Welcome to Fuck Combustion...Tell us about yourself here!


(zombie) Woof.
Any tips maybe for participating in the community from mobile (iOS)? Am currently on PC, but I like to browse this type of community while couch-locked or on the go.

I pretty much only use my iPhone here these days... all you really need is somewhere to host images like Imgur if you want to share pics you've taken or other images that won't "hotlink".


New Member
Peace folks. I'm new here, just introducing myself. I was surprised af when I saw there was a whole community for this, very happy with the name too lol Fuck Combustion. I've been using dry herb vaporizers exclusively for about 3 or 4 years now. I started off with the Boundless CFC 2.0 which I would definitely recommend as a good first buy, and then I upgraded to the Boundless CFX which is my baby, honestly, just too good. Next I'm planning to get the Arizer 2 Solo. Honestly, I find that my life has changed with vaping weed. Not only do people barely ever know, which is great for me because I'm trying to keep it lowkey, but I'm saving money, getting more potency from my weed, and I can actually taste what's going on. It's a great experience, and I'd have it no other way.


Olá pessoal!!! sou do Brasil
estou tendo muita dificuldade de achar o bocal para meu boundless cfx
pr favorecer alguem saberia dizer servir o da craft ou poderoso


Well-Known Member

newbie here , i'm a French guy (please excuse my poor english) who did start to vaporize about... 12years ago ....and that was the start of a little collection:

My first vaporizer was a MFLB, follow by the Dabuddha then a Herborizer and a Purple Days, then did come the Aromed, and...i don't remenber the order anymore :lol:
well, there is also the Volcano, The Verdamper, the Arizer EQ(v1) , the lotus , the alivi8, a second MFLB (monocle), a sticky bricj jr, the vapbong , the sublimator , the arizer solo, the davinci ascent and the Miqro, the penguin , the plenty, the SSSV , the vapcap , the vapor brothers , the airvapeXS and the mivape

i wouldn't say it isn't a strange hobby but a have the bad habbit to not sell but also i love try other devices
and you can see i prefer destkop vaporizers

i did read a lot here trough time , this is why i have decide itwas time to say "Hi"

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olysh pops

Well-Known Member

newbie here , i'm a French guy (please excuse my poor english) who did start to vaporize about... 12years ago ....and that was the start of a little collection:

My first vaporizer was a MFLB, follow by the Dabuddha then a Herborizer and a Purple Days, then did come the Aromed, and...i don't remenber the order anymore :lol:
well, there is also the Volcano, The Verdamper, the Arizer EQ(v1) , the lotus , the alivi8, a second MFLB (monocle), a sticky bricj jr, the vapbong , the sublimator , the ariser solo, the davinci ascent and the Miqro, the penguin , the plenty, the SSSV , the vapcap , the vapor brothers , the airvapeXS and the mivape

i wouldn't say it isn't a strange hobby but a have the bad habbit to not sell but also i love try other devices
and you can see i prefer destkop vaporizers

i did read a lot here trough time , this is why i have decide itwas time to say "Hi"

Hi boog :)
You can use DeepL to translate, even if it"s not perfect yet
So many vaporizers, water pipes and accessories to discover, I hope you''ll find what you seek and maybe much more :science:


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone! I'm new here.
The things I love most when vaping: making music and listening to music.
I started vaping a couple years ago. Began with the Prrl Neo, then the TinyMight, then the Vestratto Anvil. Initially clicked best with the TM, currently loving the Neo again.
Welcome! That's the most unique path into vaporizing I think I've seen. I ended up with a Neo, too, but way down the line (I love it too). What's your favorite bowl/method? I love the Convectorium, but the crystal bowls are really useful.


Putin is a War Criminal
Hello everyone! I'm new here.
The things I love most when vaping: making music and listening to music.
I started vaping a couple years ago. Began with the Prrl Neo, then the TinyMight, then the Vestratto Anvil. Initially clicked best with the TM, currently loving the Neo again.
In my view you may have saved yourself a lot of time and effort, and potentially a lot of expense, by getting into the TM early in your vaping experience. Many of us believe that the TM is among if not the best portable vape on the market. There are indeed a lot of good vapes out there and there's always new vapes coming along, but the TM is truly hard to beat.
Welcome to the forum.


Well-Known Member
Welcome! That's the most unique path into vaporizing I think I've seen. I ended up with a Neo, too, but way down the line (I love it too). What's your favorite bowl/method? I love the Convectorium, but the crystal bowls are really useful.
My current favorite setup is in my avatar pic. I got a halfway decent churchwarden pipe that perfectly fits the Prrl quartz dosing capsule (I asked Prrl about the diameter to get it just right, and smokingpipes.com has the inner diameter of their pipes listed individually). I also got a high temp gasket to hold the capsule in place and rest the Neo on when inhaling.

In my view you may have saved yourself a lot of time and effort, and potentially a lot of expense, by getting into the TM early in your vaping experience. Many of us believe that the TM is among if not the best portable vape on the market. There are indeed a lot of good vapes out there and there's always new vapes coming along, but the TM is truly hard to beat.
Welcome to the forum.
I've really let my TM (version 1) sit unused for a while. I'm a pretty light user so it's partly that but partly my preference for the Neo these days. I do love the TM and I use it with a silicon tube and mouthpiece to get it a little cooler.


Well-Known Member
Hi all I got my first vape (EQ Arizer ) 2 month ago and after combusting weed for 23 years it is a godsend. It has taken me this long to learn about temp stepping and am just loving that aspect so much. Just did 3 bags 190 210 230 and was so nice compared to doing just 1-2 at 230

I am ordering the volcano classic tonight and will be here before the weekend as I really love vaping and read and watched so much about the classic. I will get the hybrid next year just for now the classic will be fine as i only use balloons and cost as am new to it all.

See the thing is guys I feel so much younger and healthy now and wish I got into vaping sooner. My quality fo life has changed so much and I do not feel ill now from the smoke.


Well-Known Member
My quality fo life has changed so much and I do not feel ill now from the smoke.

Welcome aboard, Rodney!

olysh pops

Well-Known Member
Hi all I got my first vape (EQ Arizer ) 2 month ago and after combusting weed for 23 years it is a godsend. It has taken me this long to learn about temp stepping and am just loving that aspect so much. Just did 3 bags 190 210 230 and was so nice compared to doing just 1-2 at 230

I am ordering the volcano classic tonight and will be here before the weekend as I really love vaping and read and watched so much about the classic. I will get the hybrid next year just for now the classic will be fine as i only use balloons and cost as am new to it all.

See the thing is guys I feel so much younger and healthy now and wish I got into vaping sooner. My quality fo life has changed so much and I do not feel ill now from the smoke.

Congratulations from the jury on your success in quitting smoking two months ago :tup:

I hope you enjoy discovering the world of steam and perhaps, if you're interested, the world of vaporizers.

Maybe we'll bump into each other on one of the balloon vaporizer thread.

Welcome Rodney !


Hi all I got my first vape (EQ Arizer ) 2 month ago and after combusting weed for 23 years it is a godsend. It has taken me this long to learn about temp stepping and am just loving that aspect so much. Just did 3 bags 190 210 230 and was so nice compared to doing just 1-2 at 230

I am ordering the volcano classic tonight and will be here before the weekend as I really love vaping and read and watched so much about the classic. I will get the hybrid next year just for now the classic will be fine as i only use balloons and cost as am new to it all.

See the thing is guys I feel so much younger and healthy now and wish I got into vaping sooner. My quality fo life has changed so much and I do not feel ill now from the smoke.

Highly recommend getting the Ddave mod for your Arizer, personally I wouldn't even bother with the volcano after getting the mod piece 😂 but that's just me.


Well-Known Member
Highly recommend getting the Ddave mod for your Arizer, personally I wouldn't even bother with the volcano after getting the mod piece 😂 but that's just me.

I got the Ddave bowl that sits closer to the heater and use it as much better. I also got the other bowl to use and do elbow hits but I use the balloon system so do not use it atm.


Well-Known Member
Many years ago, I was working at a botanic garden and at the time the police needed certification by a botanist as proof of Cannabis, so every few days officers would carry in bundles often dropping fragments. Wondering what the fuss was about I collected some remnants and rolled a joint, and there began my obsession with the sacred herb.


Try hard noob
Hi all,

Reposting because I'm a space cadet and couldn't find this thread last night.

I'm Martin and I just wanted to say elo and introduce myself.

I've been vaping nic and herb for about 5 years. I use the legacy pro, angus, iq2, tm2 and pax. I also had a firefly 2 until I cracked the glass trying to clean it :(

The tm2 is probably my favourite of those but it's a tough call.

The first vaporiser I bought was many years ago, a volcano, as a gift for a client. :rofl: It was cool but a bit of a faff. Since discovering portable vapes, Ive fallen down the rabbit hole.

I use a mini flower mill to grind and I love it, such a cute little thing and the result is soooo fluffy, like bunny pollen.

I love your forum, I've lurked for quite a while and got some really great info. Thank you!


cantre member
Hi, I'm Troy and I'm a potahloic, been smokin since high (hehe) school out of an amazing array of McGuivered household items since the 70s.
1st tried a friends volcano a few yrs ago, bags aren't for me. Been doing oil carts and dabs sparsley for a few years but won't give up the flower. Upped my usage recovering from shoulder surgery and was coughing a lot so the wife was going down the cbd rabbit hole and got me a V3 pro, that was this April, We now have 3 v3's 2 Ones and 1 Airvape legacy Steampunk. maybe a 2nd steampunk, maybe angus or lobo, still researching.
any way, I've been boardski online since '96 so thought budski was appropriate. I've been on ski and snowboard forums for a long time but lucky you, I discovered Fuck Combustion and it's my new fav. still falling down the rabbit hole and my wallet hurts. Snowboard acquisition syndrome is a thing too so I'm just addiction swapping in a mobius loop.


New Member
Hello, I'm greebled. Was introduced to smoking at the age of 15, but admittedly it was rare for me to smoke then. I had decided to wait until I'd turned 18 to smoke whatever I defined as often. When COVID hit, I was finishing my senior year of high school, and within a month I saw myself smoking on a weekly basis. I found out about dry herb vaping from Reddit and purchased a Fury Edge, along with the dosing caps. I loved how little cannabis you'd have to use to get an effect and being able to take the AVB to make edibles. But as I moved into different social circles, vaporizing my weed fell by the wayside because smoking seemed more convenient. Now I'm at a different point in my life and I just received my XQ2 a few days ago. Absolutely loving it. Glad to be back.
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