Sorry to hear about the struggle. I was here in this thread three years ago trying to help. Cannabis tolerance is a huge bitch because it's so easy & fast to build. I can feel a big difference in simply vaping three days in a row. Dr. Sulak has sage advice and is worth trying...
he's got a number of videos that should be helpful.
Regular breaks and reducing cannabis doses is how to address tolerance. And the more you go, the better it gets. One may have to make significant changes to get a low enough tolerance. Sorry to hear the 15 day break didn't help. Our internal cannabis receptors need 28-30 days to reset (upregulate). FWIW, 15 days off doesn't let receptor resensitization occur very much when there's been a high tolerance built up. The good news is that with enough effort and time, we're able to get back to even low low tolerance and big big f/x (by constraining the amount of vaping cannabis enough. Longer breaks and lower amounts/doses.
Hope that helps and we're rooting 4 u to find the magic again

HAF right now (Friday and the first time vaping since Sunday), so sorry for any spelling/grammar awkwardness

I'm big into music, and really enjoy it while high as well... especially on weekends! Been playing music today and now

. The cool music thread in the FC Lounge is excellent!
Totally agree!
Guess weed has become “less fun” because of the tolerance….and the routine.
I mean, I was always looking for friday nights to vape, waiting the whole week to have my treat… I always do the same ritual, look for a couple of good LP’s to play in my turntable, heat the V-Tower or the Flowerpot, put my relax chair in position, strategically placed in the sweet spot facing the speakers, turn off the lights and enjoy a couple of hours of music in total darkness while vaping. Amazing experiences for years, enjoyed music as never did before. I also use to vape Saturday nights and watch a live concert in my home cinema while vaping. Man, the first times with weed just felt like if I was there in the concert, first row!
Since a couple of years, I’d also vape occasionally a tuesday, or a wednesday, just to relax and have a good time…
And I did, but you know, it is not a party if it happens everyday……
Miss the effects and the highs I used to have, now I get good highs from time to time, but most sessions is just “OK, is fun and relaxing”.
I have to say that I thought tolerance wouldn’t be a problem, since I don’t use to vape that much, and I have access to all the weed that I want, since I grow it myself. Always thought “I don’t mind about tolerance, since I can always use more weed”, but I guess it doesn’t certainly works that way. I’ve found out that no matter how much weed I use, the high is not better. I use to reach a point, like in 45 minutes, that no matter how much more weed I vape, the high doesn’t grow. I use to feel a more strong effect when dabbing rosin that I make myself, but, since it is a concentrate, guess I reach the “high” faster and maybe a little stronger…. But not that “almost psychedelic“ high I used to get just packing the little screen of my V-Tower (packing the elbow) with like 0.1gr or even less weed.
Guess I should do a serious break and see what happens, or maybe use the Dr. Sulak resensitization process. I would really like to reset my relationship with the weed, and also guess that can not happen if you like to vape 3 or 4 times a week. Maybe a good 1 month break and then keep low dosage.
As I say, weed availability/ quantity is not a problem…. So I guess my tolerance is. To the weed, and also, to the ”set and setting”.
But is also a bummer to sacrifice these “weed and music nights”…. Guess I must find a balance.