Hey there, My name is Lois, I'm from Spain, so my english isn't very good, I'd like to apologize in advance for any misspeled word, also, I'm not sure if I should be posting what I'm about to post here, or if I should create a new thread elsewere, if thats the case please tell me

I have been reading the forum for a couple weeks, wich is the time my current Vrip broke, it broke in a wierd way, I hit(not to hard, but it sounded awful) my bong with the tip of the wand and the inner coil broke, it is still useable but I don't do it beacause it has a lot more of airflow now and can't get that dense vapor that I loved.
The thing is that I'm in the looking for a new vaporizer or a new Vrip. As I said, I live in Spain, and when I first broke the magic wand the first thing I did was looking for a spare chamber, I found a place where they sell it for around 130€, also found another shop to buy a new Vrip for 199€. After checking those prices I also thought about checking out new vaporizers, and thats how I found this place, wich is wonderful btw.
I'll start saying that I loved, I mean really loved my Vrip, I find it easy to use, and it suits my needs, I use a chinesse small bowl with a simple EHLE bong, and I never weight my herb but I'd say it works with small ammounts, get diferent results with diferent strains, and I adjust the temp depending of what I'm vaping, I think my unit had the heater a little bit stronger than the one I saw in the picks of this thread, as I usually run herbs at maybe 50% as much, and can run extractions at 70% or so. The first hit is just beautiful, then stir, a second hit also wonderful, stir, and a third not that good but still I like it. When doing extractions I just can't believe it, sometimes I lost count of the number of tasty mouthwatering hits that I can get with a small amount of isolator.
That being said I'm guessing that anyone that reads this would be thinking "dude just repair your Vrip or get a new one beacause that magical wand is for you and you know it" and thats what I think, but during this weeks research i saw a lot of good reviews of vapes, and I have considered other vaporizers, to be specific the ones that I considered are the E-nano and the Vapexhale Evo. I even saw that Shadowvape(I understand is the CEO of Vrip) said that the vapexhale is a very good vaporizer and he can recomend it to someone that looks for a good taste all cristal path with a little bit more durability, and as for the e-nano I readed that it works with small amounts, is small, its beautiful(IMO) and I read it can get tasty clouds(comparable to the vrip).
In my home I'm the only one that vapes, and I do it only at night, not even everyday, with the Vrip, I usually get extremely medicated with 1 charge of the bowl(As i said is a small bowl, I can post a picture if you want) sometimes 2 charges, depending on the strain, that is good and bad, its good beacause I use less to get there(wich I really don't care as I grow my own stuff and have more than enough), its bad beacause I really like tasting the vapor and I get so stoned that doesn't even cross my mind to refill the bowl. So, considering that, I thought that the E-nano could be as good as the Vrip in terms of taste, and yet be a little bit more robust and beautiful sitting in the living room table, wich is the only thing I don't like about the vrip(wich in my case rest on a silicone cake mold) I'm no so sure about the vapexhale as I think that the chamber where the herb goes seems a little to big, and I woudn't like to waste more than I need neither I'd like to vape more than I need.
The money factor is important but not a dealbreaker, I like that I can buy the vrip here in Spain, and the same goes for the EVO, thats a drawback with the enano, but I think I read that they ship globally so I guess thats not that important either.
So thank you for reading, and if someone can give me some advice that can push me in the right direction I'd be very grateful.