Discontinued Omicron Vaporizer for oils

Guys I stated that we will have the none hvd tops available without the 3.7v regulation. That top is the upgraded waterproof and durable top.

The HVD is a upgrade not a stand alone unit, that was said before. That is why it's under the upgrade section and not the vaporizer section. You needed te original V2 to use the mini mode.

As for caps not fitting we did not have this issue in testing and final check.

Click on/off feature was added because when we introduce the pass through people can use the hammer on it.

Once again OF If someone forgets to press the brake on the vehicle and gets into a accident is it the manufacturers fault for not installing brakes that press itself?

I will be back tomorrow to address all issues. I understand everyone's confusion. Let's talk tomorrow.

Guys I stated that we will have the none hvd tops available without the 3.7v regulation. That top is the upgraded waterproof and durable top.

The HVD is a upgrade not a stand alone unit, that was said before. That is why it's under the upgrade section and not the vaporizer section. You needed te original V2 to use the mini mode.

As for caps not fitting we did not have this issue in testing and final check.

Click on/off feature was added because when we introduce the pass through people can use the hammer on it.

Once again OF If someone forgets to press the brake on the vehicle and gets into a accident is it the manufacturers fault for not installing brakes that press itself?

I will be back tomorrow to address all issues. I understand everyone's confusion. Let's talk tomorrow.

I DO NOT WANT any Reactor/pass-through - I DO NOT WANT a Hammer. These are very lame excuses for changing
the switch behavior.

The only thing that seems reasonable to me is for D9/Warp9 to send everyone new/extra short caps - since the site
DID say the end cap would work on both tubes. AND offer to swap back these on/off switches for momentary HVD ones.

Also, I just wanted my "upgraded" V2 to work like the V1 did, before. But since I was having to _buy_ a fix/upgrade,
unlike many, I did want to use 7.4v, but to have a mini-tube to prime high ohm carts with - How to get more 14250 batteries?

This is too similar to the mishandled Persei adapters and blue battery -- which should never have happened either.

Nick Again,


It's 7:10, maryjane you better concentrate.
Mine's at the PO too. It came here today, but needed me to sign for it so now I've got to go down and stand in that GD line to sign in front of them. Why? THC has my money, and has had it for a while in this case, seems to me 'delivery confirmation' would cover them just as well but wouldn't delay or inconvenience on this end.

And I guess I get to pay the extra shipping costs as well? Ownership of the gored ox is evident.

Be less grating if the box contained what I wanted in the first place, but I now know otherwise. I just hope the line isn't typically long.... In the end I'm sure it'll be OK, but I sense a few bumps in the road ahead.

Yo man i just got an email that i have to go to the post office because my order disappeared on the 9th somehow and never showed. still nothing. On delta's end they were fast, but thats weird. The 80 some od dollars was withdrawn from my account for over a week now i think.


It's 7:10, maryjane you better concentrate.
So I got a sticky wax, similar in consistency to silly puddy as my first fill, and I can rarely get vapor to come out. When I do, it's usually after minutes of inhaling and getting it to work. Is this normal under any circumstances?
Also the stickier the wax the more chlorophyl thats in it. and the machine wasent built to burn plant matter. I had the same problem. Also if your ok with it, hit the cart with the torch quick, and systematically. Think gravity. Melt that shit down in there.

Bob Loblaw

Hey man, if your best friend ever needs to talk to someone, non-bias and crash coarse educated on the subject, i am always around. Just send me a personel message and ill give you my info. I know for a fact i can give them support and point them in the right direction. But thats all i can do is point. She has to do the walking.
thanks for this, btw. i know i didn't respond immediately. i'll pass that on and appreciate the offer greatly. this is murky water for sure. it's been hard to even accept.
Bob Loblaw,


It's 7:10, maryjane you better concentrate.
thanks for this, btw. i know i didn't respond immediately. i'll pass that on and appreciate the offer greatly. this is murky water for sure. it's been hard to even accept.
It's not just the addict that gets sick all the loved ones do to my friend stay conscious of denial, the reality sucks sometimes. And its the least i can do. Thats what was done for me. Oh and if she gets help. She's gonna be just fine brother. Actually she has the chance to come out better.


Well-Known Member
Yo man i just got an email that i have to go to the post office because my order disappeared on the 9th somehow and never showed. still nothing. On delta's end they were fast, but thats weird. The 80 some od dollars was withdrawn from my account for over a week now i think.

I think USPS is conspiring against us HVDer's

After my packaged was processed and departed twice from the same location that is South of me I just got an update tonight (on Sunday??) that it has been processed through a city far North of me... but I still have hope for a Monday delivery :bowdown: (pretend that guy is praying...)

So (if it's delivered tomorrow) a five day journey... oh and did I mention I'm in Cali? (Same state as THC)
:rolleyes: USPS :rolleyes:


It's 7:10, maryjane you better concentrate.
I think USPS is conspiring against us HVDer's

After my packaged was processed and departed twice from the same location that is South of me I just got an update tonight (on Sunday??) that it has been processed through a city far North of me... but I have hope for a Monday delivery :bowdown: (pretend that guy is praying...)

So (if it's delivered tomorrow) a five day journey... oh did I mention I'm in Cali?
Thats fucked up !!!! mine was travailing around my town for 3 days and then disappeared. I got a mortgage to pay i cant be having money disappear.


To Boldly Go Where No One Has Gone Before
I do apologize for any inconvenience.

I am prepared to offer full refunds to anyone who is not happy with the HVD click on/off feature, or anyone who is having a thread issue.

We will have the unregulated 4.2v upgrades available for anyone who wants to upgrade soon. I will check with manufacturing tomorrow and let you know when this will be available.

If anyone who wants to keep the units i will provide you with bottom caps.

Just contact me via pm with your order number and ill send out a cap asap. We only have the black caps in stock i think, i will update tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Thank you. Unfortunately, my battery just died so I can't see if this worked. My spare battery never got any energy from my last charge! They seem to die pretty often, way less than a hundred hits, but that's probably because I've turned it on so many times, probably for too long each time, without getting a hit... I can't say I'm too happy with my purchase so far. Hopefully this helps though!

You're welcome. Half an hour should give you 30% or so charge level, plenty for testing and a session or two? Yes, if you've not been getting vapor on demand you're going to kill the battery trying. You didn't say with cart you're running but 2.4s should draw 1.5 Amps or so, 1.5s about 2.5 Amps. The factory battery for V2 is 1000 mAh so with one you'll get something like (1000/1500) or 40 minutes, with the higher current you should get (1000/2500) more like 24 minutes of power. In practice, probably 80% of that time?

For sure not getting a good hit will taint anyone's view of the practicality of the machine. However, there's a whole lot of us who are pretty happy with ours and we can't all be nuts. I'm sure once you get it going you'll be a believer. Any chance you can get Pure Gold where you are? You won't believe how sweet that can be.....

but I still have hope for a Monday delivery :bowdown: (pretend that guy is praying...)

No need to pretend anything. Those of us that know you know darn good and well what you're doing down there.....and why.

Good luck on it, Joe. With all the bad breaks lately, there should be lots of good luck just sitting there waiting for a chance....



Well-Known Member
Well I was able to screw on the top, but it takes some effort when it gets stuck and requires considerable more effort than the regulated top. I tried screwing it on and off a few times and it does not appear to get easier and I am not sure if there is danger of stripping the threads since when you get to a part where it locks up on you it takes some force to keep it going.


To Boldly Go Where No One Has Gone Before
Well I was able to screw on the top, but it takes some effort when it gets stuck and requires considerable more effort than the regulated top. I tried screwing it on and off a few times and it does not appear to get easier and I am not sure if there is danger of stripping the threads since when you get to a part where it locks up on you it takes some force to keep it going.

If you do strip the threads we will replace it dont worry.


Well-Known Member
If you do strip the threads we will replace it dont worry.

Thanks THC. I just tried screwing it on a few more times and it seems to be working better. It does get stuck when you screw it on for the first turn or so but screws on fine after you get past that point now. I checked the threads on the top and the tube and everything seems to be fine. Screwing the top on and off a few times seems to have helped.

Just tried a 1.5 cart and I am happy that it hits just as well as my V1's now. I will pm you for the extra end cap THC, hope you and all the FC dads had a good one.


Well-Known Member
Thanks THC. I just tried screwing it on a few more times and it seems to be working better. It does get stuck when you screw it on for the first turn or so but screws on fine after you get past that point now.

This is the chrome one? You might also try a little lube in there, neither chrome or aluminum want to run dry, both will gall as will SS as I recall. Anyway, a drop of oil or a bit of wax (say candle wax?) might slip you past the tight spots.



Well-Known Member
This is the chrome one? You might also try a little lube in there, neither chrome or aluminum want to run dry, both will gall as will SS as I recall. Anyway, a drop of oil or a bit of wax (say candle wax?) might slip you past the tight spots.


Yes, it is the chrome. Thanks OF, I will try a drop of oil in there.


To Boldly Go Where No One Has Gone Before
Yer welcome. That's machine or motor oil, not Butane or ISO.....right?


Of i posted a page back on how we are going to handle the HVD miss hap, please let me know how you want to proceed. Thank you .


Well-Known Member
Of i posted a page back on how we are going to handle the HVD miss hap, please let me know how you want to proceed. Thank you .

Will do. I'm standing by for the word on delivery of the improved LV head. If it's soon enough, I'll swap out, otherwise I'm tired of waiting on this and will probably take my chances with it until the other is ready.

Thanks for the offer. Not as good as what was expected, of course, but much appreciated as the best that can be done with the tools at hand. The decision is mine, but I need a bit more information.....and a look at the unit of course....after I deal with the GD PO tomorrow.....

I was waiting for that lol. Co2, only the best for my Omicron!

You can't expect a guy to pass a straight line like that on Father's day, now can you?

'cides which, wasn't it this very forum a year or so back when a true "expert" on the topic told us the industry secret that there was no such thing as CO2 extracts? We were stupidly buying ISO and Hexane oils that were just labeled that way to boost sales...... It must be true, I read it on the web.....



Active Member
you may be fine, but you actually have a bad chance of it threading badly. like i said, slow and careful. if you meet resistance, back off.

Ok or i will just use the original v2 top i just want the short tube really =) But the new top is slick and i will do just that thanks @bob
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Blue Dream

I have my package sitting on the table, unopened. Nothing I want to risk putting into it until the new carts are developed and released.
Blue Dream,
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