Luke - email me your name and let me see if I can find out what's up with your order
UrDoinItWrong said:Ugh...picked up my V 3.0 today and it seems like it's not hot enough. I already had a "trusty" 2.0 that I had recently got back from a complementary repair (again). I unplugged it to plug in the new wand...discovered the new wand didn't work right (VT settings appear different than working wand I already had) I go to plug back in my older wand and NO LIGHT...IT DIED RIGHT THEN. lol, wtf, I have terrible luck with these things. I'm using a surge protector too. I swear to god if I have to contact Mark again (who is always cool) he's going to assume I'm a scammer or something!! ARrrggg, Stonemonkey, how easy is it to open one of these up to turn up the VT settings?
UrDoinItWrong said:Got my 3.0 to produce good vapor, it requires a slightly different draw rate/technique than my 2.0 wand.
Still, my duff isn't that dark.....although when I try to re-vape it in my Genie it doesn't produce much more vapor at perhaps the new wand is just vaping it with less oxidation therefore making my duff lighter in appearance.
noSmoke, glad to hear someone else is killing wands left and right. I wonder what is so fragile about the element that it keeps popping...I was going to even try a better surge protector. Oh well. It really is the best vape, nothing gets me more baked. It's a shame. I will keep trying! (unless the cloud trumps it)
UrDoinItWrong said:noSmoke, glad to hear someone else is killing wands left and right. I wonder what is so fragile about the element that it keeps popping...I was going to even try a better surge protector. Oh well. It really is the best vape, nothing gets me more baked. It's a shame. I will keep trying! (unless the cloud trumps it)
ShadowVape said:Sorry for the long absence guys our in-house customer service needs have been off the hook because sales have been off the hook and there is only so much of me to go around you know? Mark has asked me to check in and make sure everything was straight on FC because StoneMonkey said it was time (well and Mark included it in the job description)! So it looks like we have a couple of users with some issues to sort out creating posts that sort of make it sound like we're having all kinds of problems (we're not) so to give some statistically significant clarification to the post here I asked Mark to look at the tech log and compare to sales on the 2.0s since we're not selling them anymore and figure out just exactly how many issues we had with those units as a percent basis. The magic number: just under eight percent of the total number of VHW 2.0s sold have been serviced either under warranty or by paid element replacement service to date. Not spectacular, but not horrible either given the upside of the highest quality vapor extracted and delivered if used correctly period (sorry to fans of other products...all good....just speaking the actual vapor quality truth here/As Mark always says the best vaporizer is the one you'll actually use but when it comes to vapor quality we've staked our claim and back it). To be clear, some of those where repeats with the same customers, presumably heavier users and/or users who are intent on plugging into outlets with poor or non-existant grounds or rough power. We had a a handful of repeat problems with users who later admitted they where not using surge protectors with surge suppression (as recommended) and when did no longer had problems (go figure). And at least two customers who still had a problem even with a surge protector and who went to a voltage regulator to be sure (one of them sure that they would still have a problem proving the problem was ours) more problem....just condensed broad spectrum moisture and ice conditioned aromatic vapor love. Damn I love typing that....
So getting to the 3.0s, which do in fact as Stinkmeaner has pointed out feature an upgraded element that is unlike any element used in the industry (see previous posts for more info on the difference between the 3.0's integrated circuit element and the 2.0s nichrome coil element as used on many other vaporizers), WE HAVE HAD EXACTLY ONE FAILED 3.0 ELEMENT!!!! And it wasn't a production unit it was a prototype used by one of Mark's bros who also went through three 2.0s in as many months until Mark got him on the 3.0 proto and when he fried that Mark finally started asking questions: i.e. what else is on that same circuit breaker??? The answer: some high powered lights that go on and off often at times that the wand is plugged in...and the location? An old house in the Sunset district of San Fran with far less than steller wiring. So now that that is clarified (Mark's bro by the way is now using a voltage regulator and a production 3.0 with no issues to date) all I can say is that we'll happily inspect the two units it sounds like will be coming back to us from FC users and repair or replace if they turn out to be #2 and #3. However, I should clarify here that ADJUSTING THE VARIABLE TRANSISTORS ON THE BOARD TECHNICALLY INVALIDATES THE WARRANTY UNLESS YOU DID IT WITH OUR PERMISSION AND INSTRUCTION WHICH WE WOULD HAVE NEVER GIVEN ON A 3.0 BECAUSE THE 3.0S DO NOT NEED OR BENEFIT FROM SUCH AN ADJUSTMENT. I'm sure Mark will tell me to just take care of BLOJUGGERNAUT under warranty anyway even if it appears the problem was casued by the adjustment that shouldn't have been made because that's what Mark does to maintain his mission of superior vapor for all. But please not make any adjustments to the variable transistors on the will not benefit. Instead follow the instructions to the T including the part about pre-heating, keeping the wand sealed in the intake throughout a couple of slow primer draws and the primary draws. Also, to be clear the load carcass as we lovingly refer to the spent herbs around here should be evenly light browned only...dark browning means you're slow smoking/ hybrid vapor/smoking. You'll notice that a benefit to the sequential venturi design of our VCBs and the vortex flow form function of the directed intakes on the VHW enable a very condensed but still clean aromatic vapor WITHOUT TURNING THE HERBS DARK BROWN OR CREATING DARK BROWN "HOT SPOTS" AS SEEN ON MANY OTHER VAPORIZERS. This is by design and a requirement if you want superior vapor quality.
We have now sold somewhere in the neighborhood of 300 of the new 3.0s and have had a few customers not properly follow the instructions and insist it wasn't getting hot enough just as we are used too with many new customers from the 2.0s. The majority of those customers figured it out with the tips given on our step by step page VHW direction set after they where emailed to them, but so far two have sent their wands back for evaluation and one of them has already been evaluated by Mark and I: in fact, we took video of us blowing thick blue Vapor with it and posted it in private for the customer to check. The customer has now admitted that the mistake he made was pulling the wand tip in and out of the intake to look at the herb instead of keeping it sealed until a couple of easy primer draws could get it going. The customer is now beyond stoked (as are all of our customers who take the time to get dialed in and give us a chance to help if necessary) and has said that "NOTHING COMPARES NOW THAT I KNOW HOW TO USE THIS THING RIGHT!" And then goes on to say 'THANKS FOR THE GREAT CUSTOMER SERVICE SHADOWVAPE AND SORRY FOR THE IMPATIENCE....I JUST COULDN'T WAIT TO GET TO THOSE VAPORS AND KEPT PULLING IT OUT TO TAKE A LOOK." Let's hope he doesn't say anything like that to his lady!!!
It's all Love here guys and while we do our best to be clear on the order page that this approach to vapor isn't for everyone we'll work with everyone who buys one until they are beyond satisfied. So NoSmoke or UrDoingItWrong or whichever one of you was giving up and sick of the me on this, we'll take care of you if you just contact us and ask. Since your an FC member Mark has even authorized his personal mobile # be given so you can talk to him yourself since he is always traveling and not always email capable. And to anyone else posting about problems please feel free to do so as we want the truth here, BUT PLEASE ALSO DO US THE JUSTICE OF POSTING THE RESULTS OF WHEN YOUR PROBLEM IS SOLVED AND YOU'RE INHALING THE SAME BLUE VAPORS WE ARE AND ARE INCLINED TO FORGET ANY PROBLEMS EVER EXISTED LET ALONE WHERE POSTED ON A FORUM SOMEWHERE!!!
I respectfully ask this of you because of two really good reasons (among many others):
1. VripTech is one of the main income sources for Mark and how he not only pays me, but also how he provides for his family and there is a tendency to have only the problems (a gross minority of our customers) and not the solutions or the compliments posted because the solutions lead to ridiculous vapor quality that makes any problems just fade away, ( carrys alot of weight when customers are choosing what vaporizer to buy...don't forget or take for granted the power you wield here members!) and 2. Simple OG RESPECT! Mark was pushing vapor back in the '90s when virtually no one was (not with a vaporizer that actually worked anyway) and VripTech is a big part of why there is the industry there is now and even a reason for today!!! We enjoy a high 90 percentile customer loyalty rate for a reason: once dialed in on our system it's hard to use any other even with the complications simply because of the vapor quality attainable. If we could sit with everyone of you and dial you in in person I GUARANTEE WITH 100% CERTAINTY YOU WOULD BE AS THE MAJORITY OF OUR CUSTOMERS ARE: STOKED ON VAPOR OF A QUALITY THAT IS OFTEN CALLED "LIFE CHANGING"....To say nothing of what Mark would be packing or would have given me to pack!