Herb Grinders


i don't know the answer to that question - from what i understand ed doesn't make these grinders himself, he's just a distributor along with his homemade pipes, etc.
it's possible it's the same grinder.
one other option that's been discussed in this thread is a mortar and pestle - you just pound the shit out of your bud til it's how you want it.
for my needs - for the consistency that i want - a finer grind for the PD, and a somewhat lesser grind for my whip vaping, i find the simple wood grinders to be perfect.
no concerns with metal particles in my lungs, for one thing.
out of curiosity you might want to email a photo of the wood grinder you have to ed and ask him if what he has is the same exact thing - it's possible he would be able to know for
sure one way or the other...


Well-Known Member
I can take a picture of it tomorrow and post it, but it looks exactly the same as the one linked. The metal pegs just aren't that close together, but maybe the fineness of the grind depends on how much you stuff the grinder. But I don't want to grind up tons at a time, I'd rather get a metal grinder where I can grind about a gram at a time. Because those have teeth that fill up way more space than the pegs in the wooden grinders, so they can slice n dice the weed much better. That's why I'm trying to find the best 2-piece grinder (for $20-$25 if possible)

But I'll definitely post a picture tomorrow.


from my experience, the fineness is dependent mainly on how many times you turn the grinder.
the teeth move the weed around so there's no escaping its cutting.
but if you find something that you like better please let us know.
regardless i am of the mindset now that two piece grinders serve my needs better
than technical 4 piece grinders.


Well-Known Member
jeffp said:
from my experience, the fineness is dependent mainly on how many times you turn the grinder.
the teeth move the weed around so there's no escaping its cutting.
The thing is, though, with the grinder I have now, no matter how many times I turn it, it doesn't go past a certain consistency. I'm using a 4-piece grinder, and I know that it does through the holes. But what I did was, I unscrewed the bottom two pieces, turned the remaining two upside down, and loaded in my bud. I turned it dozens and dozens of times, but I could tell that at a certain point it wasn't getting any finer. It was staying between those two pieces, but once it was ground into those small pieces, turning it more wasn't doing anything. If I was smoking joints, it would be a perfect grind. But it's just not fine enough for my Launch Box (or, just not as fine as I personally want it to be for the Launch Box).

I'm basically looking for a 2-piece grinder where the teeth are extremely close to one another (that they almost touch when you twist it), and extremely sharp as well. But I think the most important factor is how close all the teeth are. (Not the teeth within a specific ring of teeth, but rather, how close all the rings of teeth are to one another). Anyone get what I'm saying?


Ice Man
heartvapor said:
jeffp said:
from my experience, the fineness is dependent mainly on how many times you turn the grinder.
the teeth move the weed around so there's no escaping its cutting.
The thing is, though, with the grinder I have now, no matter how many times I turn it, it doesn't go past a certain consistency. I'm using a 4-piece grinder, and I know that it does through the holes. But what I did was, I unscrewed the bottom two pieces, turned the remaining two upside down, and loaded in my bud. I turned it dozens and dozens of times, but I could tell that at a certain point it wasn't getting any finer. It was staying between those two pieces, but once it was ground into those small pieces, turning it more wasn't doing anything. If I was smoking joints, it would be a perfect grind. But it's just not fine enough for my Launch Box (or, just not as fine as I personally want it to be for the Launch Box).

I'm basically looking for a 2-piece grinder where the teeth are extremely close to one another (that they almost touch when you twist it), and extremely sharp as well. But I think the most important factor is how close all the teeth are. (Not the teeth within a specific ring of teeth, but rather, how close all the rings of teeth are to one another). Anyone get what I'm saying?
I feel ya man! I have the same issue. I have a sharpstone 4 piece and it works fine for joints or pipe. However I have switched to vape only and have my Launch Box. Even doing the grinding upside down and rotating at an angle. My good medical bud does not grind fine. I have found the LB does not do well with bud not finely ground. Guess I will try to get a 2 stage grinder too.


Well-Known Member
The teeth on the 2pc Space Cases are razor sharp and they're not that expensive.

Cappella Sistina

Well-Known Member
I'm just amazed there is 56 pages, about freaking grinders/grinding.

I mean I know its usefull/needed....but shit, 56 pages? :lol:
Cappella Sistina,


Charles Urbane
Cappella Sistina said:
I'm just amazed there is 56 pages, about freaking grinders/grinding.

I mean I know its usefull/needed....but shit, 56 pages? :lol:
What is more surprising is with the investment many of us make in vapes, they will cheap out and get the least expensive grinder possible. Also the willingness to give their hard earned dinero to a grinder company with a longstanding history of screwing their customers.


Out to lunch
Cappella Sistina said:
I'm just amazed there is 56 pages, about freaking grinders/grinding.

I mean I know its usefull/needed....but shit, 56 pages? :lol:
Some don't read from the beginning, so we get the same questions and opinions repeated. Also, changes to existing grinders (and manufacturers) sometimes occur, like Sharpstone finally producing an all CNC grinder. ;)

chucku said:
What is more surprising is with the investment many of us make in vapes, they will cheap out and get the least expensive grinder possible. Also the willingness to give their hard earned dinero to a grinder company with a longstanding history of screwing their customers.
One of the reasons for a forum like this is to show that you don't have to buy a Volcano or a Space Case to get good quality. These days you can get an excellent vape for under $100 and a high quality grinder for under $20.


Well-Known Member
max said:
One of the reasons for a forum like this is to show that you don't have to buy a Volcano or a Space Case to get good quality. These days you can get an excellent vape for under $100 and a high quality grinder for under $20.
You can get a small 2pc Space Case for 20 bucks and it is now my go to grinder.


Out to lunch
lwien said:
max said:
One of the reasons for a forum like this is to show that you don't have to buy a Volcano or a Space Case to get good quality. These days you can get an excellent vape for under $100 and a high quality grinder for under $20.
You can get a small 2pc Space Case for 20 bucks and it is now my go to grinder.
With the FC discount, it's actually a little under that. And that's where SC is a good buy. A 2 pc. generic, with pins instead of teeth, will only save you a few bucks. But 2 pc. grinders aren't nearly as popular as 4 pc. models, and the pricing you see reflects that. I find a 1.5" 2 pc. Sharpstone for $15, but the same brand in a 2.5" 4 pc. only runs $5 more.


Well-Known Member
max said:
But 2 pc. grinders aren't nearly as popular as 4 pc. models........
Guess I'm in the minority who has found that a 4pc just wasn't worth the hassle, and that I could get a more consistent and finer grind with a 2pc while getting as much kief in my bud all the time.


Iwien, I'm with you on the 2pc Space Case. I can get whatever grind consistency I want, from course to dust.

For a lightweight like me (1 PD stem per night) the small 2pc is just fine. For a heavier user I'd recommend the medium or large.


Well-Known Member
I just ordered a 1.5 two piece mendo. Hopefully its not too small its for my MZ and MFLB. My Chromium crusher 2.25 2 piece doesn't get it smll enough

Cappella Sistina

Well-Known Member
I really like the Mendo Mulchers. Good solid units.

Only down side is the availability, as there production has a hard time keeping sometimes. If they were able to ramp up production, or bring in additional help..they very easily could be a majoor contender in the grinder market.
Cappella Sistina,


I personally use a 2 piece because I always forget to look for a 4pc. when I'm out and about. :lol:

But, I've found it much better since I got the MFLB and had a need to grind. Like lwien said, you're still getting the kief. I don't mind not saving my kief, it just makes every session great because there is some kief in it! :D


Well-Known Member
Cappella Sistina said:
I really like the Mendo Mulchers. Good solid units.

Only down side is the availability, as there production has a hard time keeping sometimes. If they were able to ramp up production, or bring in additional help..they very easily could be a majoor contender in the grinder market.
They seem to be instock when I look at the website, unless they don't advertise it they are out of something. You must own a resale shop to be ordering so regularly. How often do you order from them?

I do wish they would offer anodized grinders or maybe even a Ti coating. Once I saw a couple of anodized ones that they were selling on Ebay but they only had the smallest 2 piece.

Cappella Sistina

Well-Known Member
I helped develop a major e-commerce site, as well as establish a national distribution/wholesale operation.

I now do some "free-lance" work, to assist with the business development needs of smaller business's within the industry, on a part time basis. Planning, marketing strategies, and product ordering/negotiations to help maximize profits, amongst other things.

I've got nothing bad to say about the guys at Mendo. They're a smaller operation(which isn't a bad thing). Sometimes that can create a small lag in turn around time. The thing I love about what those guys have done, is take what is primarily a regional based product, and turn into a nationally recognized brand. With little to NO marketing...strictly on word of mouth, and quality of product. Gotta love the power of the internet!
Cappella Sistina,


max said:
lwien said:
max said:
One of the reasons for a forum like this is to show that you don't have to buy a Volcano or a Space Case to get good quality. These days you can get an excellent vape for under $100 and a high quality grinder for under $20.
You can get a small 2pc Space Case for 20 bucks and it is now my go to grinder.
With the FC discount, it's actually a little under that. And that's where SC is a good buy. A 2 pc. generic, with pins instead of teeth, will only save you a few bucks. But 2 pc. grinders aren't nearly as popular as 4 pc. models, and the pricing you see reflects that. I find a 1.5" 2 pc. Sharpstone for $15, but the same brand in a 2.5" 4 pc. only runs $5 more.
Max, do you mind pasting the link for the 2 piece SC with the FC discount code? I love Ed's 2 piece rosewood grinder but I'm very curious to see how great the SC is.
I'm with Lwien regarding preferring the 2 piece rather than the 4 piece, having owned both.


Well-Known Member
jeffp said:
I'm with Lwien regarding preferring the 2 piece rather than the 4 piece, having owned both.
Yeah, I had both the 2pc ti SpaceCase and the 4pc ti SpaceCase. No longer using the 4pc.


Out to lunch
jeffp said:
Max, do you mind pasting the link for the 2 piece SC with the FC discount code? I love Ed's 2 piece rosewood grinder but I'm very curious to see how great the SC is.
I'm with Lwien regarding preferring the 2 piece rather than the 4 piece, having owned both.
Gratefulbuys and vapeworld both offer 15% off SC for FC members. Check the retailer discussion thread in this section for codes (vapeworld's code isn't working, but it's not the first time-contact them). Both sell the small SC for $22.90 before discount. Vapeworld has free shipping, but I bet Gratefulbuys would match it. Also, puffitup.com offers 15% off any single order (one time deal-12% off over $50 after that), so you'd pay about a buck more from them. We've got forum discounts galore. ;)


thanks Max, I went through vapeworld and the FC2010 discount code DID work plus free shipping. also got a 'vape world' t shirt to wear to the gym...


Well-Known Member
At those prices for a Space Case, I say if you are in the market for a 2pc that is the best choice. Space Case has the best Fit & Finish I have seen.


hopefully the t shirt has a nice fit also.
seriously i opted for the aluminum for $22 rather than the titanium for $27 - -
wonder if I made the best choice?
not really in the market for a 2 piece - quite happy with ed's rosewood 2 piece -
but the positioning in our minds of SC being "best" overwhelms me with curiosity.

the ob

all good in the hood.
I received a free metal grinder from vapeworld with one of my purchases. I then became obsessed with buying a SC because everyone said they were the best. I also assumed that because they were way more expensive than all the others it must be better (common buyers mistake). I purchased a black titanium version. I wanted one that was smoother than the free one that I received. the free one seemed to get stuff stuck on the threads and not close smoothly. the SC in the store was so smooth when it closed. I have to say now that I have used both I am not sure the SC is that much better than the free one.

I have four pieces in each and not the two piece however.

lwien said:
jeffp said:
I'm with Lwien regarding preferring the 2 piece rather than the 4 piece, having owned both.
Yeah, I had both the 2pc ti SpaceCase and the 4pc ti SpaceCase. No longer using the 4pc.
I am curious lwien why you prefer the 2pc to the 4pc? I guess this could be a general question for anyone.
the ob,
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