Where does one start? "In the beginning God created...", nah, that's a bit far back to start, even for me.

So let me pariphrase another scripture that says something like that the tendencies (sins) of the parrents can be continued through the children into the 3rd and 4th generation. So that sounds like a good place to start. My great great grandmother (on my dads side) lived from 1833-1911 and was a 'full blooded' Cherokee native americian. That makes me the 4th generation and my mom swears that it's the native american in me that causes my tendency to inhale from the 'peace pipe'. We have a family photo of Granny with her pipe, but I can't figure out how to insert it without a URL.
Anyway, fast forward to Nov., 1993. That's when I sold everything I owned and moved to Amsterdam to follow my dream of growing premium flowers without the fear and paranoia of that knock on the door I had experianced for the previous 3 years, growing in Mississippi. 4 1/2 years later I got that knock on the door, but lets just say that Amsterdam Police are nice. I made the right decission to move!
Shortly after I got settled in I met another American ex-pat in The Hash Museum giving out free tokes of 'vaporized' weed. Eagle Bill, is what he said his name was and that he was a Cherokee indian medicine man, so needless to say, we hit it off. It was Eagle Bill that I give full credit to for my wonderful intro into the vaping world. That HUGE water pipe and the heat gun he used to heat the flower, SWEET MEMORIES! The picture above my member name is of Eagle Bill. He is also credited with 'inventing' the Shake-N-Vape pipe and a father of modern vaporizing. I will always treasure the hours at parties and days just hanging out with Eagle Bill and learning about vaporizing from and with him. RIP Eagle Bill Amato, born Frank William Wood (1942-2005).
In Apr, 1998 I got the knock and was deported back to the US. Not because of the 900+ plants they were there to destroy, but because I had not left the country for 93 days and was 3 days past my 90 day 'visitor' visa. 2 days later I was deported, charges dropped and landing in NY as a free man. Whew, that was close.......!
Now I'll fast forward to 2010, I got my AZ MMC and about the same time I was invited by another old friend from Amsterdam, Todd McCormick, to come visit him in Cali. It was there that Todd intoduced me to an e-nail and modern BHO vaping.
https://agseedco.com/ Thanks Todd, I haven't been the same since... LOL!
Today I am once again growing 100% of the flowers I vape and am the proud owner of my SB Plenty, Solo 2, e-nail and center down tube water pipe.
Here is a link to my favorite water pipe. Trimming bowl, BVV vac chamber and dry ice sleeved extraction tube, 7 ton Dytek Rosin press and dry sift screens.
My wife and I have been living in Colorado for the past 3 years and love it, ...and yes, I now carry a Colorado MMC, but that's another story. I'm 65 and enjoying retired life WITHOUT the fear of 'that knock' at the door anymoor!
Keep vaping!
N2 (Tom)