As far as i know Zephyr is not manufactured anymore so i don't know if the unit you purchase will be covered by warranty .. Anyway there might be some of the big vaporizer sites that have it left on stock..calipurebud4 said:where can i buy a zephyr
calipurebud4 said:where can i buy a zephyr
Dear Customers and Zephyr Fans,
We are pleased to inform you of an important update regarding Zephyr Vaporizers. The questions raised by government authorities about the appropriate uses of our product as well as similarly designed products from other manufacturers have been favorably resolved. Following a thorough review of our business operations and product the government has acknowledged that the Zephyr Ion has multiple appropriate applications and cleared the way to our once again bringing the Zephyr to market. We take pride in the quality of our product and remain committed to ensuring that its manufacture and distribution be in conformity with all applicable federal, state, and local regulations.
We are excited about the prospect of resuming our sales of the Zephyr Ion and allowing more persons to experience the benefits of aromatherapy through Zephyr's patented vaporization system. Although it will take a little while to resume business as usual, we assure you of our continuing commitment to providing the highest quality aromatherapy product at the fairest price.
Please check back for further updates.
Zephyr Vaporizers zephyr wont heat up anymore...
will do thanxSalutations upsguy115081,
In your situation i'd 1st post here, of course, then i'd probably need to consider the possibility to "service" the appliance myself... This means it could happen to be necessary to determine if a substitution heating element can be found at a reasonable cost, considering that particular product already costs some good amount of money...
In any case, should you ever decide to open it up then please post pictures here so we can attempt to explore/offer some avenues of solution.
need some help f anyone zephyr wont heat up anymore , all other stuff works, turns on, can change temp, but wont go geen....any suggestions
so my second zephyr decided to stop heating up today, just sits there and blinks. does anyone know if they even still exists i have emailed and called them a few times and gotten no response. if any one knows any thing that would help me id appreciate it greatly, and seeing as how i have two of them id be pretty willing to open this up and see if i can fix it myself. that is, if any one here knows what the issue may be