Multi-brand X MAX STARRY


Well-Known Member
What better recommendation than to buy a second of the same?

Yesterday my Starry died running 464F burning off an old mixture of kief, shatter, and various very old flower. It was a damn good high, though a bit grumpy and paranoid from the high Sativa content. That was yesterday, today is today. The lovely thing about the Starry is that everything tastes the same, so it is a great unit to cook up old shit. That is the lovely thing with the Starry; it can do anything.

Over the past year, the Starry has given me much joy. I've invested in a ceramic bong top, and a shitload of screens and other crap to rebuild the unit. I like the unit. It works OK, it has a it's quirks, but damn is it good at getting me high. Sometimes, that is the bottom line 'get high'. Screw taste, screw efficient, screw everything; reach for the Starry. This unit can do some serious damage.

When the Starry died, I shed a tear. This unit got me high. Period. Don't know what else to say, and I'm generally good with words.

This morning I ran to River City Vapes in Edmonton and picked up another. Canvape was about $5 cheaper; happy to pay $5 to support local businesses. I couldn't last more than day without the Starry. This unit has a place in my daily rotation.

Using the NEW Starry v3 to cook the same old mix, I learned something new. The Starry doesn't taste bad. I was wrong. Brand new out of the box, without a lot of burnt left-overs, the Starry v3 actually can cook flower without completely destroying the taste. A fresh brand new unit, tastes way different than a year old unit. Don't underestimate the Starry.

The old Starry lasted about a year, but it saw high temperatures, heat kills electronics. Lots to gripe about with clogging and replacement screens, but I have been happy with the Starry v3.


Noted - edited because I was stoned
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Well-Known Member
Yes we will consider your suggestions... I agree flavour to be the most important feature when it comes to vaporization and when I asked which topic peoples would prefer to see improved, they replied "Taste&Vaporpath"!! In another hand I have an IQC and I like it especially cause its smartpaths but didn't noticed so much taste differences...

I don't thing the ejector Ace feature to be made again, I personnaly dig it a lot but it doesn't seems to interest peoples so much. Agree about the built-in stirring tool.

Yes we will consider a similar WPA than pictured on the top of this page (magnetic full ceramic wpa which eliminates silicone in the vaporpath!).

About power/max temp, Starry and Ace already offer pretty higher T° than the competition does... Why did you said CBD flowers need so high T°? I know CBD needs slightly higher vaporization T° but I don't think we need to increase the max T°, with such T° vapor will taste like sh**, isn't it?

Not sure the Fog's hinges to be the solution, it was a cause of failure and we didn't kept it for the new Fog Pro... In another hand I agree magnets aren't a perfect solution.

Thank you for sharing, we will consider your feedback! Have fun!
wow, I haven't seen that ceramic bong adapter, looks nice. I think it didn't exist when I bought my first Starry🤔. That configuration works very well in the Aria and change the bad performance of its short native MP

The idea of the Ace ejector is very very good, it's simple and surprised me a lot when saw it at the first time. But after a couple of years using it I have to say that I am also happy of not seeing it again😅. The stirring tool is simple and eficient and helps you to pack the bowl too

I think the problem about temperatures is that the engineers always study about the tipical 'good vaporization temperatures tables'. Yes I know, the best temperature for vaporization is 180ºC and being over 210ºC is not good as S&B say. But its not the same the best vaporization temperature when you start the session and when you are finishing it. When you are at the end of a session with roasted low resin flower like comercial 0.2% THC Futura/Fedora, etc, you need a lot of power to extract all the rock&roll. I dont use vapes like Davinci or Pax because after being baked I always had to go with that ABV to the vapcap and finish it. I dont want to vaporize at 270º all my session but I like to have that temperature for the last puff and push the herb to the limit, or maybe take one last pyrolysis hit. In the Ace at 255º I dont have dark brown ABV with low quality herbs. But well, 255º is enough and is a higher temperature than the competition as you say, but is higher than the regulated competition and this is the reason because the most CBD users are changing to non regulated devices after some time I think

But I hate the most is that engineers telling me at what temperature I have to vaporize. I want to do with my herb what I want and not what the engineers tell me that they think is good. I prefer to have 270º in my vaporizer and dont need to use it better than not to have and need it. This is like a sport car, I dont want to drive at 300 km/h but I like to know that my car can deal with it😆

Yep, the hinges are usualy a pain in the ass, they are confortable but difficult to implement. We saw it with Davinci too. The strong magnets in the Ace or even better, the system in the Sapphire, is simple and efficient. I also like how the MP can be attached at side with the magnets (despite the problems with the painting). You can't do this with the Ace and I miss it. If you dont use hinges you can think in a system that can be placed on the side with the magnets🤔

The only think in what I am not with you is the refered about the terms of taste and IQC. I think the Davinci has much better flavour than the Ace and even the Aria, which is for me your better conduction vape in terms of flavour. The Starry V3 maybe is in the middle, the taste is not so bad as in the Ace but for me is quite worst than Davinci🤔

But if you have the same Aria flavour in the new Starry for mi is enaugh. Although it doesn't taste USA😜
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Well-Known Member
wow, I haven't seen that ceramic bong adapter, looks nice. I think it didn't exist when I bought my first Starry🤔. That configuration works very well in the Aria and change the bad performance of its short native MP

The idea of the Ace ejector is very very good, it's simple and surprised me a lot when saw it at the first time. But after a couple of years using it I have to say that I am also happy of not seeing it again😅. The stirring tool is simple and eficient and helps you to pack the bowl too

I think the problem about temperatures is that the engineers always study about the tipical 'good vaporization temperatures tables'. Yes I know, the best temperature for vaporization is 180ºC and being over 210ºC is not good as S&B say. But its not the same the best vaporization temperature when you start the session and when you are finishing it. When you are at the end of a session with roasted low resin flower like comercial 0.2% THC Futura/Fedora, etc, you need a lot of power to extract all the rock&roll. I dont use vapes like Davinci or Pax because after being baked I always had to go with that ABV to the vapcap and finish it. I dont want to vaporize at 270º all my session but I like to have that temperature for the last puff and push the herb to the limit, or maybe take one last pyrolysis hit. In the Ace at 255º I dont have dark brown ABV with low quality herbs. But well, 255º is enough and is a higher temperature than the competition as you say, but is higher than the regulated competition and this is the reason because the most CBD users are changing to non regulated devices after some time I think

But I hate the most is that engineers telling me at what temperature I have to vaporize. I want to do with my herb what I want and not what the engineers tell me that they think is good. I prefer to have 270º in my vaporizer and dont need to use it better than not to have and need it. This is like a sport car, I dont want to drive at 300 km/h but I like to know that my car can deal with it😆

Yep, the hinges are usualy a pain in the ass, they are confortable but difficult to implement. We saw it with Davinci too. The strong magnets in the Ace or even better, the system in the Sapphire, is simple and efficient. I also like how the MP can be attached at side with the magnets (despite the problems with the painting). You can't do this with the Ace and I miss it. If you dont use hinges you can think in a system that can be placed on the side with the magnets🤔

The only think in what I am not with you is the refered about the terms of taste and IQC. I think the Davinci has much better flavour than the Ace and even the Aria, which is for me your better conduction vape in terms of flavour. The Starry V3 maybe is in the middle, the taste is not so bad as in the Ace but for me is quite worst than Davinci🤔

But if you have the same Aria flavour in the new Starry for mi is enaugh. Although it doesn't taste USA😜
Thank you for sharing your thoughts, you gave me a lot of feed! I agree with you about the vaporization temperatures especially since our devices are intended for recreationnal use rather than medical, I'll share your thoughts with the team!
Have fun!


Well-Known Member

Hope you found a few nice deals on Xmax vaporizers&accessories for BlackFriday&CyberMonday, all the Topgreen/Xmax team wish you an Happy Thanksgiving, thank you for joining the Xmax Fam!

Stay tuned on the new Starry version, we hope to release it soon but not before 2023, we are really excited about it! The Starry is our best seller and most popular device... but the V3Pro is now close to reach the same popularity level. We hope the new Starry's version will even brings more hype than ever seen before for an Xmax device, we'll try to meet expectations!

Sorry @Robert-in-YEG in missed your nice post about the Starry, it's amazing you decided to go for another despite the previous one died on you, did your old Starry was more than 1 year old? All in all you are really a very good Xmax customer, I'll recommand you if we have a fews review units to give away for the new version Starry's release in 2023. Don't hesitate to remind me this when the time will come!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, especially when you're vaping those electronics ;D If the temperature was the case here, then this in anything but a proof that there's a bad insulation inside this device, which should be quite scary.
Yup, the electronics were cooked inside. Heat is a killer.

The Starry has a definite advantage over all the other vapes, and that is the ability to get HOT. When you want to get high, the Starry won't disappoint.



Well-Known Member

Hope you found a few nice deals on Xmax vaporizers&accessories for BlackFriday&CyberMonday, all the Topgreen/Xmax team wish you an Happy Thanksgiving, thank you for joining the Xmax Fam!

Stay tuned on the new Starry version, we hope to release it soon but not before 2023, we are really excited about it! The Starry is our best seller and most popular device... but the V3Pro is now close to reach the same popularity level. We hope the new Starry's version will even brings more hype than ever seen before for an Xmax device, we'll try to meet expectations!

Sorry @Robert-in-YEG in missed your nice post about the Starry, it's amazing you decided to go for another despite the previous one died on you, did your old Starry was more than 1 year old? All in all you are really a very good Xmax customer, I'll recommand you if we have a fews review units to give away for the new version Starry's release in 2023. Don't hesitate to remind me this when the time will come!
What will be upgraded on the new units?


Well-Known Member
What will be upgraded on the new units?
At the moment I can't share anything cause it's not finalized, stay tuned!
Yup, the electronics were cooked inside. Heat is a killer.

The Starry has a definite advantage over all the other vapes, and that is the ability to get HOT. When you want to get high, the Starry won't disappoint.

Hi, let me know the heat settings you used mostly with your dead Starry? Aafter I will share the infos with our engineers in order to improve insulation and/or limit the max T° a little for the next Starry's version.


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
and/or limit the max T° a little for the next Starry's version.

hissssss. HISSSSSSSSS.

While it's true the starry can be turned up hot enough to melt pig iron (for concentrates I assume), making artificial caps is not the answer. As long as you have a "decrease temperature" button, you have already built in a Max T limit.

If the vape is at temperatures that don't instantly combust, or well after, the integrity of your internals should never be a concern.


Well-Known Member
hissssss. HISSSSSSSSS.

While it's true the starry can be turned up hot enough to melt pig iron (for concentrates I assume), making artificial caps is not the answer. As long as you have a "decrease temperature" button, you have already built in a Max T limit.

If the vape is at temperatures that don't instantly combust, or well after, the integrity of your internals should never be a concern.
Yes, I understand you like how hot the Starry can be turned but I don't understand the sentence: "making artificial caps is not the answer"....please, what do you means by "artifial caps"?
Internal's integrity is a concern since, when affected, the device may stop to work. In my opinion it's something important to report to the engineers, I'll do it asap! (but I need to know the usage rate and T° selected by @Robert-in-YEG before) But we'll try another solution rather than lowering the max T°, no worries!


Well-Known Member
Yup, the electronics were cooked inside. Heat is a killer.

The Starry has a definite advantage over all the other vapes, and that is the ability to get HOT. When you want to get high, the Starry won't disappoint.

I've had my Starry about three years now. No, I've not run it above 390. But stll, my longest lasting vapes have been My Focusvape Pro and my Starry and a Boundless CFX. I had bad luck with both Boundless Tera and S&B Mighty, both failed FIVE times with in a little over a year. I actually use mostly DaVinci vapes now. I've not had any long enough to speak on reliability. Actually my favorite is a DaVinci Ascent, I just love the vapor it produces. But my Starry still gets used often and it's the only one that leaves home withh me in my pocket. I've never had a complaint about the taste of it's vapor and is probably the best of any sub $100 vape I've ever owned. I like that the V3 has a real screen in the mouthpiece and is very easy to clean.


Well-Known Member
At the moment I can't share anything cause it's not finalized, stay tuned!

Hi, let me know the heat settings you used mostly with your dead Starry? Aafter I will share the infos with our engineers in order to improve insulation and/or limit the max T° a little for the next Starry's version.
Often the Starry is set to its highest temp: 464F.

It definitely needs more insulation. The outside of the unit gets very hot with heavy use. Running multiple back-to-back sessions, my Starry saw abnormal sustained high temperatures.



Well-Known Member
I've had my Starry about three years now. No, I've not run it above 390. But stll, my longest lasting vapes have been My Focusvape Pro and my Starry and a Boundless CFX. I had bad luck with both Boundless Tera and S&B Mighty, both failed FIVE times with in a little over a year. I actually use mostly DaVinci vapes now. I've not had any long enough to speak on reliability. Actually my favorite is a DaVinci Ascent, I just love the vapor it produces. But my Starry still gets used often and it's the only one that leaves home withh me in my pocket. I've never had a complaint about the taste of it's vapor and is probably the best of any sub $100 vape I've ever owned. I like that the V3 has a real screen in the mouthpiece and is very easy to clean.
Glad you like your Starry for what it's designed to be: a perfect PORTABLE vaporizer, thank you for the kinds words!
Often the Starry is set to its highest temp: 464F.

It definitely needs more insulation. The outside of the unit gets very hot with heavy use. Running multiple back-to-back sessions, my Starry saw abnormal sustained high temperatures.

Yes, this is exactly my thoughts, I don't know if we can achieve a unit strong enough to handle such T° for long without to cause problems on internals, I think if used only like a " boost" feature, for a couple of hits before to shut down or during session before to come back at a more "reasonable" setting. I believe this is may be a smaller issue if it was a convection device and not a conduction one (cause the heater mass is bigger with conduction devices). Maybe we'll need to add a warming but I'll transmit your wish to get a best insulation to protect the internals from the higher T° available.

I have a silicone sleeve for mine. Think I got it on puffitup
He wasn't complained about the hot body but I agree the silicone sleeve may be a good help to the peoples sensitives to heat, I don't use it on mines since I prefer the slick metal feeling under finger rather than the sweet silicone and since I never felt too hot in hands (but I never used mine at 464°F for a few minutes, sometime only for a couple of hits before shut down... and this is doesn't happen a lot cause I'm using my Starry mostly dry. PuffItUp was very famous here when Randy was it's owner but it seems the new owners are more quiet here, luckily we still have a few nice retailers posting in the forum. Have fun!


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
Remember that the Starry is billed as a device for concentrates as well as dry herb. I don't dab, but I've always thought and heard that was what the higher temperature was for.

For dry herb, that's waaaaay too high. 464F for multiple sessions?! Maybe my starry runs really hot, but i start getting bad flavors before 410. I'm normally a "high temp vaping" kinda girl, too. I max the temp on most portables, but the starry has a huge margin to spare for dry herb. You could lower that.

What I was saying previously, is make sure it can at least hit 430f for dry herb. Some herb is literally "dry" herb and takes more power to impart enough heat to. Plus you want to extract all those nice high temp compounds.

Zak McKracken

Well-Known Member
Ok I just tried my 3rd (or 4th lol) Starry unit and this one doesnt char the material at 240 C as the other ones I've owned and I am disappointed.Is it a new model or just defective?


Well-Known Member
Ok I just tried my 3rd (or 4th lol) Starry unit and this one doesnt char the material at 240 C as the other ones I've owned and I am disappointed.Is it a new model or just defective?
That doesn't make sense. What are you doing that might be different?

I'm on my second Starry. Over time, residue and heat seem to take their toll. Brand new out of the box, tastes different than an older vape. Running at 410-420F, you should get dark brown AVB. The key point here is brown, not black.

Running at 464F, the AVB is typically black, but the residue is not carbon or ash. Black AVB should brush off the finger without residue. The flower itself makes a difference. It seems to make sense that dryer flower will cook differently than fresh flower.

The question that remains in my mind is, "is hotter better?". There is much debate as to what is the best temp.

Some chase after the darkest AVB. Some say there is no need to go hotter than ~380F. Most often, I try to stick to around 415-420F.

The Starry isn't my most used vape, but it gets very regular use. It is a good unit for cooking up old flower, or left-over hits of hash, or bits of shatter, or kief, or other old cannabis left in the salad jar. Good weed, bad weed, old weed: it all tastes the same in the Starry.



Cognitive Dissonance D 5 +
Own two Starry 3's, and find them both to be very solid, reliable and more than reasonably priced conduction vapes. One is normally lent out to a friend who eventually purchases one. The only real complaint I had was that the first unit's robo fart smell lasted for months.

The best accessory in MO is the ceramic wpa adapter. With the addition of a screen and quarts balls higher temps are not a problem when used natively.

@XMAXVAPORIZER are dosing capsules anywhere in the mix for the new Starry V4?

With a new Starry being released early next year, 2023 is setting up to be another good year for vape connoisseurs!


Well-Known Member
Ok I just tried my 3rd (or 4th lol) Starry unit and this one doesnt char the material at 240 C as the other ones I've owned and I am disappointed.Is it a new model or just defective?
Please try to experiment with others strains, although if you are still thinking your device isn't hot enough you can try to contact your retailer support team in order to get your Starry replaced (let me know if they aren't taking care of you), best regards.
Own two Starry 3's, and find them both to be very solid, reliable and more than reasonably priced conduction vapes. One is normally lent out to a friend who eventually purchases one. The only real complaint I had was that the first unit's robo fart smell lasted for months.

The best accessory in MO is the ceramic wpa adapter. With the addition of a screen and quarts balls higher temps are not a problem when used natively.

@XMAXVAPORIZER are dosing capsules anywhere in the mix for the new Starry V4?

With a new Starry being released early next year, 2023 is setting up to be another good year for vape connoisseurs!
I agree with you about the ceramic wpa, a must have!

Hmm... I hope so... but I can't say exactly what the 4.0 will be, I collected and transmitted our customer's wishes, dosing caps was mentionned, although my team didn't associated me to the device devellopment cause I'm living far of the factory location... Stay tuned for the Starry 4.0 release by the first half of 2023!

ps: Last 2022's Giveaway:

Zak McKracken

Well-Known Member
Please try to experiment with others strains, although if you are still thinking your device isn't hot enough you can try to contact your retailer support team in order to get your Starry replaced (let me know if they aren't taking care of you), best regards.

I agree with you about the ceramic wpa, a must have!

Hmm... I hope so... but I can't say exactly what the 4.0 will be, I collected and transmitted our customer's wishes, dosing caps was mentionned, although my team didn't associated me to the device devellopment cause I'm living far of the factory location... Stay tuned for the Starry 4.0 release by the first half of 2023!

ps: Last 2022's Giveaway:
I purchased another one from another store just to be sure it is not my imagination and I am sad to declare that this one underheats too,I am bummed...Worst is that the shop won't recognize the fault if all new batch are like that...So I still haven't sent it.I have used 3 more starrys to death and this is not the AVB they should have...the avb at 240 is charred normally,now it is just a tad darker than mighty...


Well-Known Member
If we proceed to a update I believe the team would have advertised me, I agree the abv must be pretty blackened after the unit was set at 240°C but when device is brand new usually the airflow is larger, as well did you noticed the new ovale full ceramic filter which replace the old one which was a combinaison of ceramic and stainless steel mesh screen, that tiny screen being pretty quickly blocked off by accumulated resin we replaced it first by a full ceramic screen with tiny holes... but the issue was the same and the filter ended full of resin very fast... that's why we finally did it like yours were supposed to come with: with large transversal vaporpath slits built-in the ovale ceramic filter (I was afraid it let to pass too much tiny herb bits but it's not the case if you load well enough in order the top lid act a little like a compactor.
Although I'll transmit you, by pm, the Topgreen Customer Service email adress, feel free to contact them if you are still thinking your last 2 Starrys to be defective, we will take care of you.

nb: I believe you are aware of this fact, some strains don't darken a lot when vaporized while ohers turn dark pretty fast...

Zak McKracken

Well-Known Member
If we proceed to a update I believe the team would have advertised me, I agree the abv must be pretty blackened after the unit was set at 240°C but when device is brand new usually the airflow is larger, as well did you noticed the new ovale full ceramic filter which replace the old one which was a combinaison of ceramic and stainless steel mesh screen, that tiny screen being pretty quickly blocked off by accumulated resin we replaced it first by a full ceramic screen with tiny holes... but the issue was the same and the filter ended full of resin very fast... that's why we finally did it like yours were supposed to come with: with large transversal vaporpath slits built-in the ovale ceramic filter (I was afraid it let to pass too much tiny herb bits but it's not the case if you load well enough in order the top lid act a little like a compactor.
Although I'll transmit you, by pm, the Topgreen Customer Service email adress, feel free to contact them if you are still thinking your last 2 Starrys to be defective, we will take care of you.

nb: I believe you are aware of this fact, some strains don't darken a lot when vaporized while ohers turn dark pretty fast...
Thanks very much for the interest.Yes of course I know that not all strains vape the same,though almost will darken A lot more significantly than They do now if I would use them in a regular working starry that I ve been using for 5 years now since starry 2.I have combusted with my old ones quite a lot times if I would pack too tightly.It is like a different vape.If they didn't change anything it is a faulty batch.I will try and fix just for one run my old one and compare temps with laser thermometer ,although I am not sure I will be able to revive it(yeah,battery door problem of course)

Yes I liked the changes in mouthpiece.
Another minor change I don't like is that the battery contacts are looser,for example it doesn't work with the brown LG batteries anymore without aluminum foil, so I expect the classic starry killer issue with the door that doesn't make contact to appear sooner than usual.

Worst thing for me isn't the money that I spent but that the starry I loved has gone...
Zak McKracken,


Well-Known Member
Thanks very much for the interest.Yes of course I know that not all strains vape the same,though almost will darken A lot more significantly than They do now if I would use them in a regular working starry that I ve been using for 5 years now since starry 2.I have combusted with my old ones quite a lot times if I would pack too tightly.It is like a different vape.If they didn't change anything it is a faulty batch.I will try and fix just for one run my old one and compare temps with laser thermometer ,although I am not sure I will be able to revive it(yeah,battery door problem of course)

Yes I liked the changes in mouthpiece.
Another minor change I don't like is that the battery contacts are looser,for example it doesn't work with the brown LG batteries anymore without aluminum foil, so I expect the classic starry killer issue with the door that doesn't make contact to appear sooner than usual.

Worst thing for me isn't the money that I spent but that the starry I loved has gone...
I'll report your feedback to the team, we will consider it and I'll keep you informed about the team's reply about your concerns. Yes I understood you liked the Starry and you are disappointed it's not the vape you expected anymore... Hope investigations will brings some light on this, your device was bought in 2018, my actual Starry in rotation was sent by the company as a gift in 2020 and it's as strong as the previous Starrys were imho... If yours last are defectives, it's not a batch issue though (we are manufacturing vapes by large batches and if a full batch was under-performing we would be already aware of the issue and since many others reports/feedbacks in Reddit there is still strong Starrys).
I hope we can bring you the Starrys you deserve to get, I will work for your full satisfaction!
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