i know you have issues with me, i don't know why maybe you can't stand it i got every vape
on the market, I can only say don;t hate really i am not that bad if you knew my intentions.
But you can tell about me what you wan't i have had every vaporizer on the market wich
are well known (no china knockoffs). I studied all the parts and maybe if you cared more about
your inhalation device you could tell the same as me. If you didn't please don't even bother replying.
If you only knew what kind of shit is used in vaporizers today.
I talked with manufacturers from used parts in vapes and you wouldn't believe how many told me:
We don't advice you to use our parts as a part in a inhalation device......
I hate ignorant people who just buy vapes and don't even bother wich materials are used, i wouldn't trust
vapecompanies. Their main goal is money, or do you really think they care about you. There are
exeptions like Frank from aromed and mark from vriptech !
And no this is no spam my friend.
Also i can tell you that there are 2 vapes on the market that changed parts in their vaporizer wenn i
have given them some of my thoughts, and yes this wass backed up with evidence.
With your puppet account, really man maybe my brother has an account i will ask him wenn i can get
out of my bubble
With the Zephyr (back on topic) my concerns where about the teflon and they are legit, take the effort
and look more into the materials, i don't say the zephyr is bad (didn't tried it that's why i am asking) i
just like to know the ptfe#, is it ptfe#2 and do you have a ptfe outgassing test made ?