Arizer Solo

Vaperlock said:
VapeNStone said:
Vaperlock said:
Intuitively Sincues response sounds logical but I personally don't know what they're warranty policies are. Maybe they're simply evolving to handle customer issues as they arise (get it "Arize-r"). I guess we'll find out here right?

I started a survey but it never took off hoping people would chime in so we can figure out who has what in terms of a smelly unit and try to figure out or narrow down what we need to do to end up with a product that has no smell issues.

I guess the beat goes on......
why are we doing that? Don't you think it would be Arizer's problem? I honestly don't care which ones are stinky and which ones chip because Arizer is fixing my problem.

Are you kidding me? What kind of question is that? Of course we know it's Arizers problem but there stating there is no problem with a smell but yet a large percentage of us have issues with a smell and it's affecting the way we look at this unit in a serious way. We can sit around not knowing what to do or reach out and find out if there is a common denominator and attempt to get to the bottom of this.

Dude how old are you?
No I don't give a fuck. I have a working unit and my other unit being repaired or replaced. WTF does my age have anything to do about anything? I don't give two shits about how the Solo's is looked at lol. If it were my company and vape that's a different story.


Active Member
come on, isnt someone going to comment on my awesome pictures instead of all this jibba jabberin????
pain101 said:
come on, isnt someone going to comment on my awesome pictures instead of all this jibba jabberin????
I thought that was a chick in the first one lol jk Nice shots.


New Member
VapeNStone said:
Vaperlock said:
VapeNStone said:
why are we doing that? Don't you think it would be Arizer's problem? I honestly don't care which ones are stinky and which ones chip because Arizer is fixing my problem.

Are you kidding me? What kind of question is that? Of course we know it's Arizers problem but there stating there is no problem with a smell but yet a large percentage of us have issues with a smell and it's affecting the way we look at this unit in a serious way. We can sit around not knowing what to do or reach out and find out if there is a common denominator and attempt to get to the bottom of this.

Dude how old are you?
No I don't give a fuck. I have a working unit and my other unit being repaired or replaced. WTF does my age have anything to do about anything? I don't give two shits about how the Solo's is looked at lol. If it were my company and vape that's a different story.

I didn't think 13-year-olds should be using marijuana. Now go to bed and take your medicine.

Modnote: This is considered flaming. Please review the forum rules.


Staff member
Pain, can you explain how the bottle fits into the equation in your setup? I can't really tell what's going on from the picture.



Well-Known Member
Wow. 128 pages. where have I been? oh ya! i've been doing more experiments!

so i used this vintage ivory ruler thats over 100 years old to measure my existing silicone tube that i use as a whip with my HA. i screwed up an measured 5/8" when it was 5/16" (we use the more logical metric in canada). so i ended up with 50' of 5/8" silicone tubing from ebay. "groan" you might say! well, i was about to say that too!

Then I realized the inside diameter fits the Solo mouthpiece perfectly! and i have some short glass tubes from a surplus place that fit the other end as a mouthpiece. so now i have a 2m piece of this as a whip from the coffee table to the couch.

Now i was thinking this might be too much and not work at all. it works crazy great!! :brow: there way more airflow so much i can easily drop the temp one notch and the solo catches right up. i guess maybe because there is so much airmass in the 2m long 3/8" I.D.? I guess so! the clouds are huge and it keeps one going.

Oh and this silicone tubing is ultra-high food grade expensive stuff. very top quality easily meets government regs for food and health safety.

I will post a video of this later. Gotta finish this bowl....


Active Member
@stu. basically what he said. tube inside my glass stem. which goes into a hole near the base of the wine bottle, drilled out with canadian tire 100 piece rotary tool set for 30 dollah!!! fill in some water, and voila, glass vapobong for very cheapola

i am not using silicon tubing. probably should be, but im fairly certain that the temperature is not reaching anywhere the vinyl tubing temp rating of 100C so i'm not overly concerned. 39 cents for a foot at homehardware. its all i can do for now, so im not going to worry.(it is food grade, so im not gonna be picky. )
Vaperlock said:
VapeNStone said:
Vaperlock said:
Are you kidding me? What kind of question is that? Of course we know it's Arizers problem but there stating there is no problem with a smell but yet a large percentage of us have issues with a smell and it's affecting the way we look at this unit in a serious way. We can sit around not knowing what to do or reach out and find out if there is a common denominator and attempt to get to the bottom of this.

Dude how old are you?
No I don't give a fuck. I have a working unit and my other unit being repaired or replaced. WTF does my age have anything to do about anything? I don't give two shits about how the Solo's is looked at lol. If it were my company and vape that's a different story.

I didn't think 13-year-olds should be using marijuana. Now go to bed and take your medicine.
exfuckingcuse me? Why don't you settle the fuck down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hating on other peoples OPINIONS! Whose the 13 year old fag I'm 28 BTW dick

Modnote: You need to review the forum rules. Flaming is not allowed. Warning given.


New Member
VapeNStone said:
Vaperlock said:
VapeNStone said:
No I don't give a fuck. I have a working unit and my other unit being repaired or replaced. WTF does my age have anything to do about anything? I don't give two shits about how the Solo's is looked at lol. If it were my company and vape that's a different story.

I didn't think 13-year-olds should be using marijuana. Now go to bed and take your medicine.
exfuckingcuse me? Why don't you settle the fuck down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hating on other peoples OPINIONS! Whose the 13 year old fag I'm 28 BTW dick

LQQKS like anger management is in order. Im done....

Frederick McGuire

Aggressively Loungey
I don't want to offend you, but to me, your opinions are coming off as self-centred and immature.

It's pretty clear from reading the thread that some solos have issues, be it ceramic chipping, a funky "robot fart" smell, or whatever else.

It also seems clear to me that for anyone considering a solo, after reading this thread, they want to ensure that they get a fully functional unit.

I was happy when vaperlock proposed the survey idea, because at the very least, we would be able to start determining any of the issues are actually model related, or if it is more of a random chance sort of thing...

Here's what it looks like to me:
Vaperlock: We should gather some data to see if we can figure out the source of some of the problems the solo has
VapeNStone: Why should anyone do that, I have my stuff being fixed, I don't care if anyone else is having problems
Vaperlock: WTF, there are still solos out there with issues, and we can easily gather some info that could help other people looking at a solo.
VapeNStone: Fuck that, my shit is sorted, I don't give a fuck about anyone else.
Vaperlock: you sound like a 13 year old
VapeNStone: HOW DARE YOU CALL ME A 13 YEAR OLD!!!!!1!!!1!
Frederick McGuire,


Well-Known Member
pain101 said:
ps. i found that the shortened bowl for my stem is a plus!!! i get far more evenly browned material, and i dont use more than i should. which is good!!!

NICE, when I pack a normal load it gets cooked really good to about half way through with out any stirring, I bet your short bowl cooks it all up. Thanks pain, I'll attempt to use a Dremel to cut mine.

So much fighting in this thread :peace: guys.
Frederick McGuire said:
I don't want to offend you, but to me, your opinions are coming off as self-centred and immature.

It's pretty clear from reading the thread that some solos have issues, be it ceramic chipping, a funky "robot fart" smell, or whatever else.

It also seems clear to me that for anyone considering a solo, after reading this thread, they want to ensure that they get a fully functional unit.

I was happy when vaperlock proposed the survey idea, because at the very least, we would be able to start determining any of the issues are actually model related, or if it is more of a random chance sort of thing...

Here's what it looks like to me:
Vaperlock: We should gather some data to see if we can figure out the source of some of the problems the solo has
VapeNStone: Why should anyone do that, I have my stuff being fixed, I don't care if anyone else is having problems
Vaperlock: WTF, there are still solos out there with issues, and we can easily gather some info that could help other people looking at a solo.
VapeNStone: Fuck that, my shit is sorted, I don't give a fuck about anyone else.
Vaperlock: you sound like a 13 year old
VapeNStone: HOW DARE YOU CALL ME A 13 YEAR OLD!!!!!1!!!1!
yea we didn't need your explanation we all can read. I like how everyone is calling me a 13 year old when I'm the only one that actually states my opinion. And your right I am self centered and immature because that is they way I want to live my life and I don't give two shits what anyone of you thinks. Bunch of whiny pussies in this thread.

Modnote: Flaming is not allowed. Please read the rules carefully if you choose to post again.


New Member
VapeNStone said:
Frederick McGuire said:
I don't want to offend you, but to me, your opinions are coming off as self-centred and immature.

It's pretty clear from reading the thread that some solos have issues, be it ceramic chipping, a funky "robot fart" smell, or whatever else.

It also seems clear to me that for anyone considering a solo, after reading this thread, they want to ensure that they get a fully functional unit.

I was happy when vaperlock proposed the survey idea, because at the very least, we would be able to start determining any of the issues are actually model related, or if it is more of a random chance sort of thing...

Here's what it looks like to me:
Vaperlock: We should gather some data to see if we can figure out the source of some of the problems the solo has
VapeNStone: Why should anyone do that, I have my stuff being fixed, I don't care if anyone else is having problems
Vaperlock: WTF, there are still solos out there with issues, and we can easily gather some info that could help other people looking at a solo.
VapeNStone: Fuck that, my shit is sorted, I don't give a fuck about anyone else.
Vaperlock: you sound like a 13 year old
VapeNStone: HOW DARE YOU CALL ME A 13 YEAR OLD!!!!!1!!!1!
yea we didn't need your explanation we all can read. I like how everyone is calling me a 13 year old when I'm the only one that actually states my opinion. And your right I am self centered and immature because that is they way I want to live my life and I don't give two shits what anyone of you thinks. Bunch of whiny pussies in this thread.

Consider giving this guy a warning (just like you gave me) for calling everybody on this thread a "bunch of whiny pussies" That would be a "broad spectrum" flame, right? LMAO

Modnote: Removing modnotes as you did in this post is against the forum rules. Please read them carefully if you choose to return.


Well-Known Member
I thought smokers were supposed to be chill? What's the point in fighting over the internet anyways? No one wins, it just dilutes the thread and annoys the other readers.

Did anyone end up getting that gong adapter made for their solo? I keep meaning to but I am so damn lazy I dont feel like driving 20 minutes to get them made.

mod note: Please avoid comments on the behavior of others. Forums get contentious sometimes, no matter the topic.


can i stick my male joint in there?
Vaperlock said:
Staying on track with the solo would you guys mind if we did a survey asking everybody if they would chime in and answer some questions about the smell or lack thereof. I think this would be informative because the only issue I see that is still a mystery is the smell or no smell factor.

1. Model number
2. chrome or Black
3. Ceramic or SS

A. no smell
B. did smell upon delivery but went away with use
C. did a complete overhaul and used iso-alcohol
D. baked the unit in the oven
E. returned item and received (model #?) and no smell issues
F. returned item and received (model #?) and still has smell issues
G. other

ok after having the ss model for a few days i can do the report now:

1. 104 Black Ceramic
- Smell, I don't really mind. but its there. even after iso bath and torching the casing smell still there.
- Stems loose, will fall out if not held in place.
- Chipped ceramic
- normally run mine at 3-4.

2. 105 Silver SS
- No smell at all, did 1 single burn in before use.
- Stems fit perfectly, not loose and not too tight. love using it when using the bong,
- I run this at 4-5.

I did not have to send my ceramic in. I bought mine from Ebay with hard case.


VapeNStone said:
And your right I am self centered and immature because that is they way I want to live my life and I don't give two shits what anyone of you thinks. Bunch of whiny pussies in this thread.

Sorry, But I think an attitude like that is why people are calling you a 13 year old. With a comment like that I'm not sure why you are even here, since you don't care what any of us think and this is a forum of opinions. Unless you just want to state your opinion and leave?

This whole thread has definitely lost any usefulness to me in regards to the Arizer Solo, which really saddens me. I mean really, 128 pages and this is why? :shrug:

Come on guys lets get back to complaining about the ceramic flaking, the SS being programmed with a lower temp, the smells some report, the ac adapter not staying plugged, etc...

Vaperlock said:
Staying on track with the solo would you guys mind if we did a survey asking everybody if they would chime in and answer some questions about the smell or lack thereof. I think this would be informative because the only issue I see that is still a mystery is the smell or no smell factor.

1. Model number
2. chrome or Black
3. Ceramic or SS

A. no smell
B. did smell upon delivery but went away with use
C. did a complete overhaul and used iso-alcohol
D. baked the unit in the oven
E. returned item and received (model #?) and no smell issues
F. returned item and received (model #?) and still has smell issues
G. other

1. M102 and M105
2. Black
3. Both

B. did smell upon delivery but went away with use

They both had a slight smell upon opening the package but after a few sessions it was gone and has never been a problem since. No baking, no ISO, never had to go that far thankfully.


New Member
Great were back on track. I'm actually a forum moderator myself for my own PHP forum that I run for my own website and because of a robot that was programmed to spam my forum I was forced to shut it down. Sometimes I just can't hold back and have to say something.

Okay it looks like with a small sample that the model M105 is the ticket to a clean product and tighter fitting stem. Maybe Kevin is keeping tabs via multiple sources to hear what people are saying in the field.

I promise you this I will contact Kevin and let him know exactly what is being said just to make sure we're all on the same page with what issues were looking to get resolved. Let's keep up the momentum and continue the survey. So far so good. Now we need to address the AC adapter plug. Having an amateur radio license I can tell you this issue with the plug is minor and can be fixed if they're motivated to do so.

Thanks to the contributors of the survey


Well-Known Member
Huh?! That a-holes comments stand; everyone else just gets a warning but my comments (which were essentially just an eyeroll at the idiot) get removed outright and I'm threaten with being banned. I'll save you the trouble. The moderator here is obviously an idiot so peace out everyone. Enjoy the nazi forum!

Modnote: Please read the forum rules if you choose to post again.


Vapor Astronaut
OK , so I caved and got one finally , thanks vape4life

Yep , it kicks my iolite to the curb in a second . :D

And so , the journey of experimental attachment discovery begins .....


Abysmal Vapor

Supersniffer 2000 - robot fart detection device
Robot farts,ceramic chips,nazies,maturity issues,flaming... It's all connected... I am thinking there are few type of Solo's good,bad and middle stuff. I've read some shamanic stuff and eastern healing books and i've came across the info that poisoning affects the mood. So admiting toxins can worsten your mood.I don't know which cause what but it may be for example : ceramic chips causes flaming and maturity issues, and robot fart make you beheave like a nazi.. Worst case is if you have both chips and robot fart.. then you can be "robot fart inhaling,immature flaming chips eating nazi".... If that is proven in court ,you can make Arizer pay you some real nice money for ruining your life and making you bad guys.
Abysmal Vapor,


Well-Known Member
Abysmal Vapor said:
Robot farts,ceramic chips,nazies,maturity issues,flaming... It's all connected... I am thinking there are few type of Solo's good,bad and middle stuff. I've read some shamanic stuff and eastern healing books and i've came across the info that poisoning affects the mood. So admiting toxins can worsten your mood.I don't know which cause what but it may be for example : ceramic chips causes flaming and maturity issues, and robot fart make you beheave like a nazi.. Worst case is if you have both chips and robot fart.. then you can be "robot fart inhaling,immature flaming chips eating nazi".... If that is proven in court ,you can make Arizer pay you some real nice money for ruining your life and making you bad guys.


anyways, darebear, you dont have leave, no one has to leave... lets just all forget about it and back to the topic at hand .... the Solo.


Well-Known Member
ilovebOObs said:
Vaperlock said:
Staying on track with the solo would you guys mind if we did a survey asking everybody if they would chime in and answer some questions about the smell or lack thereof. I think this would be informative because the only issue I see that is still a mystery is the smell or no smell factor.

1. Model number
2. chrome or Black
3. Ceramic or SS

A. no smell
B. did smell upon delivery but went away with use
C. did a complete overhaul and used iso-alcohol
D. baked the unit in the oven
E. returned item and received (model #?) and no smell issues
F. returned item and received (model #?) and still has smell issues
G. other

ok after having the ss model for a few days i can do the report now:

1. 104 Black Ceramic
- Smell, I don't really mind. but its there. even after iso bath and torching the casing smell still there.
- Stems loose, will fall out if not held in place.
- Chipped ceramic
- normally run mine at 3-4.

2. 105 Silver SS
- No smell at all, did 1 single burn in before use.
- Stems fit perfectly, not loose and not too tight. love using it when using the bong,
- I run this at 4-5.

I did not have to send my ceramic in. I bought mine from Ebay with hard case.

quick question, do all the stems have the same diameter?.. the ones that came with the ceramic and the new ones that come with the SS.

so pretty much its the new SS bowl itself that was revised to help the stems fit properly?.

or was the stems that were changed to sit better?



Does anyone think there could be something related to the color of the solos and smells?... (black units being smellers)
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