

Well-Known Member
I cant stop raving about this vape....i really feel like for me these log vapes are were its at when it comes to using less product. i break out what i normally run through my Q and im ready to fall asleep if i vape all of it out of my zap. Also ive read here that the zap is made to be left on 24/7 but the instructions it came with say to unplug it after use...what do you guys do?


24/7 :)
Aroma flower on when I am not vaping.
My 2 gals say they need no breaks. (If I leave home for more than a day I will unplug them)


Ravin' is still hot on her back plug... and her vapor maker has not worked up a full head of steam yet... but she is trying!
Kushin' .... well that gal is a little fog machine!
Ravin' doesn't care.. she says she'll go party with Kushin' anyhow!
(and.. Kushin' says... "come on sista' you kin do it!")


vapor accessory addict
:lol: Always entertaining...

Very nice set up Vito. Ravin's got a real nice glow to her now and Kushin's looking pretty sleek herself. And when did you get all those wood stems from Ed? I knew you had a couple but hell's bell's, you've almost got as many as I do now! Yep...your set up is lookin finer than a frog's hair split in the middle.


Thanks mom.. you inspired me. One day I will get an actual camera, and show how the Zapville collection looks in the hallway in it's home. Kushin' and Ravin' do not have a room. They dwell down the hallway on an antique wooden table (half circle mahogony against the wall). The hallway leads from livingroom, through edge of kitchen through to our bedrooms. The scent permeates to all rooms.
The backdrop in that photo was my robe, with belt removed, in front of iMac.


Thanks for all the nice pics and graphics Vitolo. I still think you will need to send Ravin back to Zapville as something is just not right with her.

Notice about several orders that came in last week. I had intended to get some of them done and on the test bench yesterday and shipped today. Yesterday turned out not so good. I have some sort of upper respiratory thing going on that has temporarily disabled me for a couple days. My fix it plan has always been lots of sleep and that seems to be helping but this one is tough. Apparently that good old reliable immune system is another thing that does not work as well when we get older.
The plan is a bunch out Tuesday. Thanks for your patience.
Everybody have a good 4th with lots of friends and family and fun. Looks like we are in the beginning of a long hot summer in these parts.


OK Rick.. I am getting Ravin' ready. I thought she would be pretty broken up about this, but looks like she likes the idea of a visit home to see her birthplace!

She's telling me , "Don't worry Vito... I'll be back fast, after a refresher course at Zapville U."
Do me a favor and email me the postal info I will need for this.
That Myrtle, Kushin' got the job done today.. and She tells me similarly: " Don't worry Vito.. when Ravin" gets back, I will give her a chance to shine!"
Have a Zappy day everyone!

Edit: (sent in a note to Rick & ladyZap)
Even though Ravin' does not mind the trip..I am kind of sad... for even though she's not quite right... she sure looks gorgeous.
A warped analogy, but... My gal is so pretty, I hate to send her off to college to get smarter, even though it's for her own good!

Ed's TnT

momofthegoons said:
And when did you get all those wood stems from Ed? I knew you had a couple but hell's bell's, you've almost got as many as I do now!

What the hell????????
Ed's TnT,


Well-Known Member
zaps finally broken in enough to get nice clouds with out the sock around it...and after only about a week!....its nice cause i hated covering up the beautiful wood.


sharkvszombie299 said:
zaps finally broken in enough to get nice clouds with out the sock around it...and after only about a week!....its nice cause i hated covering up the beautiful wood.
I'm with you there!.. ... (think I'll get out my ZaPolish... after I do one cute little stem!) :ko:
Feels good to have that Zap crankin'. I know your enjoying it!


Today is Independence Day in the U.S.
I celebrate independent thinking today, with an experiment.
I used my 7th Floor LLC Vaper Tamer with my Zap!

It worked GREAT!


Tomorrow morning, Ravin' Walnut Zap takes a trip to Zapville. I celebrated U.S. Independence Day, Vaping and giving a fireworks display is Second life. You see me watching the display, Zap in hand, and I am using it with a Bong!


My sincere apologies to all of my friends, but the links to VTV vids do not function. Something unusual happened this morning, and all the vids are gone! I will do my best to get them back!
There is a chance my account was hacked.. but I have reset the password.
The videos did already serve their function.. they were made for you, my friends.
I am a firm believer that things happen for a reason.
I will work on the videos, and will keep posting photos! (the photos were not disturbed!)
Vape on friends!


vapor accessory addict
How strange Vito. Well, good thing you enjoy making them. I'll look forward to seeing what new vids you have up your sleeve. :)


Active Member
hey guys

I'm waiting on an ac adapter from Rick, but have a quick ?

I just found an ac adapter used for a router I believe (its rated at 12v 1.8 amp), can this be used for short sessions on my zap? It appears to be more powerful at 1.8 vs 1 amp, would this damage anthing or cause a fire? I dont' want to use it too long, and should have a correct adapter soon, but I also can't live without my little wooden buddy :(

zap vets let me know please!!


@mom... meanwhile I will do plenty of photo shoots and animated GIFs. When I get a new VTV channel, I will post a new link! (thanks for the great comment!)

@GO!!bot- Wow... I would ask Rick that question.
It would be wisest to hear that direct from the horses mouth, so to speak. Of course if a "Zap Vet" has heard this exact situation right from Rick,... speak up...
Otherwise I would ask! :)


That transformer will work fine. You need at least one amp, any amperage rating over that is fine for all use. Think about it......all log vapes also run off a car battery. The circuit we all use(cig lighter plug) usually has at least a 15 amp fuse. So they are getting 15 amps in a vehicle and doing fine.
Voltage is the important number. between 12-13 volts. Get much higher and you will burn the heater up.
Feeling much better and we are getting back on track here at Zapville with orders shipping every day this week. The train is having a tough time getting up to speed for a couple reasons so we are still running a bit behind. Soon we will have the wind at our backs with a slight downhill grade.


Kushin' is getting alot of extra attention since her sister went home to visit Zapville... and she is literally "soaking it up"!

Vitolo paces nervously leaning against his strudy cane for support....
praying.... missing Ravin'......
waiting anxiously for the Doctor's diagnosis!


Well-Known Member
I was wondering do you guys leave the stem in the zap the whole time your vaping it or do you take it out between hits. i tend to just leave it in there till the herbs are spent


vapor accessory addict
I find that if I leave the stem in the Zap in between hits that the herb seems to continue to vape and I get less hits. I prefer to let my stem sit a sec prior to the hit, then I remove the stem and clear the vapor from it.
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