Discontinued ThermoVape Revolution for concentrates


Glass Blower
I dont throw a gram in on the reg, i usually just do one fat scoop a day, just tried a whole gram once to see how it would go down. Its just wastefull at the point, was just a test as most put that much in an omi cart (i know the rev wasnt designed this way i just wanted to try) i think i feel where youre getting at, you dont want me setting a bad example and dont wana see others torching thier rev til the mouthpiece melts or something, i can understand that


Well-Known Member
Xchadb said:
mestizo said:
Mine leaks air thru the window, once I found this out I just put a finger on it and pull thick clouds.
I don't care because I'm past the new ceramic taste and I can taste the concentrates full flavor.
I'm happy with it as is, too many pros to focus on this minor problem but I can see how the
window can be annoying to some.
Cause yours is brand new and it hasnt happened to you yet? Just wait til you get bho all over your clothes n shit
My post wasn't intended to contradict anyone, it was intended to point at another minor flaw I found on mine.
I still believe this is a great vaporizer and will recomend to anybody because the pros far outweight the cons.


Glass Blower
I honestly dont know why i posted that didnt mean to sound snappy sorry haha tho your post has been edited... Its a nice tip tho, eventually when you break yours in and becomes harder to twist itl seal itself naturally :)


Well-Known Member
Hey Xchadb, I feel ya man. I just got mine yesterday and I have been using your tip. Torching the side to get the material to go down to the bottom. I've been using honey oil. Only 3-4 loads so far and that shot rides up the walls. I take my butane torch and carefully melt the honey down and it's like throwing another dab in there (- the taste, hopefully that will pass once it's broken in a bit more). So far though I've been pulling the mouthpiece out when I touch the flame to the side. I would have eventually done that after fooling with a toothpick to push the oil back down, that seems like a pita when the torch is quick and easy. And when I say torch it, I mean waiving the torch back and forth as I rotate the rev. Thanks for the tip xchadb! Doing this I've went through about 4 good vape sessions, and with melting it back down again, it's still going strong. Just glad I opted for an extra 4-pack of batteries.


Glass Blower
Thats awesome, glad it works out for you man, just be gentle and carefull and youll be good to go, i usually take mine off when doing my initial load in the morning, then heat the top half, let the wax melt down and after its all cooled off ill give the bottom section a quick shot so the new stuff can settle in. Then mouthpiece back on and vape throughout work...then on a lunch break ill usually heat just the bottom half gently to kind of re 'set' the wax back down to more of a primed position delivering better hits per battery charge.


Well-Known Member
Thanks xchadb. I was pulling the top metal piece off and loading it, I wasn't sure how my oil would run down that little hole under the mouthpiece. I may have to try that. Without looking in the window though, how do you tell when you need to add more (obviously you are waiting till you can't get anything else). Is it just a breaking in period and knowing your piece and how long that load last? I think that I'm out, but when I look inside, the sidewall is caked with oil. I'm on day 3. First day I packed 3 loads and I think I might have to reload today. Takes some getting used to for sure. I was thinking about hooking up a tube and my little bubble (aquavape I think) attachment I've got for my extreme q just to make the air a bit more moist when sucking through. With others hooking theirs up this way,makes me curious.


the tubing will help with visual feedback and help you improve your hitting technique too!


in flavor country
once I tried putting a tube on my omicron, I ended up putting tube sections on all of my portable devices (I have several, some I made myself from e cigs) and the visual help has improved the performance of all of my devices. Of course this is only for home use, going out I would take the tubes off for stealth reasons. In case you were wondering, I decorated my batteries with vinyl stickers.
***notice how clean the tubes are for the concentrate devices, the AtmosRaw combusts, and the tube got dark really fast...



Glass Blower
Nice :D haha everyone at work is certian im an e-cig user... "helped me quit smoking" haha! If they only knew

I only say that seeing your nice collection, when people see it they must be dumbfounded


in flavor country
Where I live, so far, I have yet to meet anyone who really knows much of anything about e cigs. I don't get out a lot though, moved here less than a year ago, so I am sure one day I will find another geek to impress :) hehe I did give one of the hash hitters I came up with to a friend who knows lots of other local people, and he's getting a lot of praise for it. I finally have the correct adapter to use the omicron on my 510 connection batteries. (510-m601) http://www.electronic-cigz.com/510tom6ad.html which opens up new territory for REV users, if they want to try out the omi higher resistance cartridges that are just coming out with the REV battery.


Active Member
OF said:
hatfieldsmama said:
How well does this guy work in comparison to omicron/persei? i have the omicron and its hits arent the size im looking for.

I've never tried a Persei, but I have both Omicron and Revolution and my experience is strong hits on Revolution are several times Omicron. The former giving about 10mg, the latter 2 or maybe 3mg. Revolution also has the advantage of no time out so you can get more with longer hits.

By the numbers Persei looks like it's about on par with Revolution at top voltage (about 14 Watts), a little less on six volts (about 12 Watts) against Omicron's six and Revolution's 15. Omicron (and therefore I assume Persei) uses some fraction of their power (half in the case of Omicron) to melt the bulk so they're actually using even less power in the vaporizer section (which is probably why Revolution does more than twice the capacity?).

However, Persei also has the option of a second cartridge in parallel which should put it at something closer to twice the output of Revolution. Cloud heads are likely to be happiest that way? For sure it avoids, '....I shoulda got the Persei instead....'.



so.... it would be possible to run two revolutions on a persei at one time?!?1 woah.


Well-Known Member
hatfieldsmama said:
so.... it would be possible to run two revolutions on a persei at one time?!?1 woah.

That wasn't actually what I was suggesting, but I guess it'd work..... I bet it's tough on the battery.



Noob Saibot
Hey jambandphan03,

In your photo you have the ThermoVape E-Cig Atomizer - and you say you use it for oil/concentrates? More info please :)


Glass Blower
I also noticed that sess haha. While eating lunch before work and vapin ive always been amazed at how much vapor i can get this thing to throw at me in a such short amount of time for one cart. Also in the sun vapor looks amazing in a car so i recorded a little sesh and im pretty medicated... Ill upload when i get to wifi. :D


in flavor country
Yes, :brow: I am using the LR atomizer w/BHO so far, getting great results even though it was not meant for that use, and I don't know how the TV guys will feel about that. I didn't want to post about it until I had been using it a while to make sure it was going to work. I have so many toys now, I have them rotating quite a bit, and don't use it very often, but so far, it's been working really good. I wanted to be able to use my ego batts and decided to give that a try. I would not load it up very full though, I use a few drops at a time, enough to coat the ceramic disk, but have not tried it with a heavy load. I imagine it would just clog up the air path if too much was in there. The regular resistance atomizer does not get hot enough, it has to be the LR, and you have to use 3.7v it would fry pretty quick on the 6v.


Well-Known Member
Hello jbp3, what adapter will I need to make an LR fit either the Omi or the G-mans. I know
you have a lot of experience and judging from your arsenal, I figured I would try and use
your knowledge......
I am weary of the sipping style of the Omi, and I hate to have unused stuff sitting around.
Looking for something that will be comparative to the Rev. just at a lower voltage....
If it happens to be the one you posted above, my apologies.....


in flavor country
you can get an adapter to make the omi bat fit the 510 threading atomizer which is what the TV guys are using on the planetvape website. I just want to clarify that I have been using the LR atty with no trouble, other than initial cold start might be a bit clogged until it warms up, as the oil turns solid at cool temps and can form a seal around the airpath, but I can't say that it is fail proof, as I use mine gently and not daily. I don't want people mad at me if they get one and try it, and something goes wrong.


Noob Saibot

It's just nice to see people doing new things and ideas...too bad I got the HR atomizer :p


Well-Known Member
Hey thanks for the info..... I won't get mad if I trash anything.....I am not a fan of
BHO, or the Omi cart for that matter. There is nothing wrong w/ either, I am looking for
a different road to the same destination. What adapter x510 am I looking for?


in flavor country
the actual number is (batt) m601-510 (cart) or the other way around if you have a 510 battery, but on the PV site, it is just listed as omicron -510, if memory serves correctly. I just got some 510-m601 to use the omicart on my 510 battery, and it fit the omicart perfectly, found that adapter here, be sure to select 510-m601 from the drop down window... http://www.electronic-cigz.com/510tom6ad.html, hope this helps. I am glad to have the versatility. Please keep in mind that if you choose to put a regular 2.4v omicart on your REV battry, to use 3.7v power, NOT 6v or you will fry your cart.

Mephisto, what kind of oil do you prefer?


Well-Known Member
I have gone from BHO, to Iso, and now I am having great results w/ ethanol.
I really dug the BHO, just too many unknowns for me....


in flavor country
yeah, I prefer Iso too, as far as prep. goes. The BHO sometimes makes my head hurt if I use too much, which I think means I didn't purge completely, or it just has contaminants from additives I am sensitive to, even though we did purge it several times, and it looks really clean. We used Vector 5x. I have not tested the LR w/iso oil yet, as I didn't want to cross over until my BHO was gone. I imagine it will work the same, it might get a bit more residue if your iso is dark, but that is yet to be seen. Just got some 99% iso, when that runs out, I want to try EC, to see how they differ.


Glass Blower
Yup! Was only in the vid for a split second i think? Should of mentioned that haha
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