notice?

ordered mine on july 6th and no shipping notice for me as of yet :( still hoping for one soon


Well-Known Member
I ordered July ninth and yesterday my status changed from back ordered to processing. I think that means a large shipment has, or will soon, land(ed) and the should ship this coming week. Of course, being in the Dominion of Canada, I won't get mine for two more weeks. I wait anxiously.


Well-Known Member
One other minor annoyance I forgot to mention. By law, I'm sure it has to be there, but there is a "this is not a medical device" stamp on the side of the unit. It isn't noticeable unless you are really inspecting the device, but should there be questions about it someone would surely notice.

Easily solvable of course with a sticker or cover though.

You certainly can use a very small amount in the PuFFit, but don't expect clouds if you choose to do that.


as in dumb as
Easily solvable of course with a sticker or cover though.

Depending on how or what they used to apply the printing sometime a pink pearl eraser works. Its a real mild abrasive and for the adventurist type it might just wipe your annoyance away.

All the standard disclaimers apply to this post as in do not try this at home, Try at your own risk/Peril


Well-Known Member
I think the reps at GV got tripped up a bit in the usual process of introducing a new product. The manufacturer gives a date for delivery, the import company (if there is one) gives a date to the marketing company (GV) to tell their sales reps. The dates are all affected by factors (like customs) which can add delay for one reason or another. The actual ship date given out by sales reps is the only one they know.

My only real prob with GV is that the product showed up as being "In Stock" during the online purchase process. That wasn't the sales reps fault, that's management, so we can't really get mad at them, they are just doing their job. I don't think they are lying, just dealing with dates they were given by their boss.

Since the Puffit is so popular already, GV has a stake in being up front about it so they can keep a hold on the market. They should correct the whole "In Stock" issue now though.

Things will settle down when supply meets demand.

I think you might want to go back and read the thread a bit more carefully. While what you say is often true, it's clearly not happening here. We had employees mascaraing as customers. They were promising 'shipping this week', 'shipping the first', 'we just shipped what we had, expect more any day' and so on while the maker in Hong Kong was telling us they hadn't made them yet. Generally very hard to have shipped things that haven't yet been made 8 time zones away on the other side of customs......

Now, it could well be true the employees weren't lying to us (except maybe when they pretended to be customers while enjoying the vapes that real customers had already paid for.....), only saying what the boss said to say, but doesn't that mean the boss is lying? No, wait, if they told you something they know isn't true, that is lying.....maybe to save their job? No matter how you slice it there's lies in there somewhere, and the maker seems to be straight with us.

You get to decide why that happened, I think you're close to it with the 'stake in the market' idea. For myself, I don't like being played for a fool. Less than honest business practices are less than honest. I'd like to try this unit out, but I'll do without until such time as I won't be rewarding that behavior in even a very minor way. It would interfere with my enjoyment of the otherwise good product. Hopefully another access channel will open up and I can partake....

Until then they have a monopoly on distribution, they just 'don't want to loose the sale' as I see it. Customer be damned.

You too get to decide how important principle is to you, but I think you're off base, defending the indfensable.



My friends call me "Menz"
I ordered July ninth and yesterday my status changed from back ordered to processing. I think that means a large shipment has, or will soon, land(ed) and the should ship this coming week. Of course, being in the Dominion of Canada, I won't get mine for two more weeks. I wait anxiously.

Lucky you!!! o ordered before you on july 6th and mine still says "backordered"

mine did too

now thats two people i have to be jealous of :(


Why smoke and die, when you can vape and fly?
Lucky you!!! o ordered before you on july 6th and mine still says "backordered"

Methinks I'll wait and see if australianvaporizers.com.au – renowned for their excellent service – decide to stock it. :whoa:


Toolbag v1.1 (candidate)
Staff member
One other minor annoyance I forgot to mention. By law, I'm sure it has to be there, but there is a "this is not a medical device" stamp on the side of the unit. It isn't noticeable unless you are really inspecting the device, but should there be questions about it someone would surely notice.

Easily solvable of course with a sticker or cover though.

This makes no sense to me and flies in the face of the efforts of other manufacturers who go out of their way to imply that their products are for medical purposes only (I'm looking at you, Ploom! :cool:).

The fact is that for some people, these are medical devices.


Well-Known Member
The fact is that for some people, these are medical devices.

I like to argue everyone is a medicinal user. If you do something like vape to help pain or help you sleep it's easy to see but even if you're just vaping because it makes you happier or makes you more comfortable or enhances your life in some way it's still helping you in your own way.

One other minor annoyance I forgot to mention. By law, I'm sure it has to be there, but there is a "this is not a medical device" stamp on the side of the unit. It isn't noticeable unless you are really inspecting the device, but should there be questions about it someone would surely notice.

Easily solvable of course with a sticker or cover though.

You certainly can use a very small amount in the PuFFit, but don't expect clouds if you choose to do that.

I think what they meant to get across was "This is not an inhaler." but that's kind of pointless imo, I don't think some words printed on it will help one way or the other if the media really does want to (gets paid to) do a story on "weed inhalers that are killing your kids"...


Well-Known Member
I like to argue everyone is a medicinal user.

Good point, but I suggest it's a legal distinction, not an ethical one? As I understand it 17 states recognize MMJ at some level. Otherwise it's like other recreational drugs, which also have their users out for a more enjoyable life..... They 'self prescribe' as well, right?



as in dumb as
You too get to decide how important principle is to you
I found FC after I ordered but I still feel dirty. Principle is real important to me and it feel the puffit on the way to me is bad karma. Fleabay may get a listing, I dont need bad vibes and its time to go silent, reading all this just bums me out. Sorry to drag this thread further off topic
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Well-Known Member
I like FC because you can get both sides , yes most of it is accurate . imo

I do have to de-cypher between the real owners compare to the " shills " .
It's not really that hard . You have to read between the lines and phrasing .imo

I also want to welcome all new members ,
We need more for the Cause .
So don't be offended when I say , I usually trust the words of veteran members first .
The members with a lot of messages posted .
Because it's true , that anyone can join FC under a different username and start posting .
And yes , a veteran poster could be an employee of theirs too .

I have also stated that FC ,
Is the perfect place for manufacturers and vendors' companies to promote their products .
Answer their concerns and issues , straight up . ( under their Company names ) .
If the product is a Dud , No amount of defending will help and they usually disappear to
the back pages .

I think the 2 should be on FC harmoniously .

Happy Cannabizing All .

I found FC after I ordered but I still feel dirty. Principle is real important to me and it feel the puffit on the way to me is bad karma. Fleabay may get a listing, I dont need bad vibes and its time to go silent, reading all this just bums me out. Sorry to drag this thread further off topic

Hey BoxofRock ,
Welcome to FC .

I found FC after I purchased the mflb . Kinda like you .
At first , I did not like the mflb ,
Then I went on FC and Learned the proper way ( had lots of help ) of using the mflb .
Now I love the mflb , along with my NO2 , volcano and soon to be ....Solo :)

Never be silenced dude ,
It's the best you can offer someone ,...your word :)

Sending you some Good Vibes and Karma from Toronto , Canada .


Well-Known Member
I found FC after I ordered but I still feel dirty. Principle is real important to me and it feel the puffit on the way to me is bad karma. Fleabay may get a listing, I dont need bad vibes and its time to go silent, reading all this just bums me out. Sorry to drag this thread further off topic

Howdy, BR, welcome to the fun! Great bunch here for the most part, here to help each other which is IMO about as good as it gets.

Bad Karma. That's it exactly. Very well put. For me the bitter taste would effect my enjoyment, you just stated it more simply and therefore clearly, thanks for that.

In the end, though, I have to disagree with you, such discussions (if kept civil) are exactly the true calling of such a forum, honestly sharing opinions and experiences for the collective benefit. Your post is more 'on topic' than most of mine.....not that that is a hard standard to meet.

Anyway, welcome and best wishes. I'm sure we'll be hearing more from you in the future.

I like FC because you can get both sides , yes most of it is accurate . imo

I do have to de-cypher between the real owners compare to the " shills " .
It's not really that hard . You have to read between the lines and phrasing .imo

I have also stated that FC ,
Is the perfect place for manufacturers and vendors' companies to promote their products .
Answer their concerns and issues , straight up . ( under their Company names ) .
If the product is a Dud , No amount of defending will help and they usually disappear to
the back pages .

I think the 2 should be on FC harmoniously .

Well IMO, your opinions are spot on! Honest opinions and positive support from makers are a clear strength here, probably our best tools. While I agree you can often easily separate the scams from the honest folks, even usually, that's not always the case. Some are clever (some might say to the point of being evil), other times our good nature and desire to trust each other is used against us as happened here. I too was taken in, and am very grateful to the Moderators for having smelled the rat. IMO it's unfortunate that brought out the 'sounds like the way they do business' posts, it just points to the idea we should have been on guard.....and I hate that when one is with friends, don't you?

Absolutely 'both sides' should be here, honestly and with respect for each other. Anything else is automatically a loss. Thanks much for the comments.

I found FC after I purchased the mflb . Kinda like you .
At first , I did not like the mflb ,
Then I went on FC and Learned the proper way ( had lots of help ) of using the mflb .
Now I love the mflb , along with my NO2 , volcano and soon to be ....Solo :)

Never be silenced dude ,
It's the best you can offer someone ,...your word :)

Sending you some Good Vibes and Karma from Toronto , Canada .

Also an excellent point. Using any device well is key, and such skills with vapes generally are not easy for most. Our fellow users are a great resource in this, no doubt about it. And more power to us for it. Helping others is exactly the sort of values I was raised with, something I think is sadly missing too often.

In this case, however, being played for a fool by 'the guy we do business with' is hard to overcome for me. I've no doubt at all that the unit has some merit, and ego aside I'm confident I can learn to use it to best advantage (as the Beatles said "with a little help from my friends" if necessary) but that doesn't add up to pride of ownership....which I, like most, am actually trying to buy in the end.

"Never be silenced" is great advice, here and in life in general. Provided honesty and respect are part of that as appropriate.

Thanks also for the "Good Vibes and Karma from Toronto", they made it all the way to California in excellent working order at the speed of light.......I intend to apply them to the beautiful day that's starting here. There as well I hope.

Thanks again to all three of you, gentlemen, you've collectively made my day before it even got started. Now to tea and breakfast. Then I think to the garden, I can hear the birds tuning up even now.



Get your Freak on....
now thats two people i have to be jealous of :(

Where does it say Processing? At the top of the status page or down where the Qty Is? Mine has said processing at the top of the status page for a while now:(See below)

Order ############ - Processing

June 30, 2012
Product Name Sku Price Qty Subtotal
Puffit Vaporizer PFF $139.99 Ordered: 1
Backordered: 1


Where does it say Processing? At the top of the status page or down where the Qty Is? Mine has said processing at the top of the status page for a while now:(

I just checked the order status instead of My Account and it still says back ordered but on the top is still processing. They told me it would ship next week, but I doubt it but I'll hope for the best but I won't hold my breath lol (I ordered July 8)


Well-Known Member
Where yours says qty:1, back ordered:1. Mine changed from that to processing yesterday. In regards to the comment regarding "bad karma" I look at it differently. Getting all hopped up about someone's way of doing business costs one a toll in stomach lining. I paid my money before I found out so why get aggravated. It'll come when it comes, and if it works well and is worth the money, then my enjoyment of it will far outweigh your loss of stomach lining over it. Patience is a virtue that comes with age and experience. Just my $0.02 ($0.03 Can.)


as in dumb as
Patience is a virtue that comes with age and experience. Just my $0.02 ($0.03 Can.)
I am not sure how to feel about this as I am old with quite a bit of patience but then I am posting another derail I said I was going to stop doing. I need a new hobbie <g>
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Get your Freak on....
Things are shipping.. I think we just need to be patience and chill.. It is happening...

I will be happy when I finally get mine... Sounds like it will be well worth the short wait..

Go look at some of the other waiting lists of popular vapes on here.. Some the waiting list is over 1 year... :myday:
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