Multi-brand X MAX STARRY


Volute of Vapor

The Starry night... a paint by Vincent Van Gogh... for fun!


Volute of Vapor
Hi Starry's owners, I noticed I missed to share an improvement from 2019-2020...

The issue we was trying to fix was the one mentionned a few posts before about the tiny mesh screen to be clogged too fast. Somes found a fix using a screen on the top of the load but we was concerned and we tried to improve the ceramic filter system.

So, now, all the Starry 3.0 are coming with this ceramic filter (photo POTV):

Although if you want to be sure you ordered a unit with the upgraded filter the best is to ask to your retailer.

Despite there isn't so much talks here about it (it's not new though), there is a little more Starry's talk in Vaporents and r/XmaxVape and it stays a very popular vaporizer and a great seller in retailer's websites, enjoy your Starrys!

edit: sorry for the BIG pic!


Well-Known Member
Is the ceramic filter compatible with the existing version? And if so, will it be available for sale as a stand alone item? I’ve done the screen mod to mine, but I like the idea of ceramic, assuming it’s not crazy expensive.
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Volute of Vapor


Well-Known Member
Sorry, I haven't read this thread, but I assume this is still widely considered to be a good starter vape...? She already has an IH-less M... Thanks!!
($57 delivered with discount code 'XVAPE')
I love my Starry 1 and will jump on this discount for a V3. Good chamber size, rapid heat up, clear draw, easy to load, dump, and clean. One of the best affordable portables available.


Volute of Vapor
Yes, I said myself the Starry to be great for beginners, cause"it's affordable and easy to use" and cause it performs very well!
A great starter vape, for sure!

The fact the Starry is still sold in many retailer's shop since 2017 is enough to justify some interest, not so much vaporizers have a such retail longlife (except the Volcano but it's the king of vapes and a few more). And we are very proud to say our devices have the lower return rate on the market, this is make retailer's job smoother and explain the success.

Please take some time to share your Starry's experience here, this thread was neglected lately but I believe it's only cause we are more interested by novelties. In the more popular Reddit forums there is much more peoples speaking of the Starry or asking questions about it.

Zak McKracken

Well-Known Member
I have a Starry 3.0. It is the 3rd one I 've owned.

I like this piece because of 4 basic features that make it ideal for taking it with me when fishing or out of town generally.

1)Can go to 240 C and be very heavy hitting.
2)it has replaceable battery
3)I can use it just with my mouth.

Bad things are that it is very sensitive and it stops working after some time cause the battery doesnt connect well to the receptors.2 pieces ruined because of that.Cleaning is pretty messy too and the o ring is very easily destructed after a couple months or so.

Also taste isn't really that great.Still better than a joint though.

Right now I'm writing to share my frustration after trying to clean the new starry with new ceramic filter for the first time.While the filter is now much easier to clean,the metal piece on the top part is IMPOSSIBLE to remove to clean.I am goingto say "screw it" and use the old top .But I really would like to hear a tip. -edit i just managed to pull it ,man maybe its always like that the first time i don t remember tbh...
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Volute of Vapor
Thank you for your feedback, yes it looks like some peoples get an issue with the battery which doesn't connect well although I don't understand about the o-ring... which o-ring do you mention? the one at the base of the ceramic rotative mp? I think it's the only one... Do you think it's teared cause cleaning process or cause the rotative feature?
Like every conduction vaporizer the taste remains to be "generic" after a few minutes of use and if the temp are set too high but you can get flavorfull hits for 2-3 minutes if you keep temp under 200°C. For sure it's not the tastier vape but it's far to taste bad.

I'm glad you finally found how to remove the metal screen from the new ceramic filter, tbh I didn't tested that item myself but I believe (from the pictures) the metal screen isn't attached to the ceramic filter although, if you tried to remove it from a cold unit, it may be "glued" by resin. Usually I clean my Starry right after a session while still hot enough to soften build ups.

Thank you again for sharing your impressions :wave: !


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
Sorry, I haven't read this thread, but I assume this is still widely considered to be a good starter vape...? She already has an IH-less M... Thanks!!
($57 delivered with discount code 'XVAPE')

Thank you so much for the heads up on this. I've been kicking myself for not snapping up a starry in March. Really curious to see how it compares with the Airvape X and Dotleaf.
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Zak McKracken

Well-Known Member
Thank you for your feedback, yes it looks like some peoples get an issue with the battery which doesn't connect well although I don't understand about the o-ring... which o-ring do you mention? the one at the base of the ceramic rotative mp? I think it's the only one... Do you think it's teared cause cleaning process or cause the rotative feature?
Like every conduction vaporizer the taste remains to be "generic" after a few minutes of use and if the temp are set too high but you can get flavorfull hits for 2-3 minutes if you keep temp under 200°C. For sure it's not the tastier vape but it's far to taste bad.

I'm glad you finally found how to remove the metal screen from the new ceramic filter, tbh I didn't tested that item myself but I believe (from the pictures) the metal screen isn't attached to the ceramic filter although, if you tried to remove it from a cold unit, it may be "glued" by resin. Usually I clean my Starry right after a session while still hot enough to soften build ups.

Thank you again for sharing your impressions :wave: !
Yes you are right mate,I should have heated it first...

Yes,I'm talking about the little oring at the base of the mouthpiece.I guess it wears out because of high temps and the cleaning process.

I have a good opinion about the piece obviously since I have bought it 3 times.

Thanks for the reply :)


Volute of Vapor
3 times!!! Wow, you are a loyal customer, thank you this is warm my heart.

About the o-ring, I think the latest versions (not 100% sure of that though) have now a flat o-ring more rigid like the one on the Fog and the Ace, this new one doesn't wears out at all. Sorry for the inconvenience, I'll try to see if the flat ones can fit where there was a classic o-ring and report...
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Well-Known Member
The battery door problem on v3. It will charge but I don't get the welcome message unless I press hard on the door and even then it won;t turn on. I've tried the foil trick and it still wont' turn on. The contact area is also corroded or at least discolored. Any tips to try?

Sometimes I get the message out short.
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Volute of Vapor
The battery door problem on v3. It will charge but I don't get the welcome message unless I press hard on the door and even then it won;t turn on. I've tried the foil trick and it still wont' turn on. The contact area is also corroded or at least discolored. Any tips to try?

Sometimes I get the message out short.
Yes the @LesPlenty advices are good, please give it a try. Although, if the problem persists, contact me here or by PM, how old is your Starry?


Well-Known Member
Yes the @LesPlenty advices are good, please give it a try. Although, if the problem persists, contact me here or by PM, how old is your Starry?
I cleaned the contact with steel wool and if I press hard on the battery door it works. The battery is not making contact with something in there. I tried to add a piece of tin foil but that didn't work. It got tighter for sure but would not turn on.

Honestly, I can't remember how long I have had it. It replaced the IQ back when that broke. I like my Starry. Thankfully I still have my Xmax v2 pro to use until I fix the v3 or buy a new one.


Well-Known Member
Company Rep
Time for a bigger ball of al-foil then, as big as you can fit and still close the door!
Might keep you going to a replacement unit is sourced...Starry v3 or wait for the ProV3 to release?
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