coma-boy said:
smoknaces said:
I think anyone who doesnt believe that the volcano is the best unit in terms of vapor delivery is probably in denial of some sort.
Too true. The only reason that everyone doesn't love Canos is the price. Although you'll hear all sorts of alternative reasons from those in denial.
After an exhausting couple of weeks trying many, many alternatives,
I can conclude that nothing else comes close.
A conclusion is the place where we decide to stop thinking (paraphrase).
Or, maybe, just maybe, not everyone thinks as you guys do. Maybe not everyone values the same things in vaporizers that you guys do. Or, maybe, using your logic, you guys need to justify the money you've spent. I bet you guys equate quality and value with price. So you just went for the most expensive vaporizer you could find.
I'm just turning it around on you so that hopefully you can see how ridiculous your statement was.
So you only spent two weeks trying alternatives? How many exactly? I've been vaporizing over 5 years. My first experience was with a Volcano. Actually my first two experiences were Volcanos. It was quite cool. After another bout of bronchitis (which I have not had since switching to vapor) I stopped smoking (mostly). Being that the Volcano was the only one I had tried, I looked into it first. What I immediately realized was the Volcano was absolutely impractical for my needs. How do I hide it quickly? Where do I store it for easy access? If someone sees it, how do I explain it away? "Oh, that's my spaceship paperweight."

There were a bunch of concerns revolving around stealth, mainly.
My first vaporizer cost 300 bucks. The Supreme Vaporizer, which hits much better than the Volcano in my opinion. About 3 or 4 years later I bought an Iolite for $250. Then I discovered FC and a few months after buying the Iolite I bought Launch Box for ~$75. A couple of months later I bought a MyrtleZap for $160. (edit: I also bought a Launch Box for a friend's b-day two weeks ago, $100)
So in just a few months I've spent almost the cost of a Volcano. My overall vape purchases exceeds the cost of the Volcano. So, tell me again how the price of the Volcano influenced my decision?
And I'll tell you, I think all of my choices are better for me than the Volcano.
But I'm probably lying about all of that because you already know what goes on in "everyone's" head.
If you pay attention around FC you'll see I am not an aberration. Quite a few members have purchased multiple vaporizers. Some even buy more than one of the same kind. I think there are many factors in why some don't choose the Volcano. Surely price is one of those. But not the only or even the overriding factor.