That's really cool and great to hear
Cannabis is great and many of us have overindulged. It's so seductive. I've been vaping for over 5 years now.
I'd suggest that if a "big experience" like the old days appeals to you then it's absolutely worth taking a break

; you will not be disappointed

. Physiology research shows that cellular chemical receptors in human cells take about four weeks to resensitize when homeostasis has been interrupted by medicines and drugs that act upon those systems. Resensitization happens by receptor upregulation/downregulation. Such medicines/drugs/substances act on the cellular chemical receptor system in different ways... and can be additive, synergistic or antagonistic. Bodyfat can affect T-break physiology/pharmacology too but I find it's a much more minor input and I'll leave it at that.
So ideally I'd recommend a four week cannabis break to allow that physiological receptor process to fully cycle and complete itself. As mentioned by others here, some people need more time but I'd start with that as it's a much easier break to handle (we all love the herb here

). Even a 15 day break can be impressive if 28-30 days is too much; I had a 15 day break months back now, for the first time in a long time, with excellent results

And when you start again, also go to just-weekend use

. That's a very good place to start from when trying to lower your tolerance and limit/control it. And adjust from there as necessary depending on your own personal results (seeing where it goes week to week). From there it can then absolutely be both incremental (a slow adjustment) and rewarding (potent). For sure the first experience after any break (even a four day break in my experience) is always best so include that in your planning

The Sulak method does look very appealing too

. There is no "correct" answer... see what appeals to you most and give it a shot.
When you realize you don't have a healthy personal relationship with cannabis, then I find a person is 90% of the way to fixing it

so congratulations! It's the most important step as it's the first step. And that recognition is strong incentive to make some short term changes (which are easier to digest), and it's easier to better manage the cannabis relationship because the end results are also bigger experiences and stronger highs which is what people in this thread want. It's positive reinforcement and that's a great thing

Medical users often have other priorities understandably.
Hope that info helps and please share your experiences and thoughts here on FC, it's much appreciated here too

@FabulatorPoeta... yet now i'm seeing things in a new light, and finally have awaken to the respect that you micro dosers give to certain vapes.
Cool to hear and I really appreciate that feedback

. A vape that is excellent at microdosing makes all the difference

. I really like temp stepping as well. I find low temp vaping enhances the cerebral aspects which is what I enjoy most. Higher temps bring in the body affects and physical relaxation. Having a vape that can do both and being able to fine tune the experience to personal preference is great

. And I enjoy variety (I change up the experience from time to time) so it's great to have a vape that has temp selection and thus brings the temp stepping option and effects.
As a follow-up to my recent posts, I did two ELBs last night (the first is the earlier picture and the second one was even less cannabis as I continue to lower my doses slowly week after week) and I was going for 11 hours before I went to bed (late, and still high). It was a potent experience

. It's crazy how effective these small amounts of quality cannabis are and how big the experiences become

. Even if you need more cannabis, in combination with managing tolerance and taking regular cannabis breaks I can happily report that big experiences await

. Good luck and enjoy your own cannabis journey; may everyone find their healthy balance

. Cheers.