Police accountability will never come directly from the citizenry. It has to come from Government (who we elect), LE management (who we hire) and the courts who are the ultimate arbiters. Authorizing individual citizens to make the decision as to when it is OK to fire on LEOs is only gonna result in more gunfire and more deaths on both sides.
I am not saying that police are accountable today, I also believe the opposite is true. But laws like this will make it worse, not better. Fixing this is the job of Government and the courts.
I was mostly joking. But... I don't see any accountability coming from any of the institutions you just mentioned.
What elected officials are gonna do it? The Democrats? In Florida, the two Statewide Democrat candidates this year both ran on "We Love The Cops More Than The Republicans Do!" One of them was a literal cop. A 2020 candidate in the Dem Party Presidential Primary got a bill instituting the first annual "National Cop Appreciation Week" passed...like 2 days before Uvalde.
The Courts? I doubt it. Lots of psychopathic judges out there. And the few times cops are held accountable for their brutality, what happens? The City or County has to pay out a settlement. In other words WE all have to pay for the cops acting like rabid animals.
One idea might be to force these settlements to cop from police pension funds. Keep whittling away at their retirement a bit. Because as it stands, there is no financial incentive for cops not to act insane.