Welcome to Fuck Combustion...Tell us about yourself here!

Steal Yer Faceoff

New Member
Howdy Vaporizing Humans!
Just found this site while inquiring on a search engine about 4 piece grinders. Lead me right to you!
They've got your number Humans.
That's how I got HERE, but the journey to 4 piece grinding and vaporizing is another story.
I combusted both ganja & tobacco for many, many years. One night back in '15 on the way to a rehearsal (I sing with a band) I was hacking from cancer sticks and I said to myself, "Self, no more smoking."
Got into vaping my nicotine and quickly got a SSV for my ganja.
Cut to the future, the ganja is finally legal in my state and I grew a lovely backyard plant in our raised bed garden this summer. Alongside the tomatoes and the peppers! Legal! How fun is that.
Just ground some of the quick-cured and had a lovely vape.
And now I'm a member of Fuck Combustion. Seems about right....
BTW Y'all had some decent advice/experience about grinders, thanks for that!


New Member
Hi all o/ new member here, I’m a medical user with a prescription in the UK. Recently found the forum whilst looking for info on my first dynavap. Already own crafty+/mighty but they just don’t hit the spot for me. A volcano is my next wish list item. I’m blown away by the quality of the vapour from a dynavap though, for the price.


Women and Rhythm Section first
Hi everybody,

I hope you are all doing great.

It's so nice to have found such a community 🙏

I usually browse forums for specific info without inscribing, but this time I had to open an account.

About myself: I am Italian and Dutch, living between the Netherlands, Italy and Mexico. I took Classics at University and spent some time studying Socrates and Plato. I currently work for a Seed Bank.

I love nature, art and history and I am currently a little concerned about our collective situation as a species.

I've been smoking cigarettes and spliffs for about 25 years and, now that I have a daughter, I am truly looking forward to stop smoking nicotine and combusting weed: that's why I bought a Plenty and a Crafty+ a month ago.

I already reduced to about 1/3 of what I'd been previously burning but it's still a long way to the top if you want to rock and (not) roll. In the end, Miles could get off heroine but not nicotine. But we shall overcome 💪

I am sure I will find a nice community here supporting my evil plans, feel free to contact me.

I wish everyone a great day!

Elevated Market

New Member
Hello Everyone,

I've been a lurker for quite some time and have learnt a lot from members of this community, and think its now time to participate.

I'm a 50+ Swiss web developer living in Spain with my wife and son. We moved here a few years ago for the Mediterranean climate and laid back lifestyle. This was when I discovered TEDs and have been enjoying vaping ever since.

To all the amazing artisans and manufacturers here, keep up the good work! 💚

Happy Holidays!


Well-Known Member
Hello Everyone,

I've been a lurker for quite some time and have learnt a lot from members of this community, and think its now time to participate.

I'm a 50+ Swiss web developer living in Spain with my wife and son. We moved here a few years ago for the Mediterranean climate and laid back lifestyle. This was when I discovered TEDs and have been enjoying vaping ever since.

To all the amazing artisans and manufacturers here, keep up the good work! 💚

Happy Holidays!

El Duderino

The Dude abides.
Hello everyone

Since I've already raised one or two newbie questions here, I thought I'd introduce myself briefly. Of course it would have been kinder of me if I had done this earlier, unfortunately in my suddenly awakened enthusiasm for vaping I have neglected etiquette a little. My apologies.

Briefly about me: I'm Swiss, in my early 40s, have been smoking weed for years, worked in a Headshop for a few years in my twenties, so being stoned is nothing new to me. What is completely new to me, however, is the (modern) world of vaporizers. In the Headshop back then, we also sold desktop vaporizers. However, they were real monsters (that was in the 90's) and I wasn't really enthusiastic at the time and didn't pursue vaping herbs any further.

A few years ago, I switched from cigarettes to e-cigarettes. I didn't have any particular goal, I just wanted to give it a try and found it so exciting and nerdy that I never touched a cigarette again. However, I continued to smoke my joints with tobacco and even an XMAX3 Pro, which I bought about a year ago, couldn't change that.

In 2023, I had to accept some strokes of fate and people very important to me died or became seriously ill. This led me to rethink my life and my lifestyle and as I don't live a particularly healthy life (I like beer and pizza and my couch and don't get much exercise), I thought that I could at least give up tobacco.

Quite spontaneously, I then bought a Mighty+, threw away all the tobacco and the ashtray that same evening and I haven't smoked any tobacco for over 2 months now and I don't miss it one bit. In the meantime, my collection has also grown and I can now call a DynaVap M Plus, a Mad Heaters Revolve Gen 2, a Tinymight 2 and an OG Swiss Vapman Classic (arrived today) my own in addition to the Mighty+.

I've been registered here at FC for a few weeks now and I'm absolutely delighted with this community. It's just wonderful to meet so many nice people and share a passion with them.

With this in mind, I look forward to continuing our journey together and thank everyone for their support and patience when I ask another stupid question.

Sorry for the long text. It's hard for me to be brief...

Best wishes from Switzerland
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Chasing that smooth vapor
Thanks for the welcome. I am a 46 year old user in the Dallas area. I was normally combusting, one hitters and joints. Then I found the Dynavap over the holidays a month or so ago. Changed the game for me. Now I exclusively DHV. Well, when someone passes a joint, I am going to hit that thing, but when alone, DHV only.
Hello ✌️
I'm Jen. I'm from Australia. I am a medical patient with a prescription here, and I really enjoy vaping as opposed to smoking.
I think water filtration is chill, really inquisitive about ball vapes.
I usually am using a portable vape through a water piece, like the Mega cube. I enjoy Dynavaps with the Ispire wand. My current portables in rotation are: Zeus Arc Gt, Firefly 2 Plus, Davinci Miqro, Arizer Air Max, Xmax V3 Pro, Angus Halogen Vape, and some others.
I hope to continue to learn more as I go!
Stay :chill:


Well-Known Member
Hello ✌️
I'm Jen. I'm from Australia. I am a medical patient with a prescription here, and I really enjoy vaping as opposed to smoking.
I think water filtration is chill, really inquisitive about ball vapes.
I usually am using a portable vape through a water piece, like the Mega cube. I enjoy Dynavaps with the Ispire wand. My current portables in rotation are: Zeus Arc Gt, Firefly 2 Plus, Davinci Miqro, Arizer Air Max, Xmax V3 Pro, Angus Halogen Vape, and some others.
I hope to continue to learn more as I go!
Stay :chill:
Hi, Jen! Have you seen the ballvape comparison thread? Has a little bit of everything. Happy hunting!


Active Member
Hey folks!

Finally joined FC after browsing/lurking for a bit. After being on the reddit community for a bit- it seems to have turned a bit hostile. Reading people's conversations here seem way more peaceful and civil, even on disagreements (super appreciate that).

I live in the US with family. I tried vaping back in the late 2000's with people's Volcano and Vaporbrothers VB1 but it didn't do it for me. Shortly after, I purchased a Vapor Genie and I really liked that. Took a break from flower for many years and then reconnected with her back in 2019. I didn't want an electronic vaporizer so did a bit of research and landed on the Sticky Brick runt. There is just something about analog vapes that are so majestic to me. Sticky Brick vapes remain my favorite so far.

I hope to grow my own flower someday as I'm very interested in permaculture/biodynamic farming and would want to include that with veggies/fruits. I also have a background in Psychology/Therapy and always curious about the effects it has on us- specifically the positive.

I hope to start participating more when I have some free time. Really curious about adding glass to vaping so will post something on "Ask FC".

Thanks for reading!🙏


Well-Known Member
Just thought I'd say Hi! Found this site back in maybe 2011 when I was looking for info on the MFLB after purchasing one, probably read the whole thread looking for tips and tricks and even got in on the PA beta thanks to reading here. From there I moved on to a Solo and used that for around a decade, actually stopped coming here a while after buying that because I just didn't feel any need for another vape and thought continuing to read about them might change that. Started coming back last year to read about ball vapes and decided to finally join.

Bong Witch

Hi everybody, I'm new here and I'm from the Netherlands, where ball vaping isn't really a thing. As a bong lover who wants to quit combustion, I was looking for a satisfying vaporizer. I tried a handheld (Pax3) and that just did not work for me. In my search for a good vaporizer, someone on a Dutch language Discord server called The High Cloud, pointed me towards ball vaping. I am lucky to live in a city with 36 coffeeshops and one of them has a ball vape for customers to use at their lounge. This model hapened to be a Cannabis Hardware Flowerpot B2 and it was love on first toke! I decided to look into ball vaping further and came across this forum, so decided to join! After doing some comparing online, I pre-ordered the Vapvana Screwball starter kit and can't wait until the presale is over and Vapvana starts shipping....

I want to participate in their mascot naming contest, but it says at the bottom of the thread "You have insufficient privileges to reply here". Does anyone know how to get the privilege to reply?

Grass Yes

Staff member
I want to participate in their mascot naming contest, but it says at the bottom of the thread "You have insufficient privileges to reply here". Does anyone know how to get the privilege to reply?
Welcome to FC! In order to participate in contests you'll need a little more activity here:
Members with 25 or more trophy points may enter contests in this section.


Well-Known Member
Hi everybody, I'm new here and I'm from the Netherlands, where ball vaping isn't really a thing. As a bong lover who wants to quit combustion, I was looking for a satisfying vaporizer. I tried a handheld (Pax3) and that just did not work for me. In my search for a good vaporizer, someone on a Dutch language Discord server called The High Cloud, pointed me towards ball vaping. I am lucky to live in a city with 36 coffeeshops and one of them has a ball vape for customers to use at their lounge. This model hapened to be a Cannabis Hardware Flowerpot B2 and it was love on first toke! I decided to look into ball vaping further and came across this forum, so decided to join! After doing some comparing online, I pre-ordered the Vapvana Screwball starter kit and can't wait until the presale is over and Vapvana starts shipping....

I want to participate in their mascot naming contest, but it says at the bottom of the thread "You have insufficient privileges to reply here". Does anyone know how to get the privilege to reply?
Which coffeeshop have the B2 ?


Hey everyone, been enjoying reading here for awhile. My original vape was a classic volcano, eventually got an original pax when they came out. Stopped vaping for a long while but my asthma caught up to me and I switched back. Got a mighty+ and saw the phase3 ball vapes here so got one of those so I could use my glass again.

Just wanted to introduce myself. Thanks for all the good info here!
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