So much things to little time...
SM (or anyone else who cares)-
The HOPS bubs (like the clear one in the video--with no etching though) is the favorite water tool I regularly use (ever used?) to VAPE (the modified Typhubbler and a custom 'maze' stemless (oh and the Luke Wilson sax) are actually close seconds, nonetheless...).
The hops bub hits like you're holding a 2-footer in the palm of your hand (as a matter of fact, a full PD stem almost fills the 3" RooR and just barely overfills the HOPS inline bub)
My favorite option for vaping would be the set-up in the 2nd video (but with a gadget-in-a-gadget base) I posted (the pieces amazingly add no draw).
There is too much to explain off the top of my head, but in a nutshell (will edit if I have time, but I lied last time I said that--at least so far). Here goes...Yes, the inline does break up bubbles giving more contact with water (hence more particle filtration/cooling). However, that is only the tip of the iceberg for the meticulously engineered gadget. As the bubbles are being broken the gases inside the bubbles are stretched (to the point of splitting). As gases expand (or are stretched in this case) they cool (picture steam coming out of a pipe, expanding, and cooling. The inline gadget overshoots the the dome above it on both sides, causing an insane amount of collisions as the bubbles (after being split by the inline) fight to get into the chamber above. Additionally, the bubbles have to fight the falling water in this chamber before entering the wheel in the side (which also acts to collect and concentrate steam in a couple of ways--too little time though).
It does not matter as much how many slits the inline has (IMO, SLITS PERFORM BETTER THAN HOLES--loose women

). Back on track... It is all about everything being in proportion with everything else (many say that hops is the best at this).
I love icy moist hits too, but actually have become fond of the flavor enhancing effect of warm water (assuming the device has the potential to manually cool the vapor enough to make it comfortable),
There is sooo much more, but time there is not (woah, I turned into Yoda for a second...)
Oh yeah, Clear Dome: I have some ideas about post production parts that could drastically increase the performance of the Extreme (when I have more time, I'll post them in your glass thread--or the Extreme thread--if you prefer). Your lamp-working is RAPIDLY progressing (keep it up). Welding/cutting pre-made pieces like they are in the inlines is definitely not easy. Ty for trying to help the monkey find one.
Toke it easy