Recent content by Zot

  1. Zot

    The Magic-Flight Box

    The Ob: yep, that's exactly how the PA works w/ the two sections. Re. Being sick: I've got a bad cold now, & the LB has been my only med during the day. Thanks MF!!!
  2. Zot

    Vaporizer Heath Forum (My Visit With Dr. Welby)

    Before I started vaping, I always kept my herb in cigar humidors. It kept it 'fresh'.
  3. Zot

    FC Poker Club

    I don't remember if I have a PS account or not; I'll have to check when I get on the PC next. Thanks, sounds like fun! What timezone are you in?
  4. Zot

    The Magic-Flight Box

    If they google 'Blisssville' they get a very nice tea and aromatherapy page. No worries.
  5. Zot

    Large Threads

    Yeah, I did that early on in the MFLB thread on someone's suggestion. That option makes linking on FC a bit haphazard LOL.
  6. Zot

    Large Threads

    I tested that link, & it put me at the first page of the thread. I'm not sure how to make a reliable link here. If you set your profile to the max posts possible per page it reduces the number of pages in a thread. I have it set to 75, & the MFLB thread is 'only' 106 pages long. Profile->Display
  7. Zot

    Vape and Wine?

    Thanks for the link, those sound really interesting; although I'm having a hard time grasping the concept of a few of their wines. (mocha?) I generally head towards the merlot & Pinot noir end of things, but some of their fruit wines sound really intreaging. I went wine tasting while vaked...
  8. Zot

    The Magic-Flight Box

    I use the same technique when I'm using batteries, I tried to describe it myself a bunch of pages back. It works well, recommended if you don't have a PA.
  9. Zot

    The Magic-Flight Box

  10. Zot

    The Magic-Flight Box

    As one who had a 25 year career in silicon design, I get a geeky thrill when you say things like that.
  11. Zot

    The Magic-Flight Box

    Think good thoughts for me, people; I'm preparing for what may be a quite traumatic experience for me. I'm traveling outside the country for 5 days, and for the first time since last May, I won't have my beloved LB within arms reach. Leaving Tuesday (tomorrow) morning. I'm going to try and...
  12. Zot

    The Magic-Flight Box

    The car adapter hadn't been released by MF when I ordered my PA. :( I first heard about it a week or so after I received the PA. Damn.
  13. Zot

    The Magic-Flight Box

    Anyone else have a number written faintly in pencil on the end of their PA? I have a small "12" under the cable on the LB side of the adaptor. Beta unit #12?
  14. Zot

    Is vaping becoming unnecessarily complicated?

    Hey Magic-Flight, you hearing this? I think a hand crank option should be the focus of the next accessory project. I live in dread of protracted black-outs! :lol:
  15. Zot

    The Magic-Flight Box

    Power Adapter for the Magic-Flight Launch Box Review My apologies in advance if this is a bit disjointed; I'll come back later and edit for coherency as I'm currently vaked out of my gourd. If you read this soon after I post it, you might want to come back later to see what I've forgotten in...
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