rabbit runner
Im willing to but have no idea what the issue is or how to diagnose what it might be. Or were replacement. Parts may be.
Yah I did this, but no such luck unless there is a trick to it or something. I sent them the request for repair but the one that broke was sent to me by Bruce so I don't have a reicptI recieved an email from Zephyr a year ago asking what the problem with my Ion was. I told them and they offered up something for me to try.
"Have you tried dialing down the temp to 100*F and then changing to Celsius by pressing both the plus and minus buttons at the same time and then pressing them both again to change back to Fahrenheit? Give this a shot and if it doesn't work, we can get the units serviced shortly."
It worked for me, it's worth a try.
When was it purchased? If it's less than 2 years ago the Zephyr website has a page for requesting an RMA to return them for service under the two year warranty http://zephyrvaporizers.com/service/
respect, tireless
Yah I did this, but no such luck unless there is a trick to it or something. I sent them the request for repair but the one that broke was sent to me by Bruce so I don't have a reicpt
Taylor, are you capable of ordering replacement parts; namely the bags and bag valves from this supplier at this point in time? I have been trying to get my hands on some of those for ages.
Me too! I "opened" the bags and out lays a 12 foot condom, with only one seal at the end! So cut off the sealed end (too short), resulting in too small a bag after tying it offUUmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.................I may have a dumb question for Bruce or anyone else with Zephyrs..but how the HELL do you change bags????? I have one i need to replace, but when i grabbed my replacement bags-it was one 10ft bag almost. NO perforations....Its not a like a roll of trashbags, just one big continuous bag with 11 logos...So-did the 400 dollar vaporizer i have purchased screw me on my extra bags and not leave perforations?? Or,am i supposed to cut and melt the end on each bag i want to use???
Sorry if this seems rude-just a lot of money for something as simple as perforated bags to be messed up....
Well, I usually prefer to use TinyPic to upload my pictures and it will create several URL's for you. Copy and past the ones that start with [.IMG] (without .) into your post and they will show up here.
Be sure to choose the crop option and set it to message board size too.
Oh yeah baby, show us your chips...
@hippiedickie good to know I'm not the only one
I have to say, the unit looks really well built; but is that heater wrapped up in something? That might be contributing to the seeming low life span some units are getting.
My pleasure. Happy vaping! Will let you all know if I have anymore problems/fixes.thanks for the pics and the fix, ghobs!
I'm not sure yet, but I'm trying to find out as soon as possible. I'm also trying to find out 100% for sure that this supplier is selling brand new Zephyrs, and not just NOS units leftover from a couple years ago. I've heard gossip that some retailers are selling leftover units from before Zephyr was shutdown or they've possibly managed to get ahold of old inventory that was eventually released from customs. There's no way I'm going to get the Zephyrs back in stock, unless I know they're really back up and running.